Showing results 1 to 10 out of 58
NUI Day 2016
13 Dec - 09:30 AM
Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Passionnés d'interfaces naturelles, une journée spéciale se prépare pour vous !
Après les Hackathons et Maker Faires, la communauté NUI (Natural User Interfaces) et Microsoft vous proposent une journée dédiée à l’innovation et aux nouveaux usages. Alliant conférences et démos, vous découvrirez comment les entreprises, les geeks, les artistes, les entrepreneurs et les makers s’approprient ces nouveaux outils d’interaction afin de créer les expériences de demain.
Durant cette journée dans le centre de conférences Microsoft nous aborderons :
9h00 - 9h30 Accueil
9h30 - 10h15 Réalité mixte, virtuelle et augmentée. Panorama des technologies et usagesNicolas Calvi - Onepoint, Vincent Guigui - OCTO Technology, Edouard Deslandes - Silkke
10h15 - 11h00 Zoom sur la réalité Mixte et HoloLensFabrice Barbin - Synergiz, Michel Rousseau - Microsoft
11h00 - 11h30 Pause dans zone experientielle
11h30 - 12h15 Technologies cognitives au service des expériences utilisateursJean-Sébastien Dupuy - Microsoft, Jean-Philippe Encausse - VISEO Technologies
12h15 - 13h00 NUI en entreprise : Enjeux et potentiels businessChristophe Solier - GRTGaz, Rémi Sellem - Crédit Agricole SA, Maxime Santos - IPSEN Pharma
13h00 - 14h15 Déjeuner dans zone experientielle
14h15 - 15h00 Les pratiques de créativité en entreprise, comment et pourquoiPathum Bila-Deroussy - Bluenove, Johanna Rowe Calvi - Tarkett
15h00 - 15h45 Vision prospective de la robotique : usages et technologiesRodolphe Hasselvander - Blue Frog Robotics, Christian Verbrugge - Kuka
15h45 - 16h15 Pause dans zone experientielle
16h15 - 17h00 Vision croisée d'un projet au travers des métiers NUIJohanna Rowe Calvi -Tarkett, Chloé Oternaud - Onepoint, Vincent Huet - Freelance, Pierrick Filiatrault - Onepoint, Yan Paquis - Freelance
17h00 - 17h45 IoT : Quels outils pour les makers et les artistesSébastien Warin - Publicis ETO, Samuel N. Bernier - Onepoint
17h45 - 18h00 Q&R, lots
Plus d'informations sur
inscription gratuite obligatoire
SAVE THE DATE - City'zen Bots Hackathon
09 Dec - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
Start-up techies, developers, designers! Interested in the promise of Smart City technology solutions? Here's your chance to showcase your creativity and skills at a Cisco-sponsored Smart City challenge! You'll have 48 hours to supercharge your bot with Cisco technology and then finalize and test its reliability in real conditions on live Smart City data from the city of Paris.
09 Dec - 06:00 PM
Bures-sur-Yvette, France
Developers, students, makers, entrepreneurs! Interested in Smart City and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies? Proto204 invites you to sign up and participate in the URBAN MOVES Hackathon. The Public Planning Authority of Paris-Saclay and Nokia are launching a program to deploy a network of connected objects in the community. Develop an awesome project and your prototype may be chosen to be deployed. If you have a start-up connected object that's applicable to the city, you may win access to FrenchTech IoT and to Nokia Innovation Platform resources.
Hack For Health - Hackathon E-santé
02 Dec - 05:00 PM
Le Havre, France
Healthcare technologists and professionals! Sign up and participate in HackForHealth — an e-health hackathon aimed at promoting innovation, collaboration healthcare technology. Showcase your creativity and skills! Come and develop your ehealth project idea — a prototype app that you think will change medical practice. It could be something for telemedicine, or patient education, or an innovative use of sensors. All ideas are good!
Blue Ocean Awards 2016, les PME françaises créent de nouveaux marchés
30 Nov - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Students, entrepreneurs! Sign up for the 3rd edition of Blue Ocean Awards. Your goal is to build an innovative disruptive offering targeted at one of the hackathon sponsors' markets.
28 Nov - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Women developers, business experts, graphic artists, designers, etc.! Come and participate in the second Women Innovation Hackathon 2016 in Paris, France. Collaborate in solutions that address areas such as health, family, displacements, youth, labor, silver economy, and autonomy. The event promotes technology projects aimed at women and attempts to stimulate productivity.
Hackathon Priorité Client
25 Nov - 07:00 PM
Levallois-Perret, France
HACKATHON AIR FRANCE / 25 au 27 novembre 2016
"48h pour améliorer l'expérience de voyage en cas d'irrégularité !"
Créez un outil pouvant accompagner le voyageur au cours des différentes étapes de son voyage. Imaginez la solution qui saura l’informer en un temps record en cas de contretemps, d’incident ou d’intempéries.
Un set de data des données d’Air France, des cas d’usages réels, récoltés au sein des employés Air France et des technos sont mis à votre disposition pour agrémenter au maximum les projets.
Uro-Tech Challenge @Deauville
25 Nov - 10:00 AM
Deauville, France
eHealth professionals and techies! Come and participate in the Uro-Tech Challenge in Deauville. This is your opportunity to help revolutionize uro-technology. You'll be able to collaborate with the best-of-the-best ehealth practitioners and technicians and compete for awesome prizes. Winning teams will win 3-month placement in an incubator.
Mini Hackathon Startup For Kids
20 Nov - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Kids, aged 9 to 15! Form a team of four and sign up to participate in the Startup For Kids Mini Hackathon. Give free rein to your imagination around a theme that you'll be given at the event. Your team can choose how you wish to address the theme:
»Making an animated object
»Write a story (illustrated or not)
»Creating a video game
18 Nov - 04:00 PM
Le Havre, France
Hackers! Interested in smart ports? Come and participate in the first French port hackathon, sponsored by HAROPA, the alliance of the ports of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris! Showcase your skills to use economic, environmental and weather data for innovative applications that will help with the performance and sustainability of ports. You will have 24 hours to create a solution to one of the following themes:
»Port logistics performance
»Environment and industrial safety
»Services and information for the general public