Showing results 1 to 10 out of 27
18 Nov - 08:00 AM
München, Germany
In November, a programmer, cloud native, nerd, geek, hacker, cyberpunk, and everyone who loves coding is welcome to join the first hackathon ever by Audi Business Innovation GmbH in Munich. Take your smart and amazing skills to test and come up with something creative and innovative within 24 hours. The challenge is based on developing service-broker conforming to the Open Service Brokers API and many RESTful services and hardware of your choice: New ideas of managing services, binding services across platforms, automating infrastructure that will shape completely RESTful services providing on the cloud. We strongly believe in the power of open-source software because it is driving innovation! Brokers developed during the hackathon will remain open-source projects and contribution will continue by Audi Business Innovation. Furthermore, we'll publish some of our service-brokers to the community!  What you can hack on: Platforms Cloud Foundry  Kubernetes Infrastructure Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Platform Amazon Web Service  Services Jenkins Nexus Artifactory Elasticsearch Prometheus InfluxDB Grafana  Any open-source services with RESTful API Internet of Things / Hardware Arduino UNO Raspberry Pi You'll feel right at home at our brand new Munich office. There'll be a variety of drinks and foods and even your late night cravings will be covered. We’ll also take excellent care of your nutritional needs. The top three teams will also receive exciting Audi prizes for their efforts. We will be happy to see you! Just sign up now! For more information, visit:  FAQs  Do I have to identify myself at the entrance and is there an age limit for the event? Yes, please bring your identity card. You have to be over 18 years old.   How do I get to the event by public transport and what about parking area? The location is in the middle of residential area in Schwabing, so please take the public transport (tram, metro, bus). We are not providing parking area. If you come by bike please lock it somewhere on the street and not in front of the location entrance. Thanks a lot!   What do I need to bring? We will provide you with a table, chair, power strip, Wi-Fi, foods, snacks, and drinks!Bring your computer, power adapter, phone and everything you need for your hygiene over night, own sleeping bag.Additionally, you need to have an email account and a GitHub account.   Do I have to bring the printed ticket? You can bring the printed ticket or you can show it to us over the eventbrite app. Do I have to come with a team? A team will be a maximum of four people. You don't need to come with a team, you'll meet a lot of people from different backgrounds and you can form a team there!  
    #FutureCityHack | 1. GEO DATA Hackathon
    03 Nov - 12:45 PM
    Aalen, Germany
    Entwickler, Designer, Konzepter und Interessierte, versammelt Euch!  Die GEO DATA GmbH lädt zum ersten GEO DATA Hack in der Hochschule Aalen ein! Du hast 24 Stunden Zeit, um in einem kleinen Team die coolste Idee zum Leben in einer Smart City zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.  Wie kann man das Leben in der Stadt der Zukunft verbessern, erleichtern und verändern? Dieser Frage sollst Du in deinem Team auf den Grund gehen. Dabei kannst Du mit der bereitgestellten Hardware sogar einen funktionierenden Prototyp für ein LoRa Netzwerk bauen. Kein technisches Wissen in deinem Team vorhanden? Kein Problem! Mit unseren Hardware-Profis klappt es dennoch und dein Team kann sich auf die Software konzentrieren! Smart City? Hä? Was soll denn das sein? Auf unsere Facebook-Seite haben wir das hier kurz & knapp für Dich zusammengefasst! Aber keine Angst, Du brauchst für den Hackathon keine fundierten Kenntnisse im Bereich Smart City - neue Blickwinkel sind immer gut! Und was ist denn ein Hackathon? Das ist eine Soft- und Hardwareveranstaltung, während welcher eine Problemstellung technologiebezogen in einem bestimmten Zeitraum in Teams gelöst wird! Das bedeutet: Wenig Schlaf, viel Kaffee und jede Menge kreative Ideen! Hier könnt Ihr Eure Stärken einbringen, die Theorie in die Praxis umsetzen und mit Gleichgesinnten zusammen arbeiten. Wie das Ergebnis genau aussieht, also ob App, Webseite, Konzept oder ähnliches, ist Euch überlassen – Hauptsache es ist innovativ und praktisch!  Darauf kannst Du Dich freuen: Keynotes & Infos rund um das Thema Smart City Arduinos, Sensoren, Gateways - alles was Dein Herz begehrt! (Wenn Du einen konkreten Hardware-Bedarf für Deine Idee hast, gib diesen bitte bei der Anmeldung an - wir geben Dir dann Bescheid, ob wir das bereitstellen können!) Teams bildet Ihr selbst vor Ort. Du musst Dich also nicht schon mit einem festen Team anmelden! Fantastisches Essen Ausreichend Kaffee & Energydrinks  Aber auch Tee, Softdrinks & Wasser Einen Rückzugsbereich zum ausruhen Das solltest Du mitbringen: Deinen Laptop Die Software, um arbeiten zu können Einen Schlafsack/Decke, fall Du an Ort und Stelle Übernachten möchtest Leider können wir die Reisekosten nicht erstatt, bei der Reiseplanung können wir aber gerne weiterhelfen! Vorläufiger Ablauf: Freitag 12.45 Uhr Anmeldung 13.45 Uhr Begrüßung 14.00 Uhr Keynote von Prof. Dr. Weinberger 14.30 Uhr Vorstellung der Ideen 15.30 Uhr Teamfindung 15.45 Uhr Start Hackathon 18.00 Uhr Abendessen Samstag 08.00 Uhr Frühstück 12.30 Uhr Mittagessen 16.50 Uhr Abgabe Projekte 17.00 Uhr Ergebnispräsentation/Pitches - 5 Minuten pro Team 18.00 Uhr Beratung Jury/Abendessen 19.30 Uhr Preisverleihung 20.00 Uhr Ende Also ran an die Tasten und anmelden! 
