Showing results 61 to 65 out of 65
27 Jan - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
Manufacturing professionals and technicians! Groupe PSA invites you to sign up and participate in the Hackathon PSA - 100% Predictive. Network and collaborate with like-minded production professionals and dive head first into a non-stop 48 hour hackathon. You'll have access to production data from the group's factories and be challenged to develop innovative predictive algorithms that can help Groupe PSA deliver on their goal of zero defects in production!
EduData Hackathon
27 Jan - 06:30 PM
Paris, France
Data analysts and individuals passionate about education! The Data Science club of the CRI (Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires) invites you to participate in the EduData Hackathon. The theme of this event is how to improve the grade levels of French 15-year old children in the international PISA test. You'll be challenged to dig into educational testing data for OECD countries. Collaborate and compete to develop the best insights that will be reflected in a report to the French minister of education.
Comment la Silicon Valley invente le learning du futur
26 Jan - 08:30 AM
Paris, France
Comment apprendrons-nous dans 20 ans ? La MOOCmania aura-t-elle raison du présentiel ? Quelles sont les innovations portées par les géants de la Silicon Valley ? Après une learning expédition au coeur de la Silicon valley, les équipes ABILWAYS & LEARNASSEMBLY partagent ce qui les a marquées et vous proposent un digest de leurs rencontres avec 16 entreprises qui inventent le learning de demain !  Inscrivez-vous à notre matinée pour réinventer votre plan de formation Séance Gratuite : 8h15 – 8h30 Accueil autour d’un café et quelques chouquettes ! 8h45 – 10h00 Retour d'expérience de notre learning expedition : comment la Silicon Valley invente le learning du futur ? 10h00 – 10h30 Learning expedition express : partez à la découverte de nouveaux espaces de formation entre digital et learning room ! 10h45 – 12h30 BarCamp : Hackathon express: ubérisez votre stratégie de formation ! Comment utiliser les leviers du digital learning pour accélérer la digitalisation de votre entreprise Séquence de mise en intelligence collective de vos équipes et fabrication dans l’esprit « makers » Tarif du BarCamp: 80€ HT Nombre de places limitées Vos explorateurs : Marion BREULEUX, Digital evangelist, ABILWAYS DIGITAL Florence GUEBEY, Directrice générale, CFPJ Marie DUCASTEL, Présidente, ABILWAYS Laetita BONNISSANT, DGA EFE & Directrice Inter ABILWAYS Antoine AMIEL, CEO, LEARNASSEMBLY
    Hackathon Quai d'Orsay Numérique
    25 Jan - 09:00 AM
    Paris, France
    French developers, citizens, students, public authorities staff, and business people! The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Development of France invites you to contribute your expertise and ingenuity to help modernize the visa and consular operations of the department. You'll be challenged to develop innovative projects to create new digital services and enhance the data produced by the department. You'll be challenged to: »Create solutions that use artificial intelligence and facial recognition, »Design web interfaces for viewing passport and visa photographic data, and »Propose new digital services projects to improve department services.
    Hack the UI
    18 Jan - 03:30 PM
    Paris, France
    42 school students! Interested in man-machine interfaces? Eli Lilly and Danone invite you to participate in the Hack the UI hackathon. You'll meet and collaborate with like-minded individuals to use chatbots to reinvent the man-machine interface in industrial settings. you'll have plenty of scope for innovation — task automation, personalization of machines, maintenance notifications, and much more. Collaborate and compete to be one of the three top projects and win an awesome prize, as well as the chance for a coaching and mentoring program to help turn your project into a going concern!