Showing results 1 to 10 out of 12
Global Goals Hackathon 2018
30 Nov - 07:00 PM
Stuttgart, Germany
Für diesen Social Hackathon laden wir Coder*innen, Designer*innen und Social Entrepreneure ein, um gemeinsam Ideen für eine bessere Zukunft zu entwickeln. Den Rahmen dafür bilden die 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen. An zwei Tagen (1.-2. Dezember) wollen wir gemeinsam kreativ werden, Ideen austüfteln und hacken, was die Keyboards hergeben. Findet euch in interdisziplinären Teams zusammen und stürzt euch auf eine unserer Challenges, die sich alle an den “Global Goals” orientieren - oder kommt mit eurer eigenen Idee vorbei und findet Mitstreiter und Inspiration aus der Community! Zur Einstimmung gibt es am Freitag, 30. November, ein Get Together mit Vorstellung der Challenges, Musik und Drinks. Wir freuen uns auf viele motivierte Menschen aus den verschiedensten Bereichen! FAQ Was ist eigentlich ein (Social) Hackathon? Ein Hackathon ist eine Veranstaltung, bei der sich kreative Köpfe treffen, um sich in einem sehr kurzen Zeitraum mit einem Problem sehr intensiv zu beschäftigen, und im Team an einer Lösung zu arbeiten. Dabei darf gelacht und gesponnen werden - das Ziel ist es, neue Sachen zu lernen, auszuprobieren und Spaß zu haben! Die Probleme, an denen wir arbeiten wollen orientieren sich an den 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen und wurden zum Beispiel von der Vector Stiftung eingereicht. Aber auch Teilnehmende können eine Challenge vorschlagen. Wenn du eine tolle Idee hast oder Unterstützer*innen für ein eigenes Herzensprojekt gewinnen willst, melde dich bei uns! Bei den Challenges gilt: Think big, go crazy. An einem Wochenende werden wir die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung nicht alle erfüllen können - aber mit etwas Glück entstehen kreative und verrückte Ansätze, mit denen wir ihnen etwas näher kommen. Außerdem erwartet dich vermutlich wenig Schlaf, dafür viel Kaffee und Mate. Du bekommst die Möglichkeit, dich mit motivierten Experti*innen aus den unterschiedlichsten Fachrichtungen vernetzen und neues auszuprobieren. Kann ich vor Ort übernachten? Ja, wir stellen einen Nachtruhe Raum zur Verfügung, in dem ihr auch Sonntag noch ein Mittagsschläfchen machen könnt. Falls du schon am Freitag im Lab übernachten möchtest, melde dich bitte bei uns, damit wir das bei Bedarf einplanen können. Bitte mitbringen: Eine Isomatte, Schlafsack und was du sonst noch brauchst, um dich wohlzufühlen. Die Duschsituation vor Ort könnte schwierig werden (es gibt nur eine Dusche) - aber in zehn Minuten bist du zu Fuß am Leo Vetter Bad. Für 4,5€/2,7€ ermäßigt kannst du dich dort Samstag bis 19 Uhr und Sonntag ab 10 Uhr erfrischen (Badesachen nicht vergessen!). Was muss ich noch mitbringen? Wir sorgen für Frühstück, (kaltes) Abendessen und Snacks. Bitte kümmert euch selbst um das Mittagessen - in der Nähe gibt es viele Restaurants, Imbisse und Supermärkte. Außerdem brauchst du einen Laptop samt Ladekabel, und was du sonst noch zum Arbeiten brauchen könntest. Papier, Stifte, Flipcharts und Whiteboards sind vor Ort. Wenn du am Sonntagmorgen beim Yoga mitmachen willst, bring bitte eine Matte/Decke/großes Handtuch und bequeme Kleidung mit. Wir empfehlen außerdem: Kopfhörer und deine Lieblingsplaylist Dicke Socken oder Hausschuhe Lieblingssnacks (ansonsten ist der Rewe gleich ums Eck) Badesachen fürs Leo Vetter Bad Darf ich an meiner eigenen Idee arbeiten? Wenn sie etwas mit den Global Goals zu tun hat, sehr gerne! Wenn du noch nach Mitstreiter*innen suchst, kannst du deine Challenge am Samstagmorgen vor der Gruppe vorstellen. Bitte gib uns kurz Bescheid, damit wir die Zeiten verteilen und dir weitere Infos zuschicken können. Wir arbeiten als Team schon länger an einem Thema, können wir uns zusammen anmelden? Ja, bitte vermerkt euren Teamnamen auf der Anmeldung (oder schickt uns nachträglich eine E-Mail an Wenn ihr noch nach weiteren Mitstreiter*innen sucht, könnt ihr eure Challenge am Samstagmorgen vor der Gruppe vorstellen. Bitte gebt uns kurz Bescheid, damit wir die Zeiten verteilen und euch weitere Infos zuschicken können. Ich kann nicht programmieren, darf ich auch kommen? Ja, wir freuen uns sehr über Designer*innen, Social Entrepreneure, Expert*innen aus allen Bereichen, die sich für die Global Goals interessieren und andere Weltverbesser*innen! Wenn du dir nicht sicher bist, ob der Hackathon für dich das richtige ist, schreib uns doch eine E-Mail an - wir vermuten, dass du, wenn du bis hierhin gelesen hast und Lust hast, dabei zu sein, eine große Bereicherung fürs Team bist :) Du benötige mehr Infos, eine Kinderbetreuung, Tipps zur Anreise oder hast eine sonstige Frage? Schreib uns gerne eine Nachricht auf Twitter oder an :) Übrigens: Wir sind auch auf Twitter mit dem Global Goals Hack unterwegs!
