Showing results 31 to 40 out of 54
Hack The Office
03 Jun - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
If you like APIs, Slack, Trello, IFTTT, and using bots to create and automate tasks, you might enjoy our hackathon, Hack the Office. It runs from June 3-5 and the idea is to create the smart assistant of tomorrow to make our work lives better. There’ll be APIs, €10,000 in prizes and many other surprises.
Hackathon Hub'Eau
01 Jun - 09:00 AM
Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
This hackathon is for IT developers, policy makers and stakeholders in the field of water and environment. In short, for anyone wishing to access critical information in the field of water, in order to exploit these in the fields and by the most varied uses. It aims to test the API Hub'Eau to help us improve and to respond to needs. Hub'Eau will offer an innovative service of open-data, through a simplified and functional access to API base, ensuring the best performance for the availability of the data. This hackathon aims to offer data access on fish, water service and sanitation indicators, chemical quality of rivers and piezometry. Other data will be progressively integrated.
Hackathon Anti-pollution
27 May - 12:00 AM
Paris, France
The Anti-pollution Hackathon is inviting all coders, Graphic designers, UX, and Contractors to develop a complete a product in 48 hours that will resolve modern pollution problems. This is a broad topic to code on so you are free to let your creativity go wild. Come meet the needs of private users (startups, service developers, consultants, ...) and/or public (local authorities, State services ...) and leave with products that are full of innovation!
Hackathon l'innovation frugale au service de la "Smart" Food et Agriculture
26 May - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Come to this hackathon as an individual or as a team to propose and build innovative projects in the field of Smart Food and Agriculture!
Culturathon 2016
29 Apr - 12:00 AM
Paris, France
The first event of its kind, Culturathon invites writers, coders, artists, athletes to work together to create an app or prototype that transforms the field of sport or culture. The projects will be assessed by a jury and winners will have the chance to hone their idea via the Louvre Lens Vallée incubation program. You’ll also be competing for three prize packs valued at €7000. Partners include Racing Club de Lens, Amazon, and Orange. 48 hours to transform culture and sport with Louvre Lens Vallée.
Learn Do Share Paris 2016
09 Apr - 09:30 AM
Paris, France
Learn Do Share is an OS (Operating System) based on open and collaborative storytelling, play and design that deploys on events, labs, projects and brings together an international community of innovators who believe in the power of creativity. This is an annual three day event for innovators, entrepreneurs, students, professionals, researchers audiovisual sectors of the web, transmedia, video games, design, entertainment, around innovative content and storytelling.
Le Hackathon de L'Education 2016
08 Apr - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
This hackathon event will bring together participants enthusiastic and committed to improve the current educational offer.
In 54 hours you will be sharing ideas, form teams, create a product and launch your start-up. Projects will be judged by a panel of experts at the end of weekend. Whether you have an idea matured and are looking for expert advice or you are curious and motivated to meet the educational challenge this weekend will meet all your expectations!
Hackathon E-santé
08 Apr - 07:00 PM
Levallois-Perret, France
This is a hackathon on E-health, inviting you to come and code for 48 hours and develop e-health implementation to improve the course of care of patients with cancer, using the aid of the ResearchKit technologies and Apple healthKit. The code will be 100% yours and cash prizes are up for grabs!
NET Patient Accelerator, the #ehealth accelerator by Ipsen
08 Apr - 12:00 AM
Levallois-Perret, France
Hackers, designers and startuppers, you're invited to develop your eHealth project with Ipsen thanks to the NET Patient Accelerator. You've got 48h to enhance the journey of the patients suffering from NET cancer!
Cisco DevNet Hackathon
01 Apr - 12:00 AM
Paris, France
This is a 48-hour hackathon organized by Cisco on mobility, energy, IoT and DevNet technos! Developers, makers, designers will be provided with Cisco's new technos - Flare, IoX, DMo, Tropo, EIot etc. but also with many technical sessions to introduce them during a workshop before the hackathon. Join this event to impact the city of tomorrow!