Showing results 101 to 110 out of 111
Coding All star - Winter season
15 Feb - 05:00 PM
Paris-1ER-Arrondissement, France
Coding challenge between three teams representing each a coding language: the Python Wizards - the Javascript Ninjas - the Java Cyborgs!
Hackathon Femmes et Lien Social
12 Feb - 08:30 AM
Paris, France
Lady hackers with an interest in social issues! The Women Hackers Action Tank (WHAT) invites you to participate in Hackathon Femmes et Lien Social -- the Women Hackathon and Social Link. You'll be challenged to come up with a digital solution that improves or creates a social link! For example, your solution could help young people in their professional lives, or help integrate seniors into everyday life or help people with disabilities to overcome the challenges they face every day.
Demain Commence Aujourd'hui - Hacking, Fake News, Big Data: Black mirror la réalité demain?
11 Feb - 10:00 AM
Paris, France
Kids and young people -- ages14-20 in the Paris area! Are you concerned about the phenomenon of "Fake News" and want to find ways to make the Internet a safer place? Demain Commence Aujourd'hui invites you to participate in their hackathon event - Hacking, Fake News, Big Data: Black mirror reality tomorrow? You'll get to meet experts in big data and the fight against black hat hackers and then you'll design a software or hardware solution.
Hackathon Volvo Cars #LightingtheWay
06 Feb - 09:00 PM
Paris, France
Réfléchir à la mobilité de demain en inventant de nouvelles solutions pour rendre la voiture plus utile aux gens. Jury Atif Rafiq Volvo Cars, Michelle Gilbert Facebook , Jean de la Rochebrochard Kima Ventures, Rémi Guyot BlablaCar, MArwan Elfitesse Station F, Vincent Puren Maddyness, Nathalie Duneau Volvo Car France. En partenariat avec BFM Business
Corps à corps : Hackathon Danse et VR
03 Feb - 10:00 AM
Paris, France
Cinq équipes de danseurs, chorégraphes, réalisateurs et concepteurs ont 24 heures pour concevoir un projet de réalité virtuelle plaçant le corps au coeur de l'immersion.
HACKATHON. Pepper: a robot for well-being?
02 Feb - 07:00 PM
PARIS, France
Engineers, data scientists, UX designers, marketers! Are you passionate about using technology to make a difference in people's lives? Great -- then SoftBank Robotics Europe invites you to sign up to participate in HACKATHON. Pepper: a robot for well-being! You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative and practical well-being application using Pepper's new Android tablet and IoT.
Hackathon : L'IA au service de l'accessibilité bancaire et numérique
25 Jan - 05:00 PM
Paris, France
Developers, hackers, and other techies interested in artificial intelligence! The Banque Postale Innovation invites you to participate in a 52-hour hackathon with the theme of using artificial intelligence to improve banking and digital accessibility. Compete in a team of like-minded individuals and design and prototype a winning solution. Present your project to a panel of expert judges for a chance to be one of three winners and to share in the cash prize pool.
25 Jan - 09:30 AM
PARIS, France
DESCRIPTION Le développement des LegalTech (entreprises appliquant de nouvelles technologies au droit) et l'ouverture des données relatives à la Propriété Intellectuelle redéfinissent le rapport à la propriété intellectuelle des TPE-PME innovantes. En fédérant une communauté d’innovateurs experts de la propriété intellectuelle, le hackathon PI LEGALTECH permettra d'initier la constitution d'un socle de connaissances et d’applicatifs PI LegalTech ouverts. Programme, en cours  Thèmes des ateliers, en cours 
    Hackathon Justice Lab - Construisez la justice de demain!
    19 Jan - 07:00 PM
    Paris, France
    Developers, designers, and other techies in and around Paris. Are you interested in the use of technology to enable justice and innovation in government? If so, you're invited to participate in the Justice Lab Hackathon! Come as a team or join one at the event. You'll have 48 hours to design and prototype an innovative solution that helps Build the Justice of Tomorrow.
    Demain Commence Aujourd'hui - Téléportation, transplanage, virée dans l’espace : quels moyens de transports en 2030?
    14 Jan - 09:30 AM
    Paris, France
    Kids and young adults -- ages 14-20 years old -- in and around Paris! If you're fascinated by futuristic flying transportation, then you're invited to sign up for Demain Commence Aujourd'hui - Téléportation, Transplanage, Virée dans l’espace (Tomorrow Starts Today - Teleportation, Apparition, Flying in Space). You have two choices! If you dream of starting your own business, then you may participate in a Job Lab. If you like to design and build things, then turn onto the hackathon flight path.