    CodeCamp Heilbronn
    02 Nov - 01:30 PM
    Heilbronn, Germany
    Welche IT-Lösungen entstehen um die Handelsbranche voranzutreiben? Wir sind gespannt auf innovative Ideen von allen IT-Fanatikern, Idealisten, Cracks und jedem der Spaß an technologischen Herausforderungen hat. Die Innovationsfabrik Heilbronn ist hierfür die optimale Location! Bei kostenfreier Verpflegung und entspannter Atmosphäre bietet das CodeCamp eine tolle Plattform für ungezwungenen, fachlichen und persönlichen Austausch.
    Digital Tech Summit & Hackathon - Visitors
    19 Oct - 07:00 PM
    Nürnberg, Germany
    ZOLLHOF invites you to its next digital adventure!   The Digital Tech Summit is a 3-day digital conference with many speeches, workshops and a two-day hackathon in Nuremberg, Germany Sponsored and supported by giant German companies: adidas, SIEMENS Healthineers, NÜRNBERGER Versicherung, SCHAEFFLER & GfK 300 developers, engineers, designers and many more creative minds working on the latest technologies Participants from all over the world (Israel, Japan, France and many more) Top speakers supporting the event talking about the latest trends in tech   More:   For Visitors Allow yourself to be fully immersed in an international tech atmosphere, as 300 hackers, engineers, and startups from all over the world will attend! High class international speakers will also be joining the event to give exclusive speeches and discussions. The purpose of the Digital Tech Summit is to bring together people with a passion for technology, and increase the ideas for innovative tech solutions to common day-to-day problems. These two days will be packed with sessions over all things technical, come and join us for this digital experience!   Agenda Fr., 19. October 18:00 - 19:00: Arrivals & Registration18:00 - 21:00: Dinner19:00 - 20:00: Welcoming Speech20:00 - 21:00: Challenge Pitches (for Hackers relevant) 21:00 - 22:30: Find a team + Ideation (for Hackers relevant) 22:30: Start to hack! (for Hackers relevant)  Sa., 20. October08:30 - 09:30: Breakfast09:30 - 11:00: Workshop #112:00 - 13:30: Lunch13:30 - 21:00: Talks 1-318:00 - 21:00: Dinner Su., 21. October08:30 - 09:30: Breakfast with speaker12:00 - 13:30: Lunch13:30 - 16:00: Talks 4-518:00 - 18:30: Grand Finale (for Hackers relevant) - access is not guaranteed with Visitor ticket19:30 - open end: Dinner & Aftershow Party More:   Your guide through the event: Amiaz Habtu Amiaz Habtu, one of the most well-known German moderators will accompany you through the Digital Tech Summit. Most people know him from the TV shows "Die Höhle der Löwen" or "Jetzt wird's schräg". We are delighted that Amiaz, who also moderates at events from RedBull, Microsoft or BMW, will guide you trough our 3-day tech adventure. Speakers: Daniel Krauss - Founder & CIO of FlixBus Together with his co-founders Daniel launched FlixBus in 2013 and quickly developed it to the leading long-distance travel provider in Germany. Today, +100.000 passengers benefit from Europe’s largest long-distance bus service every day which has more than 1.000 employees from all over the world. Sven Weizenegger - Co-Founder & MD of Perseus Technologies Sven is the Co-Founder and Management Director of Perseus, one of the first German Cyber Security startups. He was the first employed hacker of German Telekom and has, with +15 years experience, an outstanding knowledge of cybersecurity. As Senior VP Security he has setup the security strategy of Kreditech, the largest German Financial technology company. Philipp Ortwein - Co-Founder & MD of InstaFreight InstaFreight is a digital forwarding company and the one-stop-shop for road freight in Europe. InstaFreight consolidates the capacity of already +6,000 carrier companies and make it accessible to shippers via one digital interface. Martin Seibold - COO/CIO of NÜRNBERGER Versicherung Martin is the COO/CIO and a board member of NÜRNBERGER Versicherung, thus being responsible for digitalization and the modernization of IT systems at one of Germany's leading insurers with revenues of € 4.4 bn. Since 1884, NÜRNBERGER has provided private and commercial customers with protection and financial security – innovative products and a digitalized business model will be the basis for continued success. Oliver Schmitz - Group Director I eCommerce & Retail of GfK Oliver leads a strong, talented team of Client Business Partners at GfK that supports (digital) Retailers from A (Amazon) to Z (Zalando) in making smarter, data-driven decisions. He has more than 20 years of experience from different management positions on both agency and Retailer site. Before joining GfK, Oliver managed a market research and consultancy company he co-founded together with one of the leading Retailers for home and furnishing in Europe. Filipa Guimarães - Co-Founder Iberia of Emma (Bettzeit) Filipa Guimarães was born in Lisbon, Portugal. She is the Co-Founder of the Iberia market of Emma (Bettzeit). In 2004, she concluded her Master’s degree in Consumer’s Psychology at the Higher Institute of Applied Psychology. She has been working with startups for 15 years now, having built her experience mostly in the development of international markets that have yet to be explored to their full potential. Filipa’s main target at Emma is to re-educate the Iberian market that is still very traditional in its consumeristic ways and aims to prove how online purchases have entered a new phase of reliability and convenience. Björn Siebert - Public Affairs Manager of door2door Björn Siebert is Public Affairs Manager at door2door, a software company enabling cities to implement own smart mobility services and on demand public transport. In this capacity he is in charge of government relations and regulatory policies in relation to the digital transformation of mobility. Previously, Björn worked as Senior Manager Economic and Innovation Policy at Germany's largest tech association, Bitkom where he was responsible for the National IT-Summit and the Digital Agenda of the German Government. Furthermore he served as external adviser on digital and mobility issues to the economics department of the Federal Foreign Office. Stephanie Kaiser - Founder & Managing Director of Heartbeat Labs Stephanie Kaiser is Founder & Managing Director of Heartbeat Labs, a platform for digitally enabled healthcare and medicine. She leads the product development, engineering and venture execution. Previously she helped building Wooga, one of Europe’s fastest growing companies for mobile games. In 2018, Stephanie also joined the digital council to the federal government. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Gutzmer - Deputy CEO & Chief Technology Officer of Schaeffler AG Peter Gutzmer has joined the SCHAEFFLER Group in 2001 as Member of the Management board and became CTO in 2011. Since 2014 he has also been operating as Deputy CEO of Schaeffler AG. Mr. Gutzmer is involved in many institutions and associations around the automotive and mobility sector, e.g as lecturer and honorary professor at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, president of the Board of the Research Association for Combustion Engines and chairman of the VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry). Roland Auschel - Chief Sales Officer of adidas Roland Auschel feels nothing but unwavering enthusiasm for the different brands that represent adidas. He's been with the company for almost 30 years seeing adidas grow beyond all expectations. Accumulating many years of experience in business development and sales since he joined adidas in 1989, Roland took on his current role as Executive Board Member for Global Sales in 2013. New technology plays a key role and so he personally enjoys exchanges with start-up companies in the education and tech field. Chris Thaller - Head of Creative Projects at Runtastic Chris Thaller has OCD – Obsessive Creative Disorder. How does he deal with it? He funnels his creativity into multichannel online marketing campaigns, new partnership concepts and ground-breaking creative ideas for Runtastic. His aim is to differentiate himself (and Runtastic) from the industry by delivering innovative concepts and new ideas which are anything but ordinary. These ideas should be creative game changers, but still keep the vision, aims and principles of Runtastic and adidas. Chris is fuelled by his passion for creativity and living life to the fullest, on both a personal and professional level. Yan Beynon - President Digital Services of Siemens Healthineers Siemens Healthineers enables healthcare providers worldwide to increase value by empowering them on their journey towards expanding precision medicine, transforming care delivery, improving patient experience and digitalizing healthcare. The company is also actively developing its digital health services and enterprise services. In October 2018, Yan became the president of Digital Services within Siemens Healthineers. For the last 16 years, Yan specialized in transformational leadership roles