      HackAdemy München
      20 Oct - 07:00 PM
      München, Germany
      Young technical students, graduates, and professionals in and around Munich! You're invited to sign up to participate in the HackAdemy Munich innovation boot camp. In this 2-day workshop event, you'll learn lean innovation methodologies and then apply them to meet specific challenges and earn points. Collaborate and network with like-minded individuals and compete for recognition and prizes.
      Silicon Drinkabout x Hack Roboy
      20 Oct - 03:00 PM
      München, Germany
      Robotics tech enthusiasts in Munich! You're invited to participate in Hack Roboy #3. You'll get to meet and network with like-minded enthusiasts and collaborate on neat projects using the Roboy humanoid robot. In addition to Roboy, you'll have access to resources including the Myorobotics "Make Your Own" robotics toolkit, the Virtual Roboy robotics simulator, and sensors that enable tracking of objects in 3D space.
      Agile Systems Konferenz 2017 (ASK)
      17 Oct - 08:00 AM
      München, Germany
      Developers and hackers in and around Munich, Germany. Are you planning to attend the AGILE SYSTEMS CONFERENCE 2017 (ASK)? If so then Agile-by-HOOD invites you to participate in the hackathon at the event. You'll work with like-minded techies to apply agile approaches in projects not only related to software, but also to systems and hardware.
      VoiceUI Hackathon Munich - powered by amazon & maxdome
      14 Oct - 09:30 AM
      Munich, Germany
      Hey everyone,   Welcome to the first VoiceUI Hackathon for Amazon Alexa in Munich. Get ready for a full day of fun and building cool stuff for the Amazon echo dot. Get insights from experts like Andrea Muttoni (Technical Evangelist Amazon), Liz Myers (Voice Designer), Fabian Dietenberger (Developer Sinnerschrader), Tim Kahle (Ceo 169 labs, VoiceUI Hackathon Cologne winner), and many more.  Never wrote a single line of code? Don't worry! You don't have to be a coding ninja! We'd like to invite every creative person and of course you'll get an intro how to get started building skills for Amazon Alexa :) At the hackathon you'll have the chance to work on some really cool use cases. Happy to announce that there will be an API and challenge provided by maxdome. maxdome is a German Video On Demand portal - this will be really exciting!     Target group: you don't have to be a coding ninja! Developers, Designers, Product Managers, Marketing Managers ... everyone is welcome! Grand prize:Besides some cool gadgets your team has the chance to win something really special: The winner team has the chance to meet an real Amazon Alexa expert after the hackathon. You'll have a nice dinner and the expert will help you 1:1 pushing your skill to the next level. You'll also be invited by maxdome to a dinner with interview. Other prizes: - Echo Dots - JS Kongress conference tickets - WLAN sockets for Amazon Alexa - Philips Hue Starter Sets Schedule: 9.30 am - Registration & Breakfast 10.00am - Welcome Speech - Organizers & Sponsors 11.00am Talk1: Intro & Hands on Andrea Muttoni, Technical Evangelist Amazon 11.30am Talk2: tba - Liz Myers, Voice Designer 12.00am - Snacks & Pizza 12.30am - API & Challenge 1.00pm - Team Building - Build a team or work on your own but better build a team ;) 1.30pm Hacking It's getting real! Don't worry our mentors are there to help you. 7pm Showcase Show & pitch what you have built. Our jury will pick some lucky winners. 7.30pm - Winners Sponsors: If you want to sponsor the event please get in touch
        TEF Data Challenge 2017, a Datathon by Telefónica
        14 Oct - 09:00 AM
        München, Germany
        A Datathon is like a Hackathon where data scientists & software engineers work and compete in teams on a data and visualization challenge. Here's a teaser of the challenge you and you teammates will have to solve, using real-world data from Telefónica's mobile network in Germany: "To improve customer experience and reduce costs, participants in teams of four will build a model that can predict and prevent potential network outages before they even occur. The model should be accompanied by a creative data visualization that conveys valuable insights." 
