Showing results 41 to 46 out of 46
HR Hackathon Berlin #2
16 Apr - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
The HR Hackathon is the 48 hours event where HR Professionals and IT Developers work together in teams to brainstorm and create meaningful HR Software.
Food{Hacks} Berlin 2016
01 Apr - 07:30 PM
Berlin-Mitte, Germany
A hackathon with food as main theme. Come together with hundreds of developers, designers, and food expert to hack new ideas that will distrupt the current food industry! Food{hacks} is open to everyone, just bring your computer and software tools, the rest will be provided to you!
Nano Labs #2
22 Mar - 06:30 PM
Berlin, Germany
This is an Open Innovation Event to help you solve your current startup or innovation challenges. Nano Labs is a mix of a barcamp, hackathon and un-conference. Come along to present your ideas and work together with others to develop unique solutions. In the Creativity Labs, you will create new ideas and in the Systems Labs, you will learn new approaches. There will be professional coaches and specialists in startup and innovation methods like Co-Creation, Lean Startup and many more present. All founders, startuppers and all interested people who want to actively participate and engage with Berlin's Startup Eco-System are invited!
THack Berlin Travel Hackathon
04 Mar - 06:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Help travelers make the most out of their mobile devices by creating new digital products, tools and services at this travel hackathon organized by Tnooz, the leading source of news and analysis about travel technologies, bringing the travel industry together with developers to invent mobile applications for airline passengers and in-destination experiences. You can win up to 5,000 Euro and other prizes!
DevNet Coding Camp
13 Feb - 12:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
A weekend of learning and coding for anyone interested in developing solutions with Cisco technology, IoT technology and cloud deployment tools. There will be structured coding classes beforehand and an online Coding 100 session on January 19th to get you up-to-speed!
Nuimo Hackathon
06 Feb - 11:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Join The Senic Studio's first-ever Nuimo Hackathon for a few hours of new friends, new software and a look inside the Senic Studio where Nuimo is being designed and developed. Share ideas and develop some cool projects on the very first Nuimos. You can bring a Nuimo if you have one, otherwise you will be given one.