in various industries. He has earned a Master degree at the IMD Business School. What we offer Food & drinks: Tickets include all of the meals, snacks and drinks you need to be a happy visitor during these 3 days! Interesting speeches & workshops: Top speakers will attend the event and talk about the latest trends in tech! Sleeping spots: If you are not from Nuremberg - or even if you are- and would like to have a camping bed just next door to crash for a couple of hours, be our guest! Attention: it's not a 5-star service, but it's free of charge! First come, first served. ;-)  Just talk to us:     Best, the ZOLLHOF Team   More:   PLUS: Return Flixbus Tickets within Germany to attend the event for the first 50 people outside of Nuremberg - for FREE. First come - first serve! Get your Digital Tech Summit ticket and send an mail to for your free Flixbus ride!
      Digital Tech Summit & Hackathon - Hackers
      19 Oct - 06:00 PM
      Nürnberg, Germany
      ZOLLHOF invites you to its next digital adventure! The Digital Tech Summit is a 3-day digital conference with many speeches, workshops and a two-day hackathon in Nuremberg, Germany Sponsored and supported by giant German companies: adidas, SIEMENS Healthineers, NÜRNBERGER Versicherung, SCHAEFFLER & GfK 300 developers, engineers, designers and many more creative minds working on the latest technologies Participants from all over the world (Israel, Japan, France and many more) Top speakers supporting the event talking about the latest trends in tech More: For Hackers Push the limits of what was thought to be impossible! At the Digital Tech Summit, you will feel the electric energy in the room while working hard with your team to solve innovative tech challenges. Use your tech skills, develop solutions as well as innovations, and expand your horizons! Your personal challenge is to work faster and more precise than ever before! Mentors and scientific experts will be by your side and provide support whenever you need it. Great ideas that benefit society is your goal to create within these two days! For Startups If you would like to participate as a startup at the hackathon on one of the challenges that fits your existing idea, you are more than welcome to do that at the Digital Tech Summit! Feel free to purchase individual tickets per team member and send us an email ( with further details on your team & topic you would like to work on! Agenda Fr., 19. October18:00 - 19:00: Arrivals & Registration18:00 - 21:00: Dinner19:00 - 20:00: Welcoming Speech20:00 - 21:00: Challenge Pitches21:00 - 22:30: Find a team + Ideation22:30: Start to hack! Sa., 20. October08:00: Hack goes on08:30 - 09:30: Breakfast09:30 - 11:00: Workshop #111:00 - open end: Hack time12:00 - 13:30: Lunch13:30 - 21:00: Talks 1-318:00 - 21:00: Dinner Su., 21. October08:30 - 09:30: Breakfast with speaker09:30 - 13:30: Hack time12:00 - 13:30: Lunch13:30 - 16:00: Talks 4-513:30 - 15:00: Optional Pitch Training15:00 - 16:00: Hack Time16:00 - 16:30: Tour Board Level16:00 - 17:00: Semi Finals16:30 - 17:00: Startup Pitches Board Level17:00 - 18:00: Exclusive Get Together: Board Level & Startups17:30: Announcement of the finalist18:00 - 18:30: Grand Finale19:30 - open end: Dinner & Aftershow Party More: Our focus Build the future of Mobility, Sports, Health, Security and Retail with us! Mobility The mobility of the future must be simple and effective - and environmentally friendly at the same time! How will we get from Point A to Point B at the end of the oil age? Whether it’s for short trips to the bakery, or a trip to the other side of the world- we are looking forward to your ideas!  Sports On a professional level, technological support and analysis have arrived after years of anticipation. Whether in training or during competitions, without digital help, the top results and records of recent years would not have been possible to measure! Bring technology into sports and also help hobby athletes achieve their goals! Health There are now wearables for tracking pulse, exercises, sports and blood pressure. There are special devices such as pacemakers, smart wheelchairs and dialysis machines. What is missing? Choose one of the health challenges and develop wearable support for millions of health-conscious people! Security The nights where a security guard with a flashlight and keychain were needed are long over.  