Showing results 31 to 39 out of 39
AE Hackathon 2017: Fast & Furious
28 Apr - 05:00 PM
Heverlee, Belgium
From idea to functional implementation in just 36 hours? It’s possible!
Each year, AE organizes a hackathon in which our consultants team up with our customers to come up with innovative ideas and turn them into working products or services.
Participating in the AE Hackathon can lead to wonderful results, exemplified recently by bringr, the innovative parcel delivery service we developed in co-creation with bpost and which won the Data News ICT Project of the Year Award 2016.
How does the AE Hackathon work?
The AE Hackathon is a great opportunity for multidisciplinary teams of analysts, developers and product owners to explore new technologies, insights and business models, allowing them to provide answers to the increasingly complex challenges people, organizations and companies are facing today.
At the end of these intense two days, the team with the best executed idea walks home with a nice AE Hackathon award.
Why we organize the AE Hackathon
We organize the AE Hackathon to boost innovation, at AE and at our customers. Previous editions of the AE Hackathon have proven to what kind of value these sessions can lead for our customers. A great example of a service that has its roots in one of our hackathons is bringr, the innovative bpost app that won the 2016 Data News ICT Project of the Year award.
Join in on the fun
Each year, we invite our customers to actively participate in our AE Hackathon by making their API available, supplying data, attending the closing presentation or by taking part themselves - contact your account manager for more information.
Register to attend the closing event and inspirational keynote.
alexa hackathon - a four hour venture
27 Apr - 02:00 PM
Köln, Germany
Invent. Develop. Win!
alexa hackathon - a four hour venture
Was dich erwartet
Entwickle zusammen mit anderen kreativen Köpfen neue Möglichkeiten für Amazons Alexa. Setzt eure Idee als Prototyp innerhalb von vier Stunden um. Du kannst bei anderen mitmachen oder bringst deinen eigenen Entwurf mit und stellst ihn am Anfang des Hackathons vor.
Alexa Skills lassen sich mit in jeder (Backend-) Programmiersprache entwickeln. Wir beginnen den hackathon mit einer Einführung die euch in die Lage versetzen wird einen eigenen Skill zu entwickeln.Wir wissen dass jedes Projekt von interdisziplinären Teams profitiert! Natürlich sind auch Nicht- Entwickler eingeladen mit Ideen und Konzepten vorbeizukommen und Teil dieses Abenteuers zu werden!
Alles ist möglich
Erweitere deine bestehende App oder entwickle etwas vollkommen Neues. Verbinde Alexa beispielsweise mit einem Smart Home Device, deiner eigenen API, einer API unserer Event-Partner oder nutze offene Daten. ... Der Kreativät sind keine Grenzen gesetzt!
Dank unserer Sponsoren können wir genügend Testgeräte und andere Hardware zum „spielen“, zur Verfügung stellen.
Weitere Informationen
EHL Hackathon Sports & Vitality
14 Apr - 04:30 PM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
The EHL Hackathon Sports & Vitality is a gathering of creative spirits, technical minds and passionate athletes that develop new ideas and innovations on Sports, Vitality and Active Lifestyles during the Euro Hockey League on April 14-17.
During this EHL Hackathon, several cases about Sports & Vitality are presented by clients. Everyone can choose any project they like and form a group at the event. If you’re already working on a great idea that relates to the topic, then you can develop that further as well!
We’ll provide you with prototyping gear such as 3D Printers, arduino’s, soldering stations and tools as well datasets and IoT-components. Next to this, you’ll be treated with breakfast, lunch and dinner at the EHL Hackathon location, which is next to the main field of HC Oranje-Rood.
Over the course of the weekend, the group creates an awesome concept and builds a prototype that demonstrates how it works. A final presentation with a demo then concludes the event on Monday after which the judges will decide who wins the EHL Hackathon.
The first prize is a ticket to join the 8-day summerschool in July at Tsukuba University in Japan!
The Program:
Day 1 – April 14th
16.30 – Registration 17.00 – Official Kickoff of the EHL Hackathon with 2 inspiring presentations. 18.30 – Dinner 19.30 – Case Pitches 20.00 – Group formation 21.30 – End of Day 1 Day 2 – April 15th
8.30 – Breakfast 9.30 – Start Hacking! 11.00 – Coaching / Expert sessions 12.00 – Lunch 19.00 – Dinner 0.00 – End of Day 2
Day 3 – April 16th
8.30 – Breakfast 9.30 – Start Hacking! 11.00 – Coaching / Expert sessions 12.00 – Lunch 14.00 – Pitch Training 19.00 – Dinner 0.00 – End of Day 3
Day 4 – April 17th
8.30 – Breakfast 9.30 – Final Preparations 11.00 – Presentations 12.00 – Jury 12.30 – Prizes & Drinks
Have you always wanted to visit Japan? Want to learn more about innovation in sports & vitality? Want to attend an awesome weekend with bright minds, passionate athletes and great hockey matches? Join the EHL Hackathon! There are only 30 spots available, so be quick to subscribe!
