Showing results 11 to 20 out of 45
Création d’activités dans les quartiers
08 Oct - 09:30 AM
Amiens, France
Dans le cadre de sa labélisation « 40 ans Politique de la Ville » le réseau des CitésLab Hauts de France présente une journée dédiée à la créativité.
Au programme :
- Le Hackathon « Remue Méninges Citoyens » : Venez relever les défis au moyen de la création d’une entreprise ou d’une association
- Des témoignages de porteurs de projet et jeunes entrepreneurs des quartiers : Qui sont-il s ? Que font-ils ? Quels sont leurs parcours ?
- Des ateliers de créativité : Trouver une idée – Exprimer ses envies – Valoriser ses motivations …
Intervenants :
- Le réseau CitésLab Hauts de France
- IREV Hauts de France
- MLIFE du Grand Amiénois
Organisation : Initiative Somme France Active Picardie / Les CitésLab Hauts de France
Partenaires associés : Amiens Métropole / Contrat de Ville - Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations - DRJSCS - IREV - MLIFE du Grand Amiénois - Pôle Emploi
I4NATURE Hackathon Vlissingen
08 Oct - 07:00 AM
Vlissingen, Netherlands
I4NATURE Hackathon Vlissingen Leer over duurzaam ondernemen met een leerzame hackathon.
Wil jij leren over duurzaam ondernemen? En kennis vergaren van ondernemers uit het vak? Op 8 en 9 oktober van dit jaar organiseert I4Nature in samenwerking met SPIE Nederland een 48 uur durende hackathon in Vlissingen. Op een industriële locatie ga jij aan de slag met vraagstukken die spelen binnen het bedrijf SPIE over energie transitie, zorg&welzijn, data safety en sustainability. Van het bedenken hoe een product op de markt profileren op een duurzame manier tot aan het bedenken van een nieuw verdienmodel.
Tijdens deze twee dagen is er een afwisseling tussen hard werken, ontspanning en muzikale optredens van (lokale) artiesten. Aan het einde van deze hackathon heb jij indirect je steentje bijgedragen aan de natuur door je kennis te delen om een vraagstuk op te lossen. Je kan je al laten zien aan de arbeidsmarkt, en wat ook een interessant punt is bij deze hackathon is dat je met jouw deelname je een aandeel krijgt in het bedrijf van SPIE.
Programma 8 oktober08.00 uur: ontvangst.09.00 – 17.00 uur: start programma. 20.30 - 22.00 uur: hapje, drankje en een optreden.
Programma 9 oktober 08.00: begin van de dag.09.00 – 17.00: werk aan de cases. 18.00 – 20.00: Afsluitende borrel.
Mis het niet & reserveer snel je ticket. Meer informatie ontvang je dan persoonlijk over financiele bijdrage (jouw aandeel in het resultaat), huisvesting, topacts en andere topbedrijven die mee gaan doen!
Tot maandag 8 Oktober!
HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Brussels
03 Oct - 07:00 PM
Brussels, Belgium
Cash prizes worth € 5.000
Student hackers in Belgium! You're invited to apply to participate in HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! in Vallendar, Germany. You'll get to design and build an innovative mobility project and present your prototype to a panel of top investors at Europe’s premier student-led startup conference. Compete to win cash prizes worth € 5.000 and showcase your skills for career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co, and others.
The Challenge 2 - #Hack4Steel
22 Sep - 08:00 AM
Brussel, Belgium
Our Challenge
Take part in 'The Challenge 2', the second edition of our ArcelorMittal Belgium' hackathon.
The topics of this years' Challenge are: ‘Chatbots’, 'Vision AI’ and 'Natural Language Processing'.
What can be expected?
The topic
Your challenge this year consists of creating a safety assistant of the future.
Do you have what it takes to design a chatbot that raises safety awareness? Can you train a system to automatically detect if everybody is wearing his/her personal safety equipment? Or/and can you structure unstructured data to give a simple answer to a question asked?
#Industry4.0 - The techologies we expect you to use are Chatbots, Vision AI and Natural Language Processing.
What's in it for you?
Up to €6.000 in prize money, experts at hand & of course a healthy dose of fun moments.
Who can participate?
The Challenge is open to (BE residents), to students, young entrepreneurs with a strong interest in IT, design, ….
Registration only as a team (min 3/max 5 p). If you don’t have a team, have a look at our Slack channel to find kindred spirits, also eagerly awaiting others to form a team with. (see
By registering to the event you accept the Terms and Conditions.
