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Climathon Basel 2020
13 Nov - 02:00 PM
Basel, Switzerland
Swiss techies and activists who are interested in combatting climate change! Impact Hub Basel invites you to participate in Climathon Basel 2020--a 24-hour climate action hackathon. Come and collaborate to create solutions to climate issues specific to the Basel area. You and your team can design and prototype an innovative solution to one of the following challenges: #MobilityUpgrade: An upgrade for Basel - Making urban transport even greener? #CoolerCity: How do I make my city "cooler"? #LessWaste: Less waste – more respect Advice on hackathon participation can be found here!
Hackathon: Digital Bathroom - das smarte Badezimmer der Zukunft
01 Apr - 09:00 AM
Schiltach, Germany
IoT Hard- / Softwarechallenge: Digital Bathroom - das smarte Badezimmer der Zukunft. Sei dabei, beim ersten Hansgrohe Hackathon.
    Energy Hackdays 2020
    06 Mar - 09:00 AM
    Brugg, Switzerland
    The fourth edition of the Energy Hackdays is open for registration! Thanks toan ever-growing interest from the Energy sector at large, participating to the Energy Hackdays 2020 will for sure make a difference! Where: Hightech Zentrum Aargau, Badenerstrasse 13, 5200 Brugg When: 6 – 7 March 2020 REGISTER NOW The13 solutionsdeveloped last year and the creation of an Energy Group by the partners 2019, prove that open Hackdays can make a valuable contribution to collaboration, energy efficiency and to our understanding of energy. Let’s build on these results and use energy datato create a sustainable energy future. We will explore, among other, Intelligent Networks, Sector Coupling, Decentralization, Transparency, Energy Efficiency, Electro-Mobility, energy supply security, Consumer Awareness and Empowerment... As always, the Energy Hackdays welcomeall kinds of skills and perspectives: students, data analysts, designers, programmers, experts, creative brainsand many more!