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Hackathon Michelin ENSIMAG
03 Dec - 08:00 AM
Developers, designers, inventors, contractors! Interested in the application of IoT technology to manufacturing? Michelin and ENSIMAG invite you to participate in an IoT Manufacturing themed hackathon. You'll have 24 hours to conceive and create a connected objects prototype in one of four themes: »End-to-End Factory Flow: Integrating suppliers and consumers with end-to-end factory flow. »Logistics Tools: RFID chips, geo-location systems, connected objects, etc. »Augmented Intelligence: AR/VR use for pre-validation on a virtual replica of the production line »Energy Transition: Use of sensors for efficient plant use of energy and raw materials.
Conférences Hacking Health Lyon
18 Nov - 01:00 PM
Lyon-7E-Arrondissement, France
Programmers, designers, researchers and students! Interested in creating innovative solutions to pressing healthcare problems? Come and participate in Hacking Health Lyon. This event is intended to bring innovation to healthcare and develop new solutions to patients, caregivers and professionals needs. You can prototype anything — a new healthcare service, an app, or a new device. Redesign or reshape an exciting solution, or invent something from scratch! It's your choice!
Space Apps 2016 : challenge d'innovation de la NASA, un hackathon pas comme les autres
22 Apr - 07:00 PM
Lyon, France
This is the second edition of Space Apps Lyon together with NASA's international innovation. Participants will meet, sympathize and form teams to solve real problems of humanity on earth and in space. There will be more than 10 000 participants in 160 cities in the world! Space Apps will take place over one whole weekend to produce solutions for challenges provided by NASA themselves! The event is mainly aimed for developers, but is open to everyone regardless of their skills! Access to a mobile FabLab will be offered and meals are included. The six different themes offered by NASA include: Earth, aerospace, solar system, space station, travel to Mars and technology.
[Hackathon] #CheckMyHome
18 Mar - 09:00 AM
Lyon, France
This is a hackathon for Super Tomorrow , the event frequency Schools media dedicated to digital screens and technology. This event is dedicated to the issue of youth housing in the city of Lyon. You will get the opportunity to for teams of young designers, developers, and designers and invent solutions that will improve access to housing for young people in the city of Lyon meeting challenges including: How to fight against stereotypes of neighborhoods, how to better integrate in choice of accommodation and hidden rental costs, how to better match supply and demand in social housing, and how to address the issues of transport and mobility in the search criteria. In short, a 48h of creative hackathon that will make you "like" the search of houses!
Meetup Hackathon #CheckMyHome
09 Mar - 06:00 PM
Lyon, France
Le TUBA, le « tube à expérimentations urbaines », l’Infolab du CRIJ Rhône-Alpes, leurs partenaires logement, Le CLLAJ de Lyon et l’URHAJ, la Ville de Lyon s’associent à l’événement de Fréquence Ecoles, Super Demain pour organiser #CheckMyHome, le premier Hackathon dédié à la question du logement des jeunes sur la métropole de Lyon, les 18 et 19 mars, aux Subsistances, avec le soutien de la Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes et de son magasin d’application rapplic. L’occasion pour des équipes composées de jeunes graphistes, développeurs et designers d’inventer des solutions qui permettront d’améliorer l’accès au logement des jeunes sur l’agglomération lyonnaise en répondant à ces questions : comment lutter contre les représentations et les stéréotypes sur les quartiers ? Comment mieux intégrer les coûts cachés du logement ? Comment mieux ajuster offres et demandes en connaissant mieux les entrées/sorties dans les logements sociaux, jeunes et étudiants, etc.