More info:
HoloLens Workshop
14 Sep - 09:30 AM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Mixed reality encompasses a wide range of experiences that previously were considered to be only augmented reality or only virtual reality. In mixed reality, people, places, and objects from your physical and virtual worlds merge together in a blended environment that becomes your canvas. Interacting with holograms in mixed reality enables you to visualize and work with your digital content as part of your real world. Realize mixed reality’s promise with Microsoft HoloLens.
In this developer session, you will learn about Mixed Reality and the HoloLens and get a hands-on introduction to developing applications for the Windows Mixed Reality platform.
Your host of the day will be Nick Trogh, Senior Technical Evangelist at Microsoft.
A lunch will be offered during the session.
This is a hands-on developer session so bring your developer laptop. If you already have a HoloLens, make sure to bring it too! :)
We will be using the Unity middleware to develop applications – this session is not an introduction to Unity, so make sure you’re proficient with Unity development. There are great learning resources available on the Unity website.
Make sure your laptop has the necessary software installed on it – you don’t want to miss out on the hands-on exercises because you need to install the tools!
Introduction to Mixed Reality and the Hololens.
Developing for Windows Mixed Reality.
Hands-on-lab: introduction to Windows Mixed Reality development.
12:15-13:00: Lunch (included)
13:00-17:00: Hackathon
B-Hive FinTech Hackathon
13 Sep - 11:04 AM
Brussels, Belgium
The B-Hive FinTech Hackathon addresses real and urgent challenges in the financial and insurance sector. It’s backed by 6 major European banks, insurers and market infrastructure players. These partners intend to take on and fund the most interesting solutions presented at the hackathon as Proof of Concept projects.
Every team will have the opportunity to pitch for and meet with 10 key decision makers of major financial institutions.
HIV Hack Workshop #4
28 Aug - 06:30 PM
Bruxelles, Belgium
4th Workshop in preparation of the HIV Drug Resistance Hackathon!
A first Dataset on drug resistance cases around the world will be presented.
A more specific example based around Tansania will also be shown.
First examples of Data Visualisation will be done.
TO PARTICIPATE, simply register here on Eventbrite, show up at the following time and place and jump in the think tank!
>> 28th August 2018, 18 : 30, DigitYser (40 Blvd d'Anvers, 1000 Bruxelles).
Join us in the fight of HIV Drug Resistance!
Part1: 20’ - Serge/Annelie - Introduction about the objectives of the hackathon
Part2: 20’ - Jenny - How to find data
how to selected the valid variables
introduction to the first model
Part 3: 20’ - Presentation of the dataset of the world database
Part 4: 20’ - Serge will explain what he discovered about the Tansanian data
Part 5: Start Workshop:
Worksession on strategy to find data (for the non-technical people)
Hands-On exercise - about visualisation
Hack in the Woods, le premier hackathon en pleine nature
02 Aug - 04:00 PM
Béclers, Belgium
Version FR
Hack in the Woods est le premier grand tech' festival éco-responsable de l’été dédié à la solidarité organisé par le Microsoft Innovation Center.Lancez votre tente*, sortez votre portable, connectez-vous au WiFi et révolutionnez le monde des organismes humanitaires. Que vous soyez plutôt orientés tech, art, business ou encore maker, venez travailler en équipe sur des projets concrets.
Pour cette 5ème édition, le hackathon se déroulera en pleine nature, dans le bel écrin du Domaine de Graux dans la région de Tournai en Belgique. Les espaces de travail seront sous chapiteau.
La mission
En équipe**, vous avez 3 jours complets*** pour développer des solutions innovantes et créatives aux défis proposés par les organismes humanitaires partenaires comme Médecins sans Frontières et Handicap International.
Au programme
Du partage, de la technologie, du challenge, de l'inspiration et bien plus encore... Un concert et des activités récréatives (tennis de table, kicker, jeux en bois, espaces détente...) seront organisés tout au long de l'événement.
La participation de 50€ (TVAC) par participant comprend : le petit-déjeuner, l'eau et le café à volonté, la mise à disposition du réseau, des sanitaires, d'un espace vert pour le campement, les activités récréatives, le concert et le méchoui du vendredi ainsi que les verres d'ouverture et de clôture.
Inscription en équipe souhaitable.
Les entreprises peuvent, si elles le souhaitent, inscrire une équipe en Team Building. Pour plus d'informations, contactez Laïla Valenti (
Infos pratiques
Quand ? Du 2 au 5 août 2018.Où ? Au Domaine de Graux à Béclers (dans la région de Tournai, Belgique).Nombre de places limité à 100.