For more information, please don't hesitate to contact us.The EHL Hackathon is made possible by the Euro Hockey League, HC Oranje-Rood, Human Capital Care, Arboned, Eindhoven University of Technology, Fontys Sporthogeschool & Universiteit Utrecht.
Living Data City Challenge
18 Mar - 09:30 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
The Living Data City Challenge hackathon is a two-day event where people with technical -, design -, and creative backgrounds come together to create new solutions through collaborative development. The goal: to use Open Data – information everyone can freely use – for public space, social innovation and living quality...
Create playful applications for the municipality of Eindhoven, to inspire and challenge people to become more active, aware, social and happy!
Public space is an important ingredient in the concept of a livable and healthy city. Open data and digital communication have given new perspectives to the design of public space. It allows transparency, participation, collaboration and opportunities to the people. During the hackathon you will research the Heartbeat of the City, finding a way to make Eindhoven an even more exciting place by making IT useful in a playful way.
The Living Data City Challenge offers an exciting journey to undiscovered playgrounds. You and your team will be given a real challenge, and you will need your creative mind to find a solution.
Register here to take part in the hackathon challenge for free.
Hack your way to the grand prize and make a difference!
Informatiesessie Hackathon
15 Mar - 06:00 PM
Heerlen, Netherlands
University students in Holland, Belgium and the Euro Region! Are you interested in how technology and digitization permeates everything we do today in our personal and business lives? You're invited to sign up to participate in the Hack 4 Smart Services 'Interaction of the Future' Hackathon. You'll be challenged to collaborate in a small -- 4-6 people -- team to conceive, design and prototype a solution to one of the following challenges:
»Communication of the Future
»Ethical trading of the future
»Advice of the future
»Citizen of the future
Best Practice Digitalisierung #3
08 Mar - 09:00 AM
Köln, Germany
Im Kontext der Digitalen Transformation berichten erfahrene STARTPLATZ Partner gemeinsam mit ihren Kunden von erfolgreich umgesetzten Projekten, beispielsweise Hackathon Touren durch Deutschland oder Internet Of Things Prototyping Workshops. Fachvorträge zu den Themen Digitalisierung und unternehmensinterner Innovation bieten Ihnen die Gelegenheit, von erprobten praxisorientierten Lösungen und Erfahrungen Anderer zu profitieren, neue Ideen zu entwickeln und auf den eigenen Kontext zu projizieren.
Bei diesem Prozess stellen sich mehrere Fragen, wie zum Beispiel:
Wie funktionieren Kooperationen zwischen Unternehmen und Startups?
Welche Faktoren müssen für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit betrachtet werden?
Welche der verwendeten Methoden von Startups können auf bestehende Unternehmensprozesse übertragen werden?
Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, bietet diese Veranstaltung etablierten Unternehmen die Möglichkeit mit lokalen Startups in Kontakt zu treten, sich über die neuesten Trends zu informieren und von bestehenden Corporate-Startup-Kooperationen zu lernen.
Erhöhen Sie das Innovationspotenzial Ihres Unternehmens
Lösen Sie Herausforderungen im Kontext der Digitalen Transformation
Erfahren Sie mehr über Business Model Innovation and Disruption und setzen Sie diese aktiv in Ihrem Unternehmen ein
Erweitern Sie Ihr Netzwerk
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren
Einen Überblick über unser Programm für Unternehmen finden Sie auf
Digital Reality Hackathon
04 Mar - 09:30 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Engineers, designers, ICT-specialists in and around Eindhoven! Are you interested in how technology can help people who are struggling with disabilities or other setbacks? Come and showcase your creativity and skills -- in collaboration with like minded individuals. Demonstrate your mastery of augmented reality, artificial intelligence, gaming-technologies, or robotics to help make Holland a safer, friendly and helpful place to live for people with disabilities.
Open Demo's VPRO Hackathon - Literatuur & Poëzie
03 Mar - 07:00 PM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Original thinkers, concept developers, creative coders and designers from the Netherlands! Are you interested in innovative narrative forms for poetry and literature? VPRO Medialab invites you to sign up to participate in the Open Demos VPRO Hackathon - Literature & Poetry. You'll be challenged to come up with novel and creative ideas -- maybe 360 degree VR books, or poetry based literature games, or novel new digital forms for storytelling -- and present your prototype to each other and the jury.
Best practices voor open data - slotevent en hackathon
18 Feb - 09:00 AM
Hasselt, Belgium
Students and business people in and around Hasselt and the greater Brussels region! Are you interested in the use and application of open data? The Hogeschool PXL invites you to sign up to participate in an event to develop best practices for open data and a parallel hackathon. Datasets from a number of external parties, including City of Hasselt, City of Genk and Tourism Flanders will be available for the hackathon. You'll collaborate in teams to work with these datasets to develop new innovative services that will help cities, institutions and businesses serve their constituents.