Digitization has turned the entire industry upside down! But how do individuals or companies that have a limited budget protect themselves - and what from? Dive into the world of security and surprise the jury with your idea! Retail Let’s sell smarter! The trickiest part of modern retail is figuring out how to optimize the four factors for sales success: product, price, promotion and place. If you dive into collecting and analyzing some interesting data, you will surely find easy ways for sellers to increase their performance. Join us and work on this super hot topic! Wildcard Our partners and supporters are passionate about many topics across various industries! That is why some challenges don’t fit in any of the topics above – not because we are any less passionate about your ideas and creative solutions for these tasks! More: Your guide through the event: Amiaz Habtu Amiaz Habtu, one of the most well-known German moderators will accompany you through the Digital Tech Summit. Most people know him from the TV shows "Die Höhle der Löwen" or "Jetzt wird's schräg". We are delighted that Amiaz, who also moderates at events from RedBull, Microsoft or BMW, will guide you trough our 3-day tech adventure. Speaker: Daniel Krauss - Founder & CIO of FlixBus Together with his co-founders Daniel launched FlixBus in 2013 and quickly developed it to the leading long-distance travel provider in Germany. Today, +100.000 passengers benefit from Europe’s largest long-distance bus service every day which has more than 1.000 employees from all over the world. Sven Weizenegger - Co-Founder & MD of Perseus Technologies Sven is the Co-Founder and Management Director of Perseus, one of the first German Cyber Security startups. He was the first employed hacker of German Telekom and has, with +15 years experience, an outstanding knowledge of cybersecurity. As Senior VP Security he has setup the security strategy of Kreditech, the largest German Financial technology company. Philipp Ortwein - Co-Founder and MD of InstaFreight InstaFreight is a digital forwarding company and the one-stop-shop for road freight in Europe. InstaFreight consolidates the capacity of already +6,000 carrier companies and make it accessible to shippers via one digital interface. Martin Seibold - COO/CIO of NÜRNBERGER Versicherung Martin is the COO/CIO and a board member of NÜRNBERGER Versicherung, thus being responsible for digitalization and the modernization of IT systems at one of Germany's leading insurers with revenues of € 4.4 bn. Since 1884, NÜRNBERGER has provided private and commercial customers with protection and financial security – innovative products and a digitalized business model will be the basis for continued success. Oliver Schmitz - Group Director I eCommerce & Retail of GfK Oliver leads a strong, talented team of Client Business Partners at GfK that supports (digital) Retailers from A (Amazon) to Z (Zalando) in making smarter, data-driven decisions. He has more than 20 years of experience from different management positions on both agency and Retailer site. Before joining GfK, Oliver managed a market research and consultancy company he co-founded together with one of the leading Retailers for home and furnishing in Europe. Filipa Guimarães - Co-Founder Iberia of Emma (Bettzeit) Filipa Guimarães was born in Lisbon, Portugal. She is the Co-Founder of the Iberia market of Emma (Bettzeit). In 2004, she concluded her Master’s degree in Consumer’s Psychology at the Higher Institute of Applied Psychology. She has been working with startups for 15 years now, having built her experience mostly in the development of international markets that have yet to be explored to their full potential. Filipa’s main target at Emma is to re-educate the Iberian market that is still very traditional in its consumeristic ways and aims to prove how online purchases have entered a new phase of reliability and convenience. Björn Siebert - Public Affairs Manager of door2door Björn Siebert is Public Affairs Manager at door2door, a software company enabling cities to implement own smart mobility services and on demand public transport. In this capacity he is in charge of government relations and regulatory policies in relation to the digital transformation of mobility. Previously, Björn worked as Senior Manager Economic and Innovation Policy at Germany's largest tech association, Bitkom where he was responsible for the National IT-Summit and the Digital Agenda of the German Government. Furthermore he served as external adviser on digital and mobility issues to the economics department of the Federal Foreign Office. Stephanie Kaiser - Founder & Managing Director of Heartbeat Labs Stephanie Kaiser is Founder & Managing Director of Heartbeat Labs, a platform for digitally enabled healthcare and medicine. She leads the product development, engineering and venture execution. Previously she helped building Wooga, one of Europe’s fastest growing companies for mobile games. In 2018, Stephanie also joined the digital council to the federal government. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Gutzmer - Deputy CEO & Chief Technology Officer of Schaeffler AG Peter Gutzmer has joined the SCHAEFFLER Group in 2001 as Member of the Management board and became CTO in 2011. Since 2014 he has also been operating as Deputy CEO of Schaeffler AG. Mr. Gutzmer is involved in many institutions and associations around the automotive and mobility sector, e.g as lecturer and honorary professor at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, president of the Board of the Research Association for Combustion Engines and chairman of the VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry). Roland Auschel - Chief Sales Officer of adidas Roland Auschel feels nothing but unwavering enthusiasm for the different brands that represent adidas. He's been with the company for almost 30 years seeing adidas grow beyond all expectations. Accumulating many years of experience in business development and sales since he joined adidas in 1989, Roland took on his current role as Executive Board Member for Global Sales in 2013. New technology plays a key role and so he personally enjoys exchanges with start-up companies in the education and tech field. Chris Thaller - Head of Creative Projects at Runtastic Chris Thaller has OCD – Obsessive Creative Disorder. How does he deal with it? He funnels his creativity into multichannel online marketing campaigns, new partnership concepts and ground-breaking creative ideas for Runtastic. His aim is to differentiate himself (and Runtastic) from the industry by delivering innovative concepts and new ideas which are anything but ordinary. These ideas should be creative game changers, but still keep the vision, aims and principles of Runtastic and adidas. Chris is fuelled by his passion for creativity and living life to the fullest, on both a personal and professional level. Yan Beynon - President Digital Services of Siemens Healthineers Siemens Healthineers enables healthcare providers worldwide to increase value by empowering them on their journey towards expanding precision medicine, transforming care delivery, improving patient experience and digitalizing healthcare. The company is also actively developing its digital health services and enterprise services. In October 2018, Yan became the president of Digital Services within Siemens Healthineers. For the last 16 years, Yan specialized in transformational leadership roles in various industries. He has earned a Master degree at the IMD Business School. What we offer Help & support: While hacking and having fun, our hackers will be given hands-on support, the latest technology and all the goodies they need to win their challenges because we believe that hackers should have access to the latest and greatest technology! That's why we made sure that they have the chance to work with some of the world's leading brands by getting to use their products and devices.  Rewards: At the hackathon, we would like to reward awesome ideas and hard work! Our expert jury will judge all ideas and give awards to the best three teams. Food & drinks: Tickets include all of the meals, snacks and drinks you need to be a happy hacker or visitor during these 3 days! Interesting speeches & workshops: Top speakers will attend the event and talk about the latest trends in tech! Sleeping spots: If you are not from Nuremberg - or even if you are- and would like to have a camping bed just next door to crash for a couple of hours, be our guest! Attention: it's not a 5-star service, but it's free of charge! First come, first served. ;-)  Just talk to us: Best, the ZOLLHOF Team More: PLUS: Return Flixbus Tickets within Germany to attend the event for the first 50 people outside of Nuremberg - for FREE. First come - first serve! Get your Digital Tech Summit ticket and send an mail to for your free Flixbus ride
        19 Oct - 11:00 AM
        Ingolstadt, Germany
        From 19th - 21st of October 2018 you can participate in the first smart city hackathon in Ingolstadt – the so-called HACKADON. It is a 48-hour-event, where geeks, techies, designer, digital nomads, creative minds, entrepreneur and number crunchers come together to find in small teams creative and innovative solutions on a specific topic. This hackathon aims to develop services for the Google Assistant. This is your chance to work on virtual assistant solutions and to show your talent.