Achat des tickets : sélectionnez "Equipe" pour créer votre équipe. Communiquez le nom choisi à vos compagnons pour le préciser lors de l'inscription. Si vous vous inscrivez seuls, cliquez sur "Personne". Nous vous aiderons à crééer une équipe au préalable.
Infos et conditions générales sur le site
*Possibilité de camper gratuitement sur place. Douches à disposition. Hôtels à proximité ou possibilité de covoiturer pour accéder au site.
** Si vous n'avez pas d'équipe, nous pouvons vous aider à en constituer une avant l'événement. Le préciser lors de l'inscription.
*** Possibilité d'arriver le vendredi matin. Voir programme.
Le Hack in the Woods est organisé par le Microsoft Innovation Center avec le soutien de Digital Wallonia, Proximus, Microsoft, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et Yes Event.
EN Version
Hack in the Woods is the first major eco-responsible summer festival dedicated to solidarity organized by the Microsoft Innovation Center.
Launch your tent*, get out your laptop, connect to WiFi and revolutionize the world of humanitarian organizations. Whether you are more tech, art, business or maker oriented, come work as a team on concrete projects.
For this 5th edition, the hackathon will take place in the heart of nature, in the beautiful setting of the Domaine de Graux in the Tournai region in Belgium.
The mission
In team**, you have 3 days*** to develop innovative and creative solutions to the challenges proposed by partner humanitarian organisations such as Médecins sans Frontières and Handicap International.
The program
Sharing, technology, challenge, inspiration and much more... A concert and recreational activities will be organized throughout the event.
The participation of 50€ (VAT included) per participant includes: breakfast, water and coffee at any time, the provision of the network, sanitary facilities, a green space for the camp, recreational activities, the concert and the barbecue on Friday as well as the opening and closing cocktail of the event.
Possibility for companies to register a team. For more information, contact Laïla Valenti (
Practical information
When? August 2 to 5 2018.Where? At the Domaine de Graux in Béclers (in the region of Tournai, Belgium).Number of places limited to 100.
Info and general conditions on
*Possibility to camp for free. Showers will be available. Hotels not far or possibilities for co-driving.
** If you haven't a team, we can help you to create one before the event. Just say it in the filling form.
*** Possibility to arrive on Friday morning. See the program.
The Hack in the Woods is organized by the Microsoft Innovation Center with the support of Digital Wallonia, Proximus, Microsoft, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and Yes Event.
VODW Brussels - Digital Design Hackathon
12 Jul - 05:00 PM
Brussel, Belgium
Do you get energy from turning ideas into disruptive prototypes?
Do you want to be challenged by Top-Notch design talent and compete head to head in a design sprint?
Do you want to learn a thing or two about Innovation & Design Thinking?
Then listen up!
VODW Brussels is inviting you to their ‘Digital Design Hackathon’.
A secret Top-Notch designer will confront you with a real live design challenge. You’ll be given the opportunity to come-up with a creative, eye dazzling, customer friendly and out-of-the-box solution in teams of two. You’ll present your solution to our jury of designers & innovation consultants. The winning duo will be rewarded a price worth 500 euros.
Feel your brain tickling and your fingers itching? Reserve your spot, seats are limited!
Entrance: Free of charge (limited)
Location: Docks Brussels - Werkhuizenkaai 163, 1000 Brussels (parking available at location), +32 (0)2 503 10 81
17h00 - Welcome pizza & drinks
17h30 - Intro Design Thinking & challenge
18h30 - Start design challenge
21h30 - Jury presentations
22h30 - Announcement winner
Who are we?
VODW Brussels is an innovation consulting firm focusing on innovation, strategy & customer experience. VODW was founded 35 years ago in the Netherlands and operates in various industries.
Ps: Look for the Italian restaurant “Il Capriani”, we’re located above.
B-Hive FinTech Hackathon
19 Jun - 10:00 PM
Brussels, Belgium
The B-Hive FinTech Hackathon addresses real and urgent challenges in the financial and insurance sector. It’s backed by 6 major European banks, insurers and market infrastructure players. These partners intend to take on and fund the most interesting solutions presented at the hackathon as Proof of Concept projects.
The intention of this hackathon is not only to code but to come up with ingenious and well thought out business solutions.
Company Track: Fraud detection
Company Track: Industry-wide vendor management platform
Company Track: Regulatory reporting & data governance
Open Track: Electronic payments adoption & financial inclusion
Amazing prizes and pitching opportunities for startups in Europe.
Click here to know more and register.
**This is only a hackathon listing. By registering for this event you agree to receive the hackathon invite from HackerEarth as the hackathon is hosted on the HackerEarth platform.**