Showing results 1 to 10 out of 22
  05 Dec - 02:00 PM
  Lens, France
Envie de développer ou faire émerger un projet dans la culture ?  Prêt à participer à une expérience de nuit blanche unique ?  Cet hackathon est fait pour toi !! Le principe ?  Pendant 24 heures, des artistes, des designers, des passionnés de culture, des codeurs, des entrepreneurs, des étudiants, etc s’associent à un porteur de projet pour faire émerger et/ou booster une idée. Un jury composé d’experts et d’acteurs du monde économique distinguera les meilleurs projets qui seront soutenus par la suite dans leur réalisation. L’organisation ? Vous vivrez pendant 24h dans le cadre exceptionnel du Louvre Lens.  Amène un sac de couchage, un ordinateur, ta créativité et ta motivation ... ! Nous, on s'occupe du reste ! Une communauté dédiée pendant 24 heures Pendant 24h, des coachs, mentors, experts, … se mettent à votre service  et s’appuient sur des méthodes et outils collaboratifs pour faire émerger des projets viables, porteurs de sens et création de valeur !  LE PROGRAMME DES 24H Mardi 5 Décembre 2017 13h30 : ACCUEIL @La Scène 14h : BIENVENUE @La Scène 14h30 : PITCHS @La Scène 16h : FORMATION DES EQUIPES AUTOUR DES PROJETS @Musée 16h15 : WARM-UP @ Musée 16h30 : ICE-BREAKER PAR EQUIPE 17h : AU BOULOT ! 19h : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM (20 MIN) 19h30 : BUFFET 21h30 : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM (20 MIN) A partir de 22h : COACHING INDIVIDUEL DES EQUIPES **** Des surprises ****    Mercredi 6 décembre 2017 6h30 : ON SE REVEILLE !! 7h : PETIT-DEJEUNER 8h : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM 10h30 : ATELIER PITCHS AVEC LES COACHS 11h30 : DÉJEUNER 13h30 : DEPLACEMENT 14h00 à 16h00 : CLÔTURE @LA SCENE LES PRIX PRIX « USEFULL DATAS » Le projet qui permet la meilleure utilisation des données pour créer de la valeur sur le territoire PRIX « NEW TOURISM XPERIENCE» Le projet qui propose la meilleure innovation en matière de tourisme PRIX « BIG IMPACT » Le projet à plus fort impact économique pour le territoire PRIX « I LOVE INNOV » Le projet coup de cœur du jury A GAGNER : L'incubation ou l'accélération et l'accompagnement de votre projet pendant 4 moisUne expérimentation sur le terrainL'accès à un appel à projets Et plein d'autres prix à découvrir !!
      01 Dec - 05:00 PM
      Brussels, Belgium
    LifeTech Brussels, MLOZ, Partena & HealthCare Futurists are organising an entrepreneur venue specially dedicated to the fields of Life Science, Medicine and Healthcare. - The Continuum of Care 2017 is a hackathon for everyone passionate about disrupting health care with progressive ideas, creative thinking and active doing. Why We believe that innovation is magic that happens when people with no blinders on and from different backgrounds meet in a stimulating environment to dedicate time to a specific field of interest. For us, this is health-care. This is why we are trying to create the perfect ecosystem where we think we will see innovation happen right in front of us. Our goal is to provide you with the best minds and tangible challenges to really make a difference in healthcare and patient care. Who is behind We are a small group of dedicated individuals who crave for excellence and innovation in healthcare, life sciences and medicine. We bring a considerable number of years in the industry and in patient care to the table. With this background, we have teamed up with partners from politics and industry to make our vision real: Patient empowerment and patient centricity. What is the goal of is a hackathon and a networking venue. Our goal is to bring bright minds and great ideas together in a stimulating environment. We want people to interact and interchange ideas, thoughts, and wishes and beliefs for this is the cradle to new entrepreneurial endeavours. We want you to interact with each other on eye level and we want the participants to be able to go out after this event and start founding their own company in health-care. FAQs What should I bring to the event? Ideally, bring your laptop and charger. WIFI will be provided for free at the venue. You will also need your printed ticket or an ID-card to get in. Other than that you just need a fresh mind and the passion to get involved and do. Where can I contact the organiser with any questions? You will find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on our website: For other questions, please contact us via Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Unfortunately, your ticket is not transferrable. What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? Please have a look here: Parking space will be provided for free in the basement.
        17 Nov - 05:00 PM
        Loos, France
      All who are interested in fighting respiratory diseases -- patients, health professionals, students, and professionals! You're invited to participate in RespirH@cktion -- the first hackathon dedicated to respiratory diseases. In this 48-hour event, you'll be challenged to collaborate on helping find ways to advance one of 15 innovative digital projects that improve the management and care of patients with respiratory diseases.
      The Future of Shopping Hackaton
        14 Oct - 11:00 AM
        Gent, Belgium
      Retail and eCommerce enthusiasts in Belgium! Think you can design an awesome shopper experience? In The Pocket -- the digital product studio -- invites you to participate in The Future of Shopping Hackathon. You'll be challenged to use technologies such as AR/VR, IoT, Beacons, Social Commerce, etc. to design and prototype a winning shopper experience -- leverage Google's AdWords and Ingenico’s payment APIs to show the judges that your project's the best.
