Showing results 11 to 20 out of 27
TECHFEST Munich 2017
09 Sep - 10:30 AM
Garching bei München, Germany
Don't know TECHFEST Munich yet? Then it's about time to experience the vibe at our hack-festival!TECHFEST MUNICH is a unique hard- and software hackathon and for the first time we want to give visitors insights into this  event. You have the oppertunity get in touch with our participants an to learn more about the latest trends in our digital world. On Saturday 09th of September , you have the chance to get an exclusive behind the scenes look with an all-access-area pass. Experience visionary talks, connect with innovative startups and see our tech-talents at work.On Sunday, 10th of September present our participants their incredible results at the final Techslam. Enjoy afterwards our Foodtruck Festival (food & drinks provided) and get in touch with the participants, our partners and the TECHFEST Crew.Because TECHFEST MUNICH is more than a hackathon!Visit for more information.We are really looking forward to meet you at TECHFEST Munich 2017!
    Hack & Help
    24 Jun - 12:00 PM
    München, Germany
    What is "hack & help"? You want to support refugees in Munich and don't know how? You have a high affinity to cutting edge tech solutions? Then "hack & help" is the perfect event for you! Together with your friends and together with us, YOU can create an impact for people in need of help by simply developing smart IT solutions. Together with YOU, we want to dedicate this hackathon to our refugee initiative "Stay Welcome" and facilitate the integration of refugees into our society. The challenge we will deal with will be presented at the hackathon.  It is also an honor for us to announce that this event is also sponsored by Microsoft! What is "Stay Welcome"?   if you cannot see the video please click on this link   Submission Requirements You need to come up with an IT Solution to help refugees. You might need to work with chatbots and/or AI. Problem statement will be presented at the hackathon.    Eligibility College students with the focus on informatics,  information systems and refugees with IT knowledge.   Further information What we provide: food drinks music working space What you can bring: sleeping bag toothbrush :) personal motivation goodies :)   Rules Our hackathon is dedicated to providing a great experience for everyone. That means that we will ensure an overall harassment-free environment and create positive vibes throughout the 24h.
      NanoHacks by Burda Hackday
      24 Jun - 09:00 AM
      München, Germany
      NanoHacks is a one day hackathon powered by the Burda Hackday team.  The topic is: CHATBOTS. Come together and build a chatbot in one day. It's gonna be fun!  More details will follow soon.
        Global AI Hackathon - Munich
        23 Jun - 07:00 PM
        München, Germany
        Designers, data scientists, neuroscientists, idea generators, and coders in the Munich area! Are you passionate about artificial intelligence? invites you to participate in the Global AI Hackathon - Munich. As part of a global hackathon event, you'll work on your own, or collaborate with a team of like-minded individuals from your community. So sign up now and you'll get to work on an AI challenge to be announced...and compete for terrific prizes.
        #FutureLab Hackathon
        09 Jun - 07:00 PM
        München, Germany
        Technology meets Journalism! Beim #FutureLab Hackathon könnt ihr zusammen mit hochkarätigen Tech- und Medienpartnern Prototypen für den Journalismus von Übermorgen entwickeln. Wie sieht Journalismus im Smart Home aus? Wie in der smart Mobility? Wie kann uns AI bei News unterstützen und was geht schon alles mit AR und Wearables? Lasst uns die Tech- und Medienbranche zusammenbringen und gemeinsam hacken! Ihr bekommt exklusiven Zugang zu den Technologien von: Lufthansa Flying Lab Bragi AX Semantics IBM ASUS Und dem Content und APIs unserer Medienpartner: Süddeutsche Zeitung t3n xMinutes Red Bull Media House DRadio Arbeitet zusammen mit Teilnehmern aus der Medienbranche, Entwicklern und Designern an Prototypen für den Content von übermorgen. Ob Anwendungen oder Storytelling-Formate, Content-Tech oder Services ist völlig offen. Fünf Challenges gibt es - lasst eurer Kreativität freien Lauf! CHALLENGES & PRIZES ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Preis t3n: t3n-Abos und Medialeistung auf im Wert von 5.000 € Preis AXSemantics: Onboarding und Basic-Lizenzpaket für AXSemantics für ein Jahr (Gesamtwert: 27.000 €). Keynote auf der Computational Linguistics UnConference oder dem AX Anwendertag sowie weitere Berichterstattung über den Case. Jury: Frank Feulner (CVO AX