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Nocode hackathon : concevoir la mobilité et la logistique de demain
23 Sep - 09:30 AM
Carpentras, France
Students, professionals, marketers, designers, startups, and entrepreneurs in Provence -- both coders and non-techies! French Tech Grande Provence invites you to participate in the Nocode Hackathon: Designing the Mobility and Logistics of Tomorrow. You don't need to be a coder or a techie to participate in the first NoCode hackathon to be held in France!
Because of the explosion of e-commerce and 'I Need it Now' culture, innovation in logistics and mobility is essential in order to address societal and environmental challenges facing Provence and France in general.
At the NoCode Hackathon, you'll have 48-hours in which to think, image, create, and make an innovative, futuristic logistics and mobility solution.
Nocode hackathon : concevoir la mobilité et la logistique de demain
01 Apr - 09:30 AM
Carpentras, France
48h pour concevoir la mobilité et la logistique de demain sans avoir besoin de coder.
Participez au premier nocode hackahton de France !