Sowing results 2 out of 2
07 Nov - 11:00 PM
Nancy, France
Créativité, partage, bidouille et bonne ambiance : les Bibliothèques de Nancy vous invitent à un remue-méninges créatif. Qui ? Tout le monde peut participer ! Amateurs ou professionnels, chercheurs, étudiants, graphistes, bidouilleurs, développeurs, joueurs, artistes, curieux, passionnés… Pour quoi faire ? Objectif : à partir de données culturelles (images numérisées) imaginer et/ou réaliser un jeu vidéo. Comment s’inscrire ? Le hackathon est ouvert à 4 équipes de 4 personnes. Les inscriptions sont libres et gratuites. Elles sont ouvertes jusqu’au 6 novembre 2015 à midi. Pour les mineurs : se munir d’un accord parental signé et d’un numéro de téléphone de contact lors de la constitution des équipes le samedi 7 novembre à 23h. Collation nocturne et petit déjeuner offerts. Pour en savoir plus rendez-vous sur le site de l'évènement :
    Climate Hackathon/EN
    06 Nov - 06:30 PM
    Nancy, France
    CLIMATE HACKATHON WITH ENGIE AND LE GRAND NANCY   This year the label ‘Great National Cause’ has been attributed to the fight against climate change... and France will be hosting the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (COP21)!  Would you like to play your own part in this fight by becoming a sustainable coder?le   CLIMATE HACKATHON, WHAT IS IT? An inspiring challenge and a responsible gesture: developers, engineers, designers and others with super-powers, the energy transition within the city awaits you! See you on November 6th for 48h of sustainable coding at the hackathon organized by Engie and Le Grand Nancy.   WHAT CAN I DO ? Work as a team over a weekend, develop mobile and web apps and connected objects to make cities and their inhabitants more eco-responsibles.   How can energy be saved? How can public facilities be optimised according to needs? (connected buildings, automated control systems, smart data, sensors...)   How can people and the different economic and institutional stakeholders be involved? (gamification, data visualization...)   Acting & raising awareness are the keys to a successful and sustainable development. By yourself or as a team already, you can already register for the event according to your profile.   PRIZE POOL 10,000€  1st prize : 5000€ + 2 months incubation 2nd prize : 3000€ 3rd prize : 2000€   WHAT'S AVAILABLE ? Open data , hardware and APIs are available for your hack ! AND ESPECIALLY the data supply facilities of Le Grand Nancy that puts its data sets available for the first time . DIARY Friday 6 November : - 18:30 : Welcome  - 19:30 : Presentation of the hackathon, the technologies and the datasets  - 20:30 : Questions and Answers  - 20h45 : Dinner  - 21h30 : Ideas pitching - 22h30 : Networking Saturday 7 November : - 08h30 : Breakfast  - 10h00 : Mentoring  - 13h00 : Lunch  - 14h00 : Pitches training  - 19h00 : Dinner  - 21h00 : Night coding Sunday 8 November : - 08h30 : Breakfast  - 10h00 : Technical tests  - 12h00 : Lunch  - 15h30 : End of coding  - 16h00 : Final demos  - 18h30 : Announcement of the winner