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HACKATHON Invente tes déplacements de demain
25 Nov - 06:00 PM
dijon, France
Hackers in and around Dijon, France! Come and participate in the "HACKATHON Invente tes déplacements de demain!" This first-time event is based on the theme of mobility, displacement. Showcase your technical skills and creativity to conceive and build a project that addresses challenges such as customer service, mobility, collaboration and community, transportation and online maintenance service.
Hackathon - Open Data - Données de santé
10 Sep - 09:00 AM
Besançon, France
Healthcare? Big Data? Healthcare hackers, come and collaborate on open data/health data.
Swiss Open Energy Data Hackday 2016
08 Apr - 10:00 AM
Mont-Crosin, Switzerland
The Open Energy Data Hack Days will be held on two different locations and under the label with as slogan "We go where the energy is coming from"! This event is for developers, visualiser, thinkers, designers, journalists, and interested Energiespeizalisten. Please bring your own hardware the rest will all be provided to you. Come and help to increase the energy efficiency in future Switzerland!