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Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016
01 Jul - 09:00 AM
Basel, Switzerland
Interested in open cultural data? Sign up to attend and participate at the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016. This hackathon brings together people with different backgrounds--programmers, researchers, data providers, designers, artists, and others--who are interested in open cultural data. Participants are invited to interact around specific topics, share experiences, and develop concepts and software prototypes.
Hacking Health Camp
17 Mar - 08:30 AM
Strasbourg, France
This is a 4-day international Hackathon on Health dedicated to breaking down the barriers for innovation in healthcare. This event will bring together health professionals, designers, hackers, makers and entrepreneurs to collaborate and build on interesting new ideas for health innovation. Health professionals, developers and designers will create prototypes based on challenges submitted before the event. Come to learn about medical and technical opportunities and transform into innovation and the next big thing.
Hacking Health Café
02 Feb - 07:30 PM
Strasbourg, France
What are the health trends of tomorrow? Who are the new players? How can we support this movement? Welcome to Hacking Health Café! Each month, discover a panorama of emerging medical innovations to the 4 corners of the world as well as local examples. For inspiration, meet other innovative health and break down barriers. All in a friendly atmosphere. This event is organized for Doctors, Techies, Students, Doctors, Engineers, Patients, Designers, Hospital Managers, Insurers and the month's Theme is Law and Health.
Hacking Health Atelier
12 Jan - 07:30 PM
Strasbourg, France
Do you feel the need to optimize certain medical practices or the care of patients? The Hacking Health Atelier can help you to find an innovative solution! Come express your problems and turn them into challenges to solve. Whether you are a health professional or developer, the workshop is for all those who want to participate, learn and make a change in 50 Hours for innovation in health!