Showing results 11 to 13 out of 13
Apps For Ghent X - Hack The Mobility
20 Mar - 07:00 PM
Gent, Belgium
10 jaar Apps For Ghent kan maar één ding betekenen! Een feesteditie! Dit jaar gaan we all the way!
    hackAtech. Shake science. Shape innovation.
    05 Mar - 05:30 PM
    Lille, France
    Envie de créer votre startup deeptech ? Participez à la première édition du hackAtech organisé par Inria Lille - Nord Europe !
      Hack4Health Inspirational pre-event Ghent
      18 Feb - 06:00 PM
      Ghent, Belgium
      Healthcare hackers in Belgium! Are you interested in participating in Hack4Health on March 13-15 at the Flanders Expo in Ghent? Would you like to find out more? If so, come to a hackathon pre-event in Ghent. You'll learn about the hackathon challenges and attend your choice of a workshop on Design Thinking or Brainstorm Techniques.