        #AUXHACK18 Hackathon Mensch+Maschine
        18 Oct - 04:30 PM
        Augsburg, Germany
        Was steckt hinter dem #AUXHACK18?Es handelt sich um einen Hackathon zum Thema Mensch & Maschine. Du hast die Gelegenheit wertvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen, an Ideen zu arbeiten, knifflige Probleme zu lösen, etwas Neues zu lernen und dabei viel Spaß zu haben. Wer kann mitmachen?Jeder ist willkommen! Der Event steht für die Arbeit im Team an einer Idee: Dabei kannst Du gemeinsam mit den anderen Teilnehmern entdecken, experimentieren und viel lernen. Ganz egal ob Du KonzepterIn, MarketerIn, EntwicklerIn, DesignerIn oder einfach nur ein interessierter und kreativer Geist bist. Wie funktioniert das? Ganz einfach – Jeder Teilnehmer hat beim Kick-off am Donnerstagabend eine Minute Zeit, eine Idee dem Publikum vorzustellen. Danach bilden sich Teams, die gemeinsam 2,5 Tage an der Idee arbeiten. Parallel zur Arbeit an den Ideen gibt es Expertencoachings und Pitch Training. Muss jeder Teilnehmer eine Idee haben? Nein. Jede Idee bereichert zwar den Event. Solltest Du keine haben, dann kannst Du Mitglied in einem anderen Team werden und an deren Idee arbeiten. Was kostet die Teilnahme? Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Food & Drinks gibt es ausreichend und ist in der Teilnahme inbegriffen. Was muss ich mitbringen? Ein Laptop (Ladekabel nicht vergessen!!!), im besten Fall eine Idee, gute Laune und Motivation. Wir kümmern uns um den Rest. Welche Preise gibt es zu gewinnen? - Best Overall [3.000 Euro] - Most Innovative [1.500 Euro] Neben den klassischen Preisen gibt es viele Sonderpreise. Wer sitzt in der Jury?Die Jury ist mit hochkarätigen Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Medien und Wissenschaft besetzt. Details folgen. PROGRAMM Do., 18.10.18 16:30 → Doors Open 17:00-17:15 → Begrüßung durch Augsburger Allgemeine 17:15-18:15 → Ideen-Pitches (jeweils max. 1 Minute) 18:15-19:15 → Teamfindung 19:15 - 19:30 → Kickoff, Talk: Customer Development Basics 19:30 → Pizza & Beer & START WORKING Open End Arbeitszeit Fr., 19.10.18 09:00 → Frühstück 9:30-13:30 → Hack (+ Mentoren) 13:30-14:30 → Mittagessen 14:30-19:30 → Hack hack hack (+ Kaffeepause) (+ Mentoren) 19:30 → Abendessen Open End Arbeitszeit Sa., 20.10.18 09:00 → Frühstück 10:00-13:00 → Hack + Mentoren, Pitch Trainings 13:00-14:00 → Mittagessen 14:00-15:30 → Präsentation Vorbereitung 15:30-16:30 → Finale Präsentationen (je 3min + 2min Q&A Jury) 16:30-17:00 → Jury Beratung 17:00-17:30 → PREISVERLEIHUNG ……. Fingerfood + Networking
          HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Stuttgart
          03 Oct - 07:00 PM
          Stuttgart, Germany
          ++ Apply now! ++ We invite YOU to the Business Meets Tech HackerGames! on 4th-6th October 2018. Take part at the hackathon and join IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference after your demo in front of top investors. Your experience includes Talks from founders like Scott Chacon (Github) or Adora Cheung (Y Combinator) Amazing career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co Opportunity to win prizes worth 5.000 Euro (in cash) IdeaLab! Ticket incl. 3 days accommodation, food & drinks at boat party 24h of hard work, awesome people & lots of fun Enjoy 24h of HackerGames! - powered by wibas etarate AND 48h of IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference at WHU on 4th-6th October 2018 in Vallendar near Cologne, Germany. Only a limited amount of tickets are available. ++ Apply now in under 3 minutes! ++
            #CityHackAalen - Gestalte deine Stadt der Zukunft!
            22 Sep - 11:53 AM
            Heidenheim an der Brenz, Germany
            Damit ihr einen coolen Prototyp bauen könnt, stellen wir euch die IoT-Platine "Octopus" und ganz viele Sensoren und andere Materialien zur Verfügung. Der Octopus kann ganz einfach mit Drag & Drop programmiert werden - keine Programmierkenntnisse notwendig! Organisator des Hackathons sind die GEO DATA GmbH und die Stadt Aalen. Ist das Projekt deines Teams unter den Gewinnern, winkt dir die Möglichkeit, es in der Stadt Aalen real umzusetzen!
