Showing results 31 to 40 out of 44
05 Apr - 09:00 AM
Lens, France
Envie de développer ou faire émerger un projet au sein même d'un hôpital ?  Prêt à perfuser la CULTURE dans l'hôpital de Lens ?  Tu aimes relever des défis ? Cet hackathon est fait pour toi !! CULTURA'CARE, C'EST QUOI ?  Louvre Lens Vallée organise un hackathon avec son partenaire Eurasanté axé " Culture et Santé ". Pendant 1 journée, des professionnels de santé, des designers, des usagers, des passionnés de culture, des associations, des entrepreneurs, des étudiants, des aidants, des start-ups, etc. s’associent à un porteur de projet pour faire émerger et/ou booster une idée. Un jury composé d’experts et d’acteurs du monde économique distinguera les meilleurs projets qui seront soutenus par la suite dans leur réalisation. Objectif : améliorer l'expérience patient dans les hôpitaux et le quotidien du personnel soignant. L’ORGANISATION ? Tu travailleras toute la journée dans le cadre atypique de l'hôpital de Lens et tu seras entouré de coachs, de mentors, d'experts… qui mettront leurs compétences à ton service en s’appuyant sur des méthodes et outils collaboratifs pour faire émerger des projets viables, porteurs de sens et de création de valeur. Ramène juste ton ordinateur, ta créativité et ta motivation ... ! Nous, on s'occupe du reste : repas, activités ludiques, récompenses... POURQUOI PARTICIPER ? • Vivre une expérience unique au contact de personnes sympas et inspirantes ;• Se faire de nouveaux amis et étendre son écosystème ;• Accéder à des conseils de professionnels de la culture, de la santé et de l’entreprenariat ;• Changer la face du monde de manière créative et collaborative ;• Se détendre avec 1 cocktail de clôture convivial ;• Remporter de très beaux lots en équipe. LE PROGRAMME DE LA JOURNÉE • 08h30-09h00 : ACCUEIL Arrivée à l’hôpital et accueil des participants • 09h00 : BIENVENUE Mot de bienvenue et présentation du programme et des intervenants • 09h15 : PITCHSC'est le moment de présenter les projets à booster ou les problématiques à résoudre • 10h00 : CHOIX DES PROJETSChoisis le projet qui te fait le plus envie et rejoins l’équipe qui se constitue • 10h30 : AU BOULOT !Les équipes s'installent dans leur espace de travail et commencent à travailler • 12h30 : DÉJEUNERLe repas du midi est ouvert ! Sur place ou à emporter pour travailler ! • 14h30 (20mn) : MASTERCLASS / ATELIERPetit coup de pouce pour t'aider à bien pitcher ton projet ! • 18h00 : PITCH / JURY C’est le moment de se lancer et de pitcher devant le jury • 19h00 : SOIRÉE DE CLÔTURESoirée de clôture : cocktail – remise des prix LES PRIX À l’issu de cette belle journée de créativité et d’échange, plusieurs prix seront décernés aux meilleurs projets ! … Suspens ! Tu veux faire partie de l'aventure ? Alors inscris-toi !
    HoloLens Workshop
    30 Mar - 09:30 AM
    Bruxelles, Belgium
    Mixed reality encompasses a wide range of experiences that previously were considered to be only augmented reality or only virtual reality. In mixed reality, people, places, and objects from your physical and virtual worlds merge together in a blended environment that becomes your canvas.  Interacting with holograms in mixed reality enables you to visualize and work with your digital content as part of your real world. Realize mixed reality’s promise with Microsoft HoloLens. In this developer session, you will learn about Mixed Reality and the HoloLens and get a hands-on introduction to developing applications for the Windows Mixed Reality platform. Your host of the day will be Nick Trogh, Senior Technical Evangelist at Microsoft. A lunch will be offered during the session.  Prerequisites: This is a hands-on developer session so bring your developer laptop. If you already have a HoloLens, make sure to bring it too! :) We will be using the Unity middleware to develop applications – this session is not an introduction to Unity, so make sure you’re proficient with Unity development. There are great learning resources available on the Unity website. Make sure your laptop has the necessary software installed on it – you don’t want to miss out on the hands-on exercises because you need to install the tools! Agenda: 9:30-12:15:  Introduction to Mixed Reality and the Hololens Developing for Windows Mixed Reality Hands-on-lab: introduction to Windows Mixed Reality development  12:15-13:00: Lunch (included) 13:00-17:00: Hackathon
      Hacking For Impact!