          Hackathon an der HAW Landshut
          13 Oct - 12:00 PM
          Landshut, Germany
          Von 13. bis 14.Oktober forschen studentische Teams 24 Stunden lang an der Mobilität von morgen. Die DRÄXLMAIER Group, LINK das Landshuter Gründerzentrum und die Hochschule Landshut laden Studenten zum Smart-Mobility-Hackathon ein. Ein Hackathon ist eine besondere Wettbewerbsart, in der studentische Teams kreativ innovative Lösungen entwickeln. Studenten aller Fachrichtungen sind dazu aufgerufen, in interdisziplinären Teams kreative Ideen, Anwendungen und Prototypen zu entwickeln. Der Kreativität sind dabei keine Grenzen gesetzt. Die DRÄXLMAIER Group, LINK das Landshuter Gründerzentrum und die Hochschule Landshut unterstützen die Teilnehmer mit neuester Hardware, Software und Datenquellen. Bei technischen Fragen helfen die Experten der DRÄXLMAIER Group. Die besten Ideen werden mit Auszeichnungen und attraktiven Preisen prämiert, darunter ein Hoverboard und der smarte Lautsprecher Amazon Echo. Studenten aller Fachrichtungen können sich ab sofort hier kostenlos anmelden - einzeln oder als Team. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt. Wir helfen bei der Teamzusammenstellung an Anfang des Events. Für Essen, Trinken, Schlafgelegenheit und Preise wie ein Hoverboard sorgen wir. Für Spaß und Ideen sorgt Ihr.
            Magento Hackathon & Contribution Days Munich 2017
            29 Sep - 08:30 AM
            München, Germany
            The Magento Hackathon & Contribution Days provide intensive workshops with Magento Director of Community Engineering Max Yekaterynenko and his team, giving insights into Magento 2 development and contributing of the Magento 2 core. When & Where?The Magento Hackathon & Contribution Days Munich will take place from 09/29/17 until 10/01/17 in Munich. What?You will work on new features, improvements for the Magento 2 core, e.g. Create tests Develop feature/improvement Do cross reviews Create PRs and check all tests Merge PRs Food & Drinks?Healthy food, drinks and snacks are included! Entertainment/Party?We´ll be participants of the world largest party - the Oktoberfest tasting the best beer in the world (also included!). Requirements? Working (Up and running) Magento 2 version with develop branch, forked and pulled from GitHub Debugger and IDE are up to you, the team uses xdebug and PHPStorm Active GitHub account  Desire to make contribution! Code of conductWe are dedicated to providing a harassment-free hackathon experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religionDon't be an asshole, no matter about what.We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form.
              Accenture Interactive Hackathon - Connected Edition
              23 Sep - 09:00 AM
              München, Germany
              ME, MYSELF AND AI During our 24-hours marathon, you and your team prototype ideas, products and services that integrate Artificial Intelligence in our daily live. By the creative and innovative use of digital technologies you create different solutions that benefit people and the economy in a range of fields. You will work in a team of 3 to 5 people and your projects will be evaluated by a panel of expert judges, some of which are members of Accenture management, along with other authoritative figures from the world of high-tech and innovation. In addition, a mentor will support you, develop your project. The three winning teams will be awarded with great prizes. But that’s not all! The first-placed teams of each city will go to the start-up festival Bits & Pretzels in Munich at the same evening after the award ceremony. There, the teams compete against each other in a national comparison to determine the overall winner of the Accenture Interactive Hackathon – Connected Edition. Don't miss an unforgettable experience by meeting with people who pursue the same goal for two days and share the same passion for digital technologies and innovations as yourself. Whether as an individual or as a team of 3-5 persons, you are invited to participate in this extraordinary event and to face this exciting challenge. Participation is free of charge. REGISTRATION Become a part of an extraordinary team and register now on: TOPICS Digital applications become more complex - especially in today's world! Not only do they have to fulfill more and more customer requirements, they will also become more versatile. At the same time, they will also become increasingly flexible and therefore more universally applicable through technological development. Smart Business In some countries, Artificial Intelligence is already used in legal writings, medical diagnoses, or national security. The possibilities for a new business idea seem to be boundless. Entrepreneurship E-Commerce Marketplaces Logistics Automotive Public Safety Cyber Security Communication Big Data Banking Future Lifestyle Whether Siri, Cortana or Echo - we already use Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives. These applications change our lives and should take us tasks, so that we have more space for the things that make us happy. Community Food Entertainment Healthcare Future of Work IoT Wearables Robotics Biotech Smart Home LOCATIONS The Accenture Interactive Hackathon takes place at the same time in three locations: in Berlin, Dortmund and Munich – choose the location near you. PRIZES At the end of the Hackathon, you and your team can win great prizes. But that's not all! After the local winners are determined, the first-placed team of each city will go to the startup festival Bits & Pretzels from 24-26 September 2017 in Munich. There, after the national pitch the overall winning team will present their project on the Main Stage. So pack your suitcase: Maybe you will go to Munich directly after the Hackathon! You don’t know the Bits & Pretzels yet? Check out the website: Local prizes: 1st prize: A trip to Munich from 24.-27. September 2017 incl. transport, hotel and access to all sessions of Bits & Pretzels festival 2nd prize: A 100€ gift card for Amazon for each team member 3rd prize: A 50€ gift card for Amazon for each team member National prizes: 1st prize : A trip to Madrid in Spring 2018 incl. flight, hotel, catering and a visit of our Accenture Innovation Center 2nd and 3rd prize: Smartwatch worth up to 250 € for each team member