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IATA Hackathon 2017 at École Polytechnique (Saclay)
20 Oct - 05:00 PM
PALAISEAU Cedex, France
Developers, designers, marketers, and innovators! If you're interested in the airline industry, then you're invited to sign up to participate in the IATA NDC Hackathon. At this 24-48 hour coding event, you'll be challenged to create innovative new solutions that help enhance airline retailing. You'll get the opportunity to use one or more IATA NDC APIs to address challenges around leisure or business travel.
09 Jun - 05:30 PM
Le Coudray, France
Developers, programmers, designers, marketers, IT technicians in the Eure-et-Loir department. CEEI-Chartres invites you to participate in a hackathon that is part of the 3rd edition of the Start In Numeric competition. You'll be given 48 hours to propose a numerical solution to a given problem that is related to a previously mentioned theme.