      24 Mar - 09:00 AM
      Anderlecht, Belgium
      We're inviting all experienced coders, data scientists, data professionals, to crack a real McKinsey Advanced Analytics case. During this Hackathon you'll help a client solve a high-value challenge framed by our expert Partners and Digital team. The 3 best solutions will receive a prize. The 1st place will receive 10,000 EUR* to spend in a selection of training and conferences of his own choice.
      Apps for Ghent: Ghent in space!
      17 Mar - 09:00 AM
      Gent, Belgium
      Welkom op de registratiepagina van de achtste editie van Apps For Ghent. Dit jaar is het thema ruimte! Denk maar aan satellietdata, satellietbeelden, andere ruimte-data...  We bekijken Gent vanuit de ruimte, maar ook omgekeerd, de ruimte bekeken vanuit Gent. Je kan kiezen om te registreren als bezoeker of als deelnemer aan de hackathon. - Als deelnemer registreer je je als hacker. Je krijgt dan van 9u tot 15u de tijd om jouw idee/concept verder uit te werken tot een applicatie. Je kan je als team registreren en zo andere teamleden uitnodigen. - Of je registreert je als bezoeker en je komt kijken naar de resultaten van de coders of je komt luisteren naar één van de boeiende talks overheen de dag. De hackathon zal plaatsvinden in het E-gebouw van Stad Gent, dicht bij het Woodrow Wilsonplein (Franklin Rooseveltlaan 1, 9000 Gent) Meer informatie op Wat mag ik wel/niet meebrengen naar het evenement? Breng zeker je eigen laptop en brainstorm materiaal mee. Wij voorzien drank, eten en WiFi.
        Music Hackathon
        09 Mar - 07:00 PM
        Bruxelles, Belgium
        After the first hackathon (astrohack) organized by DSGhent & TF Belgium last year, we are announcing our second hackathon!This year we will work on music generation based on MIDI files. No need to be a musician, we start the hackathon explaining the data and the problem with some sample code to help you get started.You are welcome the weekend of March 10 at DigitYser. The hackathon ends on Sunday with a ceremony awarding the winners. These winners will be chosen by peers and a jury (with a special guest!)Agenda:- Friday 09/03 19.00: opening hackathon and forming teams- Friday 09/03 19.30: explanation of problem and dataset- Friday 09/03 20.15: official start hackathon- Sunday 11/03 12.30: end of hackathon- Sunday 11/03 13.30: start of award ceremony with special guest: Ozark Henry!- Sunday 11/03 16.00: end of ceremony & reception Practicalities: The event takes place at DigitYser, the clubhouse of the data science community in Brussels. The space has  kitchens & showers and most importantly, a bar. If you want to stay over, you can take your matras and sleeping bag and use the top floor to rest.
          Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia
          09 Mar - 05:00 PM
          Mons, Belgium
          Le hackathon Citizens of Wallonia est né en 2016 à l'initiative de FuturoCité et de ses partenaires. Pas moins de 150 participants, 35 projets issus de la compétition et 12 équipes lauréates ces deux dernières années!  Retour en images sur le plus grand hackathon de Wallonie. Après le succès rencontré par les éditions 2016 et 2017, FuturoCité renouvelle l'aventure le week-end du 9 au 11 mars 2018 avec un hackathon dédié aux Smart Cities en partenariat avec IBM, NRB et l'UMONS et avec le support de Digital Wallonia, du FOREM, de l'IDEA et la Maison de l'Entreprise, du Cetic, de Be-Mobile, de Proximus Enco, du Microsoft Innovation Center, de Wallonie en Poche, de Digital Attraxion, de Sparkle, de Technocité, du Smart City Institute, de Civadis, de Multitel et de Creative Valley. Ouvert à tous! Pour hacker "intelligent" avec le support technologique d'IBM et de Proximus Enco, l'accès aux Open Data et à des technologies innovantes telles que l'IoT, l'AI (Intelligence artificielle/augmentée)...afin de créer de nouveaux usages grâce au numérique et développer des solutions pour faciliter la vie des citoyens!  Vaste thématique pensez-vous?  