Sowing results 6 out of 6
05 Dec - 02:00 PM
Lens, France
Envie de développer ou faire émerger un projet dans la culture ?  Prêt à participer à une expérience de nuit blanche unique ?  Cet hackathon est fait pour toi !! Le principe ?  Pendant 24 heures, des artistes, des designers, des passionnés de culture, des codeurs, des entrepreneurs, des étudiants, etc s’associent à un porteur de projet pour faire émerger et/ou booster une idée. Un jury composé d’experts et d’acteurs du monde économique distinguera les meilleurs projets qui seront soutenus par la suite dans leur réalisation. L’organisation ? Vous vivrez pendant 24h dans le cadre exceptionnel du Louvre Lens.  Amène un sac de couchage, un ordinateur, ta créativité et ta motivation ... ! Nous, on s'occupe du reste ! Une communauté dédiée pendant 24 heures Pendant 24h, des coachs, mentors, experts, … se mettent à votre service  et s’appuient sur des méthodes et outils collaboratifs pour faire émerger des projets viables, porteurs de sens et création de valeur !  LE PROGRAMME DES 24H Mardi 5 Décembre 2017 13h30 : ACCUEIL @La Scène 14h : BIENVENUE @La Scène 14h30 : PITCHS @La Scène 16h : FORMATION DES EQUIPES AUTOUR DES PROJETS @Musée 16h15 : WARM-UP @ Musée 16h30 : ICE-BREAKER PAR EQUIPE 17h : AU BOULOT ! 19h : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM (20 MIN) 19h30 : BUFFET 21h30 : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM (20 MIN) A partir de 22h : COACHING INDIVIDUEL DES EQUIPES **** Des surprises ****    Mercredi 6 décembre 2017 6h30 : ON SE REVEILLE !! 7h : PETIT-DEJEUNER 8h : MASTERCLASS @AUDITORIUM 10h30 : ATELIER PITCHS AVEC LES COACHS 11h30 : DÉJEUNER 13h30 : DEPLACEMENT 14h00 à 16h00 : CLÔTURE @LA SCENE LES PRIX PRIX « USEFULL DATAS » Le projet qui permet la meilleure utilisation des données pour créer de la valeur sur le territoire PRIX « NEW TOURISM XPERIENCE» Le projet qui propose la meilleure innovation en matière de tourisme PRIX « BIG IMPACT » Le projet à plus fort impact économique pour le territoire PRIX « I LOVE INNOV » Le projet coup de cœur du jury A GAGNER : L'incubation ou l'accélération et l'accompagnement de votre projet pendant 4 moisUne expérimentation sur le terrainL'accès à un appel à projets Et plein d'autres prix à découvrir !!
    17 Nov - 05:00 PM
    Loos, France
    All who are interested in fighting respiratory diseases -- patients, health professionals, students, and professionals! You're invited to participate in RespirH@cktion -- the first hackathon dedicated to respiratory diseases. In this 48-hour event, you'll be challenged to collaborate on helping find ways to advance one of 15 innovative digital projects that improve the management and care of patients with respiratory diseases.
    Think Sustainability and the power of Communities: weekend get-together in Folkestone
    01 Apr - 02:00 PM
    Folkestone, United Kingdom
    Interested in sustainability? Sustainability Connections CIC invites you to participate in Think Sustainability and the power of Communities. At this weekend event in Folkestone, United Kingdom, you'll be challenged to do some brainstorming on how to use cutting-edge technology combined with behaviour change to bring sustainable practices into local communities.
    Scratch Attaque ! Hackathon pour les 10-15 ans
    01 Apr - 10:00 AM
    Roubaix, France
    Children aged 10-15 years of age in and around Roubaix! The Médiathèque de Roubaix invites you to participate in the Scratch Attack! Hackathon. In the single weekend of the event, you'll be challenged to design and build a team game using the Scratch visual programming language and then present your project to a jury of digital professionals -- competing for prizes offered by local companies in Roubaix.
    Innoveators - Food Innovation weekend
    25 Mar - 09:00 AM
    Brugge, Belgium
    Belgium’s second Food Innovation Weekend is here – bringing Food Innovation to Brugge! 54 Hours of Testing your Idea to Impact the Food System. Are you in? Have you ever had an idea that would change the way we eat or produce food? Is your idea one that could impact our global food system? Here’s your opportunity to transform your thoughts into action. Startup Weekend Food Innovation is a 54 hours hackathon to test your concept and create your own startup venture. Find folks with the right skills, passion and dedication to help make your startup idea a reality. During the weekend you will test your idea with real potential customers, receive coaching from experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals, and win prizes that will help you take your venture to the next level! Come learn the basics of founding and launching a successful startup while solving real problems we face in our food system.The recipe? Throw a pinch of innovators, entrepreneurs, passionate foodies, developers, graphic designers, chefs,… and bring them together during the weekend. Let them simmer, create, cooperate, innovate and see what they bring to the table! We provide the space, food, beverages and connections to local resources to keep you going throughout the hackathon. Your task is work together to form teams and innovate new ideas. This is your testing ground to experiment and see results come to fruition. If you have an idea around farming, reworking, or preparing food, or maybe you invent(ed) the next BIG recipe and want to bring it to the shop floors? Or you might have the idea for a mobile app that supports the consumers with shopping, checking nutritions, etc. Whatever you might bring up is welcome. Surprise us! You will: Pitch your idea (if you want to; its an open stage format) Form a team around an idea and make it real Get grilled and coached by some of the toughest industry experts Present to a panel of expert judges and win amazing prizes Test the limits of sleeplessness Hackathon #1: Crack The Code Into The Music Industry
      11 Mar - 07:00 PM
      Kortrijk, Belgium
      Do you want to be in the music business? Belgium invites you to sign up to participate in the Hackathon #1: Crack The Code Into The Music Industry. If you register to attend the Music Hackathon, you could crack the code into the music industry!