Sowing results 2 out of 2
28 May - 10:00 AM
Saarbrücken, Germany
Artificial Intelligence (AI) enthusiasts, techies, and professionals—founders, developers, and designers! You're invited to participate—either in person or online—in the 3-day Hello2AI hackathon event. You will be tasked with designing an AI solution that addresses at least one of the topics and challenges posed by the Hell2AI organizers. Pitch your team's project to a panel of experts for the chance to win recognition! Our expert hackathon advice pagegives you insights on Hello2AI participation!
Global Goals Jam Freiburg
23 Apr - 05:30 PM
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
*** This event has been postponed to Spring 2021. More info to follow! *** German activists, hackers, and experts with a passion for sustainability! You are invited to participate in Global Goals Jam Freiburg where you'll collaborate to develop solutions that address sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations. This event is focused on: Sustainable consumption and food security, Mobility and health, and Educational equity and equality. Check out tips for maximizing your Global Goals Jam Freiburg hackathon experience!