            HACK|BAY 2018 Evening Gala
            11 Jul - 06:30 PM
            Nürnberg, Germany
            Dear HackBay visitors & hackers, we kindly invite you to the Evening Gala of our HackBay hackathon. It's included in your HackBay ticket price but as places are limited we would like you to purchase an extra free ticket here. Start: 6:30 PM on July 11 2018 Location: Z-Bau Nürnberg, Frankenstraße 200 Program: Aftershow Party with Dinner and Live Football Stream (World Cup) See you soon, the ZOLLHOF Team *All participants with a ticket are eligible to enter the hackathon. Our Code of Conduct must be followed.
              HACK|BAY 2018
              10 Jul - 08:30 AM
              Nürnberg, Germany
              Hey, everyone! Guess what? It's that time of the year again for hacking! ZOLLHOF is thrilled to continue hacking after our successful event, "HackBay" last year, and this year we invite hackers, engineers and business enthusiasts once again to join us for a 2-day proper tech-adventure - this time at one of the coolest locations in all of Nuremberg! When: 10 & 11. July 2018 Where: Z-bau Nürnberg Agenda 10.07.2018 08:30 – 09:30: Arrival & registration 09:30 – 10:30: Welcome & introduction 10:45 – 12:30: Q&A challenges / team up & ideation 12:00 – 13:30: Lunch 13:30 – 14:00: Expert sessions 14:00 – 18:00: Hack time 18:00 – 19:00: Mentor feedback 19:00 – 21:00: Dinner 21:00 – open end: Hack time 11.07.2018 08:30 – 09:30: Breakfast 09:30 – 12:30: Hack time 12:30 – 13:30: Lunch 13:30 – 16:30: Hack time 13:30 – 14:00: ZOLLHOF Startup pitches 15:00 – 15:30: Pitch training 16:30 – 17:30: Semi finals 18:00 – 20:00: Grand Finale 20:00 – 23:30: Aftershow Party & Dinner (+ Soccer World Cup - Livestream!) Build the future of Industrial IoT, Machine Learning and Connected City with us! Industrial IoT The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will revolutionize manufacturing by connecting real things to the digital world and enabling the acquisition and accessibility of far greater amounts of data, at far greater speeds, and far more efficiently than before. Come and help us build better manufacturing processes! Machine Learning / AI This field of computer science uses statistical techniques to give computer systems the ability to "learn" (e.g., progressively improve performance on a specific task) with data, without being explicitly programmed. Nowadays, machine learning can be found in many applications, ranging from self-driving cars, to effective web search, facial and speech recognition. Get challenged and develop an idea connected to one of the most vibrant technological fields! Connected City The digitalization of urban space is motivated by a number of factors, such as societal, economic, ecological and technological developments. This topic is tapping into all aspects of our life in the city. We're challenging you to think about connecting your house, the car you drive and the machines and people you work with. It's all about enhancing the quality of life through technology. Let's make the big city life great again! :-) What we offer While hacking our hackers will be given hands-on support, the latest technology and all the goodies they need to win that challenge because we believe that hackers should have access to the latest and greatest technology. That's why we made sure they have the chance to work with some of the world's leading brands by getting to use their products and devices. At HACKBAY's hackathon, hackers can expect to have access to everything from microcontrollers, drones, smart watches to free web hosting. At the hackathon we would like to reward awesome ideas and hard work! Our expert jury will judge all ideas and give awards to the best three teams. For prizes & more information please check out our website: !!! ATTENTION - Evening Gala with Live Football Stream !!! We would like to invite you to our HackBay Gala Event starting at 6:00 PM on July 11. It's included in the ticket price but as places are limited we would like you to PURCHASE AN EXTRA FREE TICKET HERE Best, the ZOLLHOF Team PLUS: Return Flixbus Tickets within Germany to attend the event for the first 50 people outside of Nuremberg - for FREE! First come - first serve! Get your HackBay ticket and send an mail to for your free Flixbus ride *All participants with a ticket are eligible to enter the hackathon. Our Code of Conduct must be followed.