En effet il y a de quoi faire... et pour ceux à qui l'inspiration manque, on fournit des pistes et des données en termes, par exemple d'interaction entre citoyens et avec les instances (gouvernance); de mobilité, sécurité, efficience énergétique; d'accès à l'emploi, à l'enseignement/éducation. Une compétition de 48 heures avec des coachs et des jurys issus de la technologie, de l'innovation et du business. Des récompenses à la hauteur du challenge et l'opportunité d'entreprendre au-delà du marathon! A vos agendas! Pour le plus grand hackathon de Wallonie: 100 développeurs au profit des Villes Intelligentes! Une caution de 20€ vous sera demandée, celle-ci sert uniquement à confirmer le sérieux de votre inscription. Elle vous sera intégralement remboursée la semaine suivant votre participation au hackathon. Le paiement est possible via carte de crédit, virement bancaire, ou PayPal. Encore plus d'infos sur
            Hackathon 2018 presented by Western Digital
            09 Mar - 05:00 PM
            Gent, Belgium
            Welcome! The first Western Digital Hackathon, in collaboration with MongoDB, will be held in the beautiful Ghelamco Arena, Ghent from Friday the 9th until Sunday the 11th, March 2018. How many times have you encountered a problem with society? Have you ever wondered why there isn't a solution? Maybe you have an amazing idea and would like to see it turn into a project with like-minded persons. Come and join the WD Hackathon 2018. You’ll meet passionate people with different backgrounds and skills. Let’s put an end to these social and structural problems with society!  You don’t need to have a technical background or be an expert. Everyone who wants to make a change is welcome. Just bring your laptop, skills and lots of enthusiasm! The only requirement is the use of open data.  You can team up with your friends in advance or come with a collaborative team-focused mindset and scout for team members at the event. Teams will be limited to 5 members. We will provide the space, food, drinks and internet to keep you going! Event Schedule Day 1 – Friday 9th March 05.00 PM – Doors open 06.00 PM – Kickoff event with dinner & networking 07.30 PM – Pitch ideas and form teams 10.00 PM – Venue closes for the evening Day 2 – Saturday 10th March You continue working throughout the day on your project.  09.00 AM – Start the day with a nice breakfast and fresh coffee. Participants who did not make it on Friday will have 30 mins to form or join an existing team. 12.00 PM – Lunch is served 05.30 PM – Dinner is served 10.00 PM – Venue closes for the evening Day 3 – Sunday 11th March 9.00 AM – Breakfast and fresh coffee is served. The fun continues, finalize your project and get ready to present. 12.00 PM – Lunch is served 01.00 PM – Pitches start promptly at 1PM and are limited to 5 minutes per team.  02.00 PM – award ceremony timing is subject to change What can you Win? Amazon Echo Dot Powerbanks And many more
              AppsForGhent Workshop/Datadive Copernicus Datasets
              05 Mar - 07:00 PM
              Gent, Belgium
              Have you ever wondered what those satellites that hover above us actually all do? the EEA will explain it to us in detail and explains how you can process and/or use the datasets from the Copernicus satellite! This workshop / datadive is organised in the run up to the yearly Apps For Ghent hackathon. This year we'll explore Ghent in Space! Participation is free but registration is required! This workshop will be in English! Heb je je ooit afgevraagd wat die dingen die boven ons zweven eigenlijk allemaal doen? de EEA komt het ons haarfijn uitleggen en legt ons verder uit hoe je de datasets afkomstig van de Copernicus satelliet kan verwerken/gebruiken/... Deze workshop/datadive wordt georganiseerd ter aanleiding van de jaarlijkse Apps For Ghent hackathon met dit jaar als thema ruimte! Deelname is gratis, inschrijven is verplicht! Let op: deze workshop wordt gegeven in het Engels!
