Showing results 11 to 19 out of 19
Reply Student Risk & Regulatory Hackathon - HEC Liège
19 Oct - 08:00 AM
Liège, Belgium
University students! Interested in banking and finance? Come and participate in the Reply Risk & Regulatory Hackathon and collaborate on a business case which addresses the simulation of a bank. The business case will simulate the evolution of a troubled European Bank entering resolution. You'll be asked to analyse data, work with the resolution organisations and make decisions in real time.
Game Development Hackathon
15 Oct - 10:00 AM
Düsseldorf, Germany
If your dream is to not only to play but invent your own video games, then join the fellows of coding school to learn how you can write stories for your characters and then actualize your dreams into real 3D games! Receive help from professionals in the industry as you build your own game over the course of a weekend.
Open Source Circular Economy Days Maastricht - Hackathon
11 Jun - 09:00 AM
Maastricht, Netherlands
Come attend OSCE Days 2016 Maastricht--a global hackathon-style event and community to create open resources and possibilities for a global shift towards a waste-free, sustainable and an environmentally friendly Circular Economy. People from industry, grassroots, maker & hacker movements, students, etc. will work together on all kinds of challenges discussing, developing and experimenting with the Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE).
Mission: Economy
09 Jun - 05:00 PM
Düsseldorf, Germany
Passionate about the new economy, new media and everything that goes with them? Come and flex your creative muscles at the new Mission: Economy hackathon. Bring your idea - for business, media, news, content, social media, digitization, knowledge management, content creation and distribution, or media transformation. Develop the idea on your own or team with like-minded attendees in an intense 2.5 day startup atmosphere. Present your concept--or even your product proto-type--and win for best overall, most innovative, best pitch or more.
Microsoft GAME JAM - Mediadesign Hochschule Düsseldorf
08 Jun - 10:00 AM
Düsseldorf, Germany
Gaming designers and developers! Sign up for the Microsoft GAME JAM--a free 2-day hackathon at Media Design University Dusseldorf. Come and get introduced to game development for the Universal Windows Platform and other platforms. Work with experienced Microsoft technology experts and build a cool game for the Universal Windows dev platform--then compete against other participants for a chance to be a winner.
POST /bank/hackathon/cologne
03 Jun - 04:00 PM
Köln, Germany
This is a hackathon on the digital future of banking. Participants will be looking at how topics like retail and smart data play a role in the banking world and hack the fin-tech to find new and innovative solutions to questions addressed at the Post/ bank hackathon series. All developers, designers, start-ups, students and everyone who's interested in joining is welcome to join this event in Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Bonn.
AR Standards Hackathon
15 Apr - 06:30 PM
Aachen, Germany
Join the AR Standards Hackathon to learn about and develop AR (augmented reality) experiences using existing and emerging standards. You will get an introduction to existing and emerging specifications designed for AR experiences, there will be augmented reality experts on site, devices for testing AR, food, beverages, and sample or suggested use cases. All you need to bring along is your programming skills, your laptop, an open mind for augmented reality, and user cases you want to work on.
Living Data Game Challenge Hackathon
19 Mar - 10:00 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
This hackathon will offer an exciting journey to undiscovered playgrounds; a living lab researching the Heartbeat of the City. Come and join this community as data provider, tools master, designer, player, hacker, app developer, scientist, marketer, or investor. This challenge includes a platform for long term development and a ground for start ups, social enterprises, community initiatives, to incubate, mature and scale up.
Hack Your Photo Heritage
25 Feb - 03:00 PM
Leuven, Belgium
Hack the massive photographic heritage content on Europeana, ESpace and other public repositories to mix them up with user-generated smartphone photos and stories. Get creative and develop a new environment to re-experience our cultural past, using apps, websites and virtual environments. It’s all about telling stories, tapping into emotions and exploring new business models involving photography!