Sowing results 7 out of 7
Inspiratiedag over online projectgebaseerd leren
14 Dec - 10:30 AM
Kortrijk, Belgium
Neem deel en leer hoe je beter online teamwork en projectgebaseerd leren mogelijk maakt
    24 heures pour relocaliser LILLE
    17 Nov - 02:00 PM
    Lille, France
    24 heures pour relocaliser ! Conférences , speed dating, rendez-vous d'affaires et ateliers de travail
      Afterwork Hackathon Communication et Digital
      13 Oct - 05:00 PM
      Tourcoing, France
      Afterwork Hackathon
        Comment booster sa communication en entrepreneuriat ?
        13 Oct - 01:00 PM
        Tourcoing, France
        Comment incarner sa marque ? Comment passer de 0 à 6 000 abonnées en 20 jours sur TikTok ? Comment réussir sa campagne de crowdfunding ?...
          Quelles nouvelles technologies pour gérer son anxiété ?
          11 Oct - 09:00 AM
          Lille, France
          Bienvenue à la Conférence "Quelles nouvelles technologies pour gérer son anxiété ?" organisée dans le cadre du projet IT4Anxiety
            Food Hack: "Que faire pour notre santé et celle de notre planète ?"
            09 Sep - 06:00 PM
            Nivelles, Belgium
            Belgian food and sustainability entrepreneurs and enthusiasts—professionals and just interested citizens! Charleroi Entreprendre & CAP Innove invite you to come and take part in the weekend-long Food Hack. You'll join a team of like-minded individuals and be challenged to conceive and develop innovative solutions that address long-term sustainable health for people and the planet. Your team will pitch your project to a jury of experts for the chance to win recognition, prizes, and the opportunity for the project to be supported by Charleroi Entreprendre & CAP Innove! Visit the hackathon tips page for the best advice on how to participate in the Food Hack!
            Hack in the Woods 2022
            23 Jun - 06:00 PM
            Tournai, Belgium
            European techies and hackers! MIC invites you to participate in Hack in the Woods 2022 to be held at Domaine de Graux in Tournai, Belgium. At this 72-hour event from Thursday to Sunday, you'll get to network with like-minded individuals and code for a better world on challenges issued by the Red Cross, WWF, Greenpeace, Action Damien, Good Planet, and other NGOs. You'll code close to nature -- and sleep in a tipi as you experience the unique mix between festival and hackathon. Access hackathon advice for the Hack in the Woods on our tips page!