Showing results 41 to 50 out of 59
Timeflux hackathon
13 Mar - 05:00 PM
Paris, France
Developers, artists, researchers, and hackers in and around Paris! If you're interested in biosignal technologies, then you're invited to participate in the Timeflux hackathon. You'll be challenged to use the Timeflux open-source framework to create an innovative prototype that addresses one of the following tracks:
Track # 1: Brain (occipital EEG) - controlling a computer by thought.
Track # 2: Brain (frontal EEG) - learn to meditate, control an interface by blinking, do digital art.
Track # 3: Heart (ECG) - improve performance with interoception, learn to manage stress.
Track # 4: Muscles (EMG) - automatically detect movements, create a new type of interface.
Conférence Blockchain en marge du Hackatgon santé Hacking Health Normandie
07 Mar - 02:00 PM
Rouen, France
Blockchain, portrait d’une technologie qui fait battre les cœurs.
#GirlsInAI2020 Paris Hackathon - Paris, France
07 Mar - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
Girls and young people from underrepresented communities (LGBTQIA) in and around Paris! Are you between the ages of 12 and 18? Are you excited by the promise of artificial intelligence (AI)? Then you're invited to celebrate International Women's Day by participating in the #GirlsInAI2020 Paris Hackathon.
Sign up to take part in this event and you'll learn all about AI and develop a diverse set of skills including project management, design, and coding. You'll also be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch an AI-based product that addresses a real-world problem.
For useful info on hackathons, check the tips page!
Hacking Health Normandie 2020
06 Mar - 04:00 PM
Rouen, France
Healthcare techies and professionals in Northern France! You are invited to take part in Hacking Health Normandie 2020—a 48-hour hackathon event that addresses the problems faced by patients or healthcare professionals.
Come and participate in the biggest open innovation competition in Normandy. You'll participate as a member of a team to conceive, design, and prototype an innovative healthcare solution.
Search the hackathon tips pageto find answers to your Hacking Health Normandie questions!
Hackathon - 2nd edition: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
28 Feb - 04:15 PM
Paris, France
NextFebruary 28th and 29th, the 2nd edition of thisHackathon on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learningis organized with a new partner, SESAMm.
The event will be held the university Paris Dauphine and will gather students from leading French universities. Teams will tacklea specific challenge(to be revealed in real time) on the theme of applying artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches to anasset management problem.
For24 hours, participants will be able to test theircoding skillsin artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The winner will receive a2,000€ cash prize.The event is free, but space is limited,participants will have to register(and be approved) to participate.
Registration are closed now. Thank you for your interest! Feel free to follow us on twitter, sesamm_inside to keep up with the ews about Hackathon.
For more information on the Hackathon,click here.
For more information on the LFIS & QMI research partnership,click here.
Event location:
Paris Dauphine University
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
75775 PARIS Cedex 16
Directions toParis Dauphine University’s campus
Hackathon IA & Machine Learning par QMI, LFIS & SESAMm
28 Feb - 04:00 PM
Paris, France
Vous êtes passionnés par le code, les technologies d’IA et la finance ? Vous aimez relever des défis ? Ce hackathon est fait pour vous !
Hack mon CTO
28 Feb - 04:00 PM
Nanterre, France
Tu as une journée et demie pour prendre la place de mon CTO !
Codin' Night < Battle / Royale >
27 Feb - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
Ne manquez pas la Codin’Night Battle Royale organisée par LesJeudis le 27 février prochain à Paris ! Au programme de cette soirée 3-en-1 : des conférences, des meetups et un grand codefest sous forme de Battle Royale !
Affrontez 180 développeurs lors de challenges de rapidité. Le ton Battle Royale est donné : il n’en restera qu’un !
🥇 4 000€
🥈 2 000€
🥉 1 000€
27 Feb - 06:30 PM
Paris, France
Plus d’informations et inscription obligatoire sur meetup :
Venez travailler de manière collaborative et résolvons ensemble un challenge. Au cours de ce meetup de 3h, nous transmettrons les bases du Design Thinking de manière active et collaborative en l'appliquant à un cas. Nous passerons par les différentes étapes du processus et passerons ensemble de l'idée à l'action.
👊 Découvrez des exemples de challenges que nous avons résolus
L'innovation n'est plus seulement liée aux nouveautés technologiques mais repose de plus en plus sur la capacité à maîtriser / ré-inventer la collaboration, la discussion et la co-création en équipe. Le Design Thinking est une approche de l'innovation et de son management basé sur une combinaison entre Design et Business. Il s'appuie sur un processus de co-créativité mettant au coeur de la démarche l'utilisateur final.
Tim Brown, référence dans le domaine et fondateur de l'agence IDEO, définit le Design Thinking en 3 grandes parties : Inspiration, Imagination, Implémentation.
Grâce à ce parcours, l'équipe est capable d'apprendre de ses utilisateurs, découvrir de nouvelles opportunités, valider de potentielles solutions, résoudre des problèmes, rencontrer des besoins non identifiés et tester des hypothèses.