      The ArcelorMittal Challenge - Hack4Steel
        15 Sep - 07:00 PM
        Gent, Belgium
      Take part in the very first hackathon of ArcelorMittal Belgium, taking place on September 15, 16 and 17 in Ghent. You’ll be given 48 hours to come up with a creative solution to an industry based conundrum given to you on the first day of the event. Main theme throughout our Challenge is ‘Smart factory’ and ‘Industry 4.0’.  What can be expected? Visualization (3D, Virtual Reality), Artificial intelligence (Big Data, Point cloud, Noise cancelling, Neural networks), App development (Performance, IOT) What's in it for you? Up to 8.500€ in prize money, experts at hand & of course a healthy dose of fun moments.  Who can participate? The event is open to students and young entrepreneurs (non-ArcelorMittal employees) with a strong interest in IT, design,... By registering to the event you accept the Terms and Conditions. Our partners?
        Datakamp - Hackday 1
          15 Jul - 02:00 PM
          Gent, Belgium
        Bataclan goes Dataclan! This years social experiment has internet privacy in it's cross hairs. Our resident hackers will harvest data with permission of the participating audience. And will present this data to you to do something creative with it. - Let's set up a conference call with all participants. - Write a script that faceswaps embarrasing pictures - Find our visitors tinder/two/facebook profile. - Find the most 'avarage' visitor - Do something with all the logged WiFi traffic. We provide: - Wireless - Power - chair/table - A metric shit-ton of data you have permission to play with. Feel free to hang out, join the brainstorm, play with the code and the data. A three day hackathon without prizes. Come over in the afternoon, feel welcome from 14, but no worries if you're a bit later. Bring your laptop , good vibes and a fresh bucket of shenanigans. Pre-event funzeroos : join the slack brainstorm ->
          Datakamp - Hackday 0
            14 Jul - 02:00 PM
            Gent, Belgium
          Bataclan goes Dataclan! This years social experiment has internet privacy in it's cross hairs. Our resident hackers will harvest data with permission of the participating audience. And will present this data to you to do something creative with it. - Let's set up a conference call with all participants. - Write a script that faceswaps embarrasing pictures - Find our visitors tinder/two/facebook profile. - Find the most 'avarage' visitor - Do something with all the logged WiFi traffic. We provide: - Wireless - Power - chair/table - A metric shit-ton of data you have permission to play with. Feel free to hang out, join the brainstorm, play with the code and the data. A three day hackathon without prizes. Come over in the afternoon, feel welcome from 14, but no worries if you're a bit later. Bring your laptop , good vibes and a fresh bucket of shenanigans. Pre-event funzeroos : join the slack brainstorm ->
            ELIXIR Green Use Case BYOD: BrAPI
              30 May - 09:30 AM
              Ghent, Belgium
            The main aim of this event is to showcase the potential of FAIR data in the context of plant research and  a hackathon on how to make the interoperability platform within the plant domain (BrAPI) FAIR re-using  the general accepted MIAPPE standards and assessing data validation with ISA-TOOLS.
              Tech'Office Hackathon - Make Your Office Great Again
                28 Apr - 06:00 PM
                Mons, Belgium
              Tech'Office Hackathon Make Your Office Great Again Tu es étudiant et tu as envie d'améliorer ton lieu de travail : ton bureau, ta chambre ou encore ton lieu de stage ?Tu as envie de développer un projet sur ce thème durant un weekend sympa au MIC ? Et bien justement, le weekend du 28, 29, 30 avril 2017, le Microsoft Innovation Center organise un hackathon pour les étudiants de tout horizon ... tu es le bienvenu et tes amis aussi ! :-) Avant toute chose Pour un hackathon, une équipe pluridisciplinaire est importante ! En général elle se composera de 4 - 5 personnes, par exemple 3 dev, un designer et une personne capable de pitcher et de "vendre" le projet. Cette année, le thème du Hackathon est simple : Améliorer ton environnement de travail grace à la technologie. Aucune restriction technologique Toi et ton équipe pourrez programmer dans le langage que vous voulez, avec vos outils préférés et réaliser ce dont vous avez envie: une app mobile, un site web, un software embarqué dans un composant électronique, ... Commence déjà à préparer tes idées et surtout, n'oublie pas d'en parler à tes amis ! Matériel N'oublie pas de prendre ton PC et le matos nécessaire pour que tu puisses bosser (une souris, un casque, etc.) Le MIC mettra également à disposition du matériel de prototypage : Hololens Surface Raspberry Pi Arduino Etc. Infos pratiques L'événement aura lieu tout le weekend.Tu peux rester dormir dans nos locaux (prévoie ton sac de couchage et un matelas gonflable).Nous sommes aussi équipés d'une douche ;-) Le MIC offre la nourriture et les boissons ! À bientôt au MIC :) Besoin de plus d'infos ? Contacte Thomas :
                React Native 101 Hackathon!
                  28 Apr - 01:00 PM
                  Gent, Belgium
                Hey Folks, We’re throwing a last minute React Native 101 Hackathon, this Friday afternoon at Co.Station Gent! An introduction into Mobile React Native by our gentleman-expert Claudio, hands-on, get creative and ask all the questions. Short background: React was developed by Facebook and Instagram and is becoming very popular, being used by Netflix, Imgur, Bleacher Report, Feedly, Airbnb, Walmart and millions more. Seats for this event are FREE but VERY LIMITED, so full is full, chaps and chapettes! Some basic coding knowledge is required, we’ll help you out. See you on Friday!