Sowing results 8 out of 8
Mini-games hackaton
  19 Nov - 10:00 AM
  Gent, Belgium
Gaming hackers! Come and participate in the Mini-games hackathon. If you have an idea for a video game then this is the event for you. Use the OJOO Unity framework to create your mini game that can be integrated in the OJOO App & Studio. Sign up today for your chance to compete with like-minded game developers for a chance to win €1000.
VR Hackathon Mons
  18 Nov - 06:00 PM
  Mons, Belgium
Passionate about virtual reality? Technocité, the University of Mons and the Microsoft Innovation Center invite you to participate in VR Hackathon Mons. This hackathon is based on the "Mons 3D" project, whose goal is to develop a realistic 3D model of the city of Mons. Collaborate with like-minded VR enthusiasts and help bring Mons to life in a 3D model. Your only limit is that you use the Mons city data provided.
Journée De La Mobilité Connectée - #JDMC 16
  16 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Lille, France
Interested in the Internet of Things and mobility solutions? Sign up to participate in Journée De La Mobilité Connectée - #JDMC 16. This is a day that is 100% dedicated to IOT & Data Mobility. Bring your skills and creativity to design and build multi-modal solutions based on connected technologies and smart mobility, which reflect eco-responsibility.
Hackathon Mers et Océans
  27 May - 08:30 AM
  Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
This is a creative day based around the sea. Get the opportunity to share, create, discover, and have fun with other people. It will be a memorable day! At "Oceans and Seas", you will get to propose new solutions, concepts (services, products) in areas such as shellfish, sea, tourism, beach, marine animals, ecology, pleasure, offshore energy, water sports ...
Hackathon Mers et Océans
  27 May - 12:00 AM
  Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
Journée de créativité autour des mers et des océans
Startup Weekend Ghent 2016 - Food Innovation
  06 May - 06:30 PM
  Ghent, Belgium
54 Hours Hackathon for Testing your innovative Idea for the Food System. You will learn the basics of founding and launching a successful startup while solving real problems we face in the food industry. Pitch your idea, form a team around an idea, get coached by experts, and win amazing prizes!
Mapps For Ghent Hackathon
  19 Mar - 09:00 AM
  Gent, Belgium
For this edition of Apps For Ghent you will focus on geodata and maps. There are two types of participants. One to be taking part in the "from scratch hackaton", where you will have to start with nothing and produce a tangible, working (web)application or visualisation by noon, and the other one to be taking part in the "showcase" where you will prepare ahead, continue to work during the hackathon and pitch your concept, prototype, idea to the jury. You may also attend the afternoon program as a visitor and see what the contestants have come up with.
Citizens of Wallonia Hackathon
  04 Mar - 06:00 PM
  Mons, Belgium
A 48-hour Hackathon dedicated to Smart Cites in partnership with IBM, Cronos and UMONS, and with the support of Wallonia Digital (Digital Agency), FOREM, the House Enterprise, Cetic and Creative Valley. Open to students, teachers, contractors, start-ups, etc. You will be provided with the technology support of IBM and access to Open Data to create new uses through digital technology and develop applications to that will service the well-being of citizens the 2.0 University, and accelerate workflow.