                Mobility of the Future '18 - Professional day
                23 Feb - 10:00 AM
                Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium
                Mobility of the Future '18 is the innovation summit about the mobility of the future. On friday the 23th of February you can enjoy a full day of national and international speakers about three topics: "Urban Mobility & City Design", "Smart & Sustainable Mobility" and "Connected & Autonomous Vehicles". With Lukas Neckermann (the mobility revolution), M. Colville Andersen (copenhagenize) and one anonymous guest we have three world class players in the field of mobility. They will share their vision around the three topics of #MOTF18. Afterwards 24 speakers will, divided in three break - out rooms, go into depth around the three topics. Each speaker will have a 15" talk followed by a q&a. We end the summit with an excellent speaker around innovation and a closing debate. Afterwards there will be a diner and networking drink. EXPERIENCE FAIR Leading innovation companies (both strat-ups & larger brands) showcase their mobility solutions in an interactive way. The experience fair makes sure that the attendees can see, feel and use their solutions. PROGRAM 09:00 - 10:00 Welcoming and registration 10:00 - 10:10 Intro by Junction & Moderator 10:10 - 10:40 Lukas Neckermann - The mobility revolution [Smart & Sustainable Mobility] 10:40 - 11:15 Anonymous guest [Connected & Autonomous Vehicles] 11:15 - 11:30 Coffee break & experience fair 11:30 - 12:30 M. Colville Andersen - Copenhagenize [Urban Mobility & City Design] 12:30 - 12:45 Conclusion & announcements afternoon sessions 12:45 - 13:45 Lunch, networking & experience fair 13:45 - 15:00 Three break-out sessions where four speakers per session do a 'deep-dive' around one of the three topics + q&a 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break & experience fair 15:30 - 16:45 Three break-out sessions where four speakers per session do a 'deep-dive' around one of the three topics + q&a 16:45 - 17:00 Coffee break & experience fair 17:00 - 17:30 Anonymous guest [Algemene innovatie] 17:30 - 18:00 Closing debat 18:00 - 20:00 Diner, networking & experience fair JUNCTION Junction organizes community events centered on innovation. With 20+ hackathons and private innovation tracks Junction is an industry leader in innovation events.  #MOTF18 is made possible with the support of Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (Vlaamse overheid), WeAreMobility by Febiac, De Cronos Groep, Taxistop, KBC Autolease, LabBox, Febetra and our community partners. All partners can be found on our website. INFORMATIE IN HET NEDERLANDS - INFORMATION EN FRANCAIS Alle informatie kan gevonden worden op onze website op de pagina voor professionals. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur notre site web à la page pour les professionels.
                  Mobility of the Future '18 - The hackathon
                  22 Feb - 05:30 PM
                  Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium
                  Mobility of the Future '18 is the innovation summit about the mobility of the future. From thursday 22nd to saturday 24th of February Brussels Kart Expo will be transformed into the innovation playground around the future of mobility.  HACK-A-WHAT? A hackathon is a place where passionate people with different backgrounds and skillsets come together, form diverse teams, make their pitches, add their expertise and work towards creating a solution. A solution around certain challenges in the field of mobility. FOR WHO For everyone that wants to change something in the field of mobility. You don't need to have a technical background nor be an expert in mobility. All you need is your specific skillset, a lot of enthusiam and be ready to kick some ass. Engineers, marketeers, business people, techies, creatives, ... Come and innovate the world of mobility! CHALLENGES The #MOTF18 hackathon consists of four different challenges, all connected to our three main topics: "Urban Mobility & City Design", "Smart & Sustainable Mobility" and "Connected & Autonomous Vehicles". These challenges are problems on a global scale. Each challenge is supported by one of our partners which will also help during and, even more important, after the hackathon. Find out more on our website page: TRAVEL FEE Attendees from abroad can apply for a travel fee. Attendees from the Netherlands and Luxemburg get 20 euro travel fee - attendees from Europe (outside of Benelux) get 50 euro travel fee - attendees outside of Europe get 100 euro travel fee. Application is done via registration (buy the ticket and write from which country you are coming (prove is required)). Travel fee will be paid at arrival. PROGRAM 10/11/2017 - Registration are open for the #MOTF18 hackathon; 01/01/2018 - Innovation platform will open up to attendees of #MOTF18; 01/02/2017 - 22/02/2018 - Attendees will receive (extra) information about challenges + local events at partners for a deep dive in the challenges and technologies; 22/02/2018 - 24/02/2018 - #MOTF18 hackathon; 24/02/2018 - The winners of each challenge and the overal winner will be selected; After the hackathon - The winners will receive coaching from partners, the network will be opened for new partnerships and possible funding is available (depending on the partner, winners and project). Together with the partners we will help the winners to bring their solution to the market! JUNCTION Junction organizes community events centered on innovation. With 20+ hackathons and private innovation tracks Junction is an industry leader in innovation events.  #MOTF18 is made possible with the support of Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (Vlaamse overheid), WeAreMobility by Febiac, De Cronos Groep, Taxistop, KBC Autolease, LabBox, Febetra and our community partners. All partners can be found on our website. INFORMATIE IN HET NEDERLANDS - INFORMATION EN FRANCAIS Alle informatie kan gevonden worden op onze website op de pagina voor de hackathon. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur notre site web à la page pour le hackathon.