Showing results 21 to 30 out of 46
Ford AppLink Mobility Roundtable Sessions and PARTY
08 Sep - 06:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Interested in smart cars? Axis Innovation invites you to participate in Ford Developer Program's first "Make it Driveable" challenge. Be part of shaping the future. Got a mobile app and what it takes to alter the future of mobility? Have an existing relevant mobile application or an idea you’d like to develop? Got ideas on how to leverage technology, data, and analytics into user experiences and mobility services that help keep the world moving? Come and show off your skills! Connect with Ford SYNC AppLink and make your app driveable.
Participate in one of four tracks:
»Community Track
»Smart Cities Track
»Business Track
»Wild Card Track — using SYNC AppLink
IoT for Cities Hackathon
02 Sep - 12:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Techies & coders! Business developers! There's stuff for both of you at the IoT for Cities Hackathon. Come and collaborate on cool ideas for the "Internet of Things" — focusing on machine-to-machine communication that´s built on cloud computing and data-gathering sensors. It´s the idea of making anything in our lives — from streetlights to thermostats to cement — "smart". Think:
»smart fitness gadgets that track your body functions and can later be analyzed on your computer.
»smart home thermostats that learn your habits, check the weather forecast and adapt accordingly.
»smart cement that senses ice on the road, communicates with your car, then notifies you to slow down.
Participate in one of two tracks, either the one for techies & coders, or the one for business developers.
GETD#4 Summit & Hackathon Berlin
22 Jul - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Attend GETD#4 to discuss the hottest topics of the decentralized web, TheDAO, platform-coops, the blockchain, art and the IoT (Internet of Things). GETD hosts people and projects based on a philosophy that reflects the values of its community: diversity, self-organisation and social ties. At GETD you stay for a day or two... and continue to collaborate with the people you meet for a week, a month, a year... it depends on what you like to do and what you make out of it. Find your own interests and unleash your ideas with the power of the network.
Sentient Lighting an Indoor Tree House & Other Fun
15 Jul - 11:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
The Baumhaus Berlin is building an indoor tree house in the style of "Lord of The Rings / Gaudi / Avatar" to be used as a hub for sustainable development and generally making the world a better place everyday. As part of this, various different lighting installations must be developed that will be reactive to visitors of the space as well as pre-programable and manual options. All the installations will communicate with each other via bluetooth and be triggered by sensors in the floor and the locations. Hackers, designers, engineers and artists are invited to participate in a day long hackathon to help develop some more installations.
Green Hack – Open Innovation for Climate
15 Jul - 08:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Tech teens! Come join the first Green Hack – Open Innovation for Climate -- to be held at this year´s Tech Open Air. The goal of the event is to develop an app which allows not just young people but everyone to save CO2 in their everyday life. Participate in the Hackathon, develop your own ideas and implement them with a team of like-minded developers, designers and mentors!
DB Open Data Tech Hackday
17 Jun - 05:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Hackers! If you have an idea how to make rail travel easier, better, more comfortable with digital applications, then sign up for DB Open Data Tech Hackday? You'll have access to some cool resources, including relayr Android app proto IoT, the Deutsche Bahn's open data portal, the OpenStreetMapper API and much more. Compete in a team and combine sensors and software and take your idea from concept to prototype--all in one day. There will be a range of prizes for winning prototypes. Win prizes for apps using data from the DB APIs, and for apps that use your mobile phone as a sensor kit to connect with Deutsche Bahn's train station clock.
Rainmaking Kids Hackathon #2
11 Jun - 11:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
The Rainmaking Loft Kids Hackathon is back for a second edition! This is a fun, inspiring and insightful way for kids to encounter entrepreneurship at a young age. Throughout the day, the children will learn about brainstorming ideas, cooperating with others, setting goals and more importantly, that they can actually design their own lives including careers.
11 Jun - 10:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
This is a hackathon devoted to machine learning organized by the students of the Klub Connect at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam, Germany. You will be challenged to build useful applications with raw data, get the chance to connect with the awesome sponsors and experiment with their data. Bring your laptop, charger, comfortable clothes and of course your full hacking motivation!
More Personal Computing Hackathon
10 Jun - 05:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
This is your opportunity to design the future of human computer interaction using the latest tools for a more natural interactions with technology! Work together with other creative minds and build cool innovative apps that challenge and inspire. You will get technologies made available to you including Cortana, Kinect, DirectInk, CognitiveServices, BotFramework, … All technology enthusiasts are welcome!
Spacehack: The Refugee Journey
04 Jun - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Do you think that technology can help make living conditions better for refugees? Then come along to Spacehack--a 24 hour hackathon that addresses that very question. Join with Europe’s best designers, coders, architects and urban planners to discover how technology can improve living conditions for displaced people around the world. By combining the best in class technology and social activist organizations across Europe the organizers aim to tackle real challenges migrants face in their journey.