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BlueArk Challenge
  15 Nov - 10:55 AM
  Bagnes, Switzerland
15 and 16 November in Valais. An all-inclusive weekend, registration is free and up to CHF 25'000 prize money and ski pass to be won!
Arkathon Hacking Health 2019 - Disrupt Tomorrow's Health !
  12 Apr - 05:30 PM
  Sion, Switzerland
From 12 to 14 April 2019, the 5th edition of the Arkathon Hacking Health Switzerland is back at the Health Innovation Campus in Sion (Valais)! Come and revolutionize tomorrow's health during this "all-inclusive" weekend. Developer, designer, entrepreneur, student, health professional, patient or simply with a creative spirit, the Arkathon 2019 brings together participants from all walks of life, from all over Switzerland... and even from Europe! During 48 hours of intense and fun, work on concrete and innovative solutions to meet the challenges posed by healthcare professionals: Valais Hospital, the Clinique romande de réadaptation and the Groupe d'intervention médicale en montagne - Valais. Take part in this unique adventure! >> Information and registration on >> Join the Arkathon 2019 community on Twitter @arkathonvs or share your experience #arkathon 2019