Semantics), Martin Brüggemann (CTO t3n) AUGMENTED REALITY Preis Red Bull Media House: Besuch im Tech Lab von Red Bull Media House in Salzburg (inkl. Anreise) mit einer Überraschung „die Flügel verleiht“ Preis ASUS: ASUS ZenFone 3, Interview und Verbreitung durch ASUS Jury: Tanja Herkner (ASUS) SMART HOME Preis Süddeutsche Zeitung: SZ-Digital Abo Preis IBM: to be announced Jury: Lutz Knappmann (Editorial Innovation, SZ) SMART MOBILITY Preis Lufthansa: Besuch im Innovation Hub Berlin Preis xMinutes: Rapsberry Pi, Sixpack Craft Bier der Marke Kehrwieder Prototyp aus Hamburg, Goodie Elbphilharmonie Jury: Richard Trtanj (Lufthansa), Martin Virtel (xMinutes) WEARABLES Preise & Jury tba BEST IDEA! Die beste Idee des Wochenendes wird mit einem Sonderpreis vom Media Lab Bayern prämiert. Preis: 1.000-€-Gutschein von Amazon 1 Tag Lean-Startup-Coaching („Get your Idea going!“) 2 Monate Coworking Space Tickets für das Tech Open Air Jury: Alle Partnerjuroren + Lina Timm (Program Manager Media Lab Bayern) TIMETABLE Freitag, 9. Juni 19.00 Uhr Doors Open19.30 Uhr Welcome & Challenge Presentation20.00 Uhr Fantastic Ideas and How to Find Them20.30 Uhr Idea Pitches & Teambuilding Samstag, 10. Juni 09.30 Uhr Breakfast10.00 Uhr Teambuilding 2 & Start Hacking11.00 Uhr Challenge-Workshops der (Tech-)Partner (bis 12 Uhr)13.00 Uhr Lunch14 – 18 Uhr Optionale Design-Thinking-Workshops für Teams18.00 Uhr Abendessen00.00 Uhr Midnight Snack Sonntag, 11. Juni 09.30 Uhr Breakfast10.00 Uhr Hack, hack, hack13.00 Uhr Code Freeze & Lunch14.00 Uhr Presentations16.00 Uhr Preisverleihung WORKSHOPS Die Tech- und Medienpartner stellen ihre Technologien schon vorab an fünf Abendworkshops vor. 19. April | Wearables - Bragi & DRadio 26. April | Smart Mobility - Lufthansa Flying Lab & xMinutes 24. Mai | Artificial Intelligence - AX Semantics & t3n 31. Mai | Augmented Reality - ASUS & Red Bull Media House 07. Juni | Smart Home - IBM & Süddeutsche Zeitung Natürlich könnt ihr auch am Hackathon teilnehmen, wenn ihr es nicht in einen der Workshops schafft! Was hat es mit den Challenges auf sich? Die Thementracks werden jeweils von einem Team aus Tech- und Medienpartner betreut. Die Lufthansa und xMinutes z.B. begleiten den Track Smart Mobility, AX Semantics und t3n den Track Artificial Intelligence. Zusammen mit Vertretern der beiden arbeitet ihr in kleinen Teams an der Entwicklung konkreter Prototypen. Dabei habt ihr Zugriff auf die diversen Technologien, APIs, Entwicklerplattformen und Inhalte unserer Partner. Außerdem stehen unsere Partner euch mit technischem und inhaltlichem Know-how zu Seite. Begleitet werdet werden die Teams darüber hinaus von unseren Design Thinking Coaches von methodworks. Was könnt ihr mitnehmen? Ihr habt die einzigartige Gelegenheit mit Menschen zusammenzuarbeiten, die euch aus erster Hand Einblicke in eine konkrete Zukunftstechnologie geben können. Gemeinsam erarbeitet ihr Prototypen. Die besten Ideen und Teams werden mit Preisen belohnt und haben die Möglichkeit, die Entwicklung ihres Prototypen fortzusetzen. Was müsst ihr mitbringen? Der Hackathon ist offen für Medienmacher, Designer und Developer! Du kannst dir auf die Schnelle innovative Konzepte einfallen lassen und denkst lieber quer als geradeaus? Super! Kontakt Ihr habt noch Fragen? Wir beantworten sie gern! Mail uns einfach an unter, schreibt uns bei Twitter oder Facebook unter @MediaLabBayern. Wir freuen uns auf euch!
          HACKATHON Munich
          23 May - 09:00 AM
          München, Germany
          The BIMscript® HACKATHON is a two-day event that is taught by our product manager and offers content developers and mechanical CAD internal department team members a unique opportunity to learn from the masters. BIMscript® & LENA is free software that opens a new world of opportunities to users and manufacturers who wish to develop their own content for most BIM platforms, using a single script. Smaller developers may also develop content rich multi format parameters in several languages, with a single Rhino and LENA license.  As an accredited BIMscript® & LENA professional, you will:  Use BIMscript® & LENA in real projects with real BIMobject clients and projects (brand owners pay a publication fee to be published in the BIMobject Cloud at Upon request, receive a free hidden Project Cloud to create a content catalogue, with limited access, for non-profit purposes, demonstration, testing and training Receive invitations to future events, as well as on-going support and training Exchange knowledge and ideas for the future with other accredited professionals Join our Forum and Wiki On Day 1, participants will learn how to use BIMscript® & LENA for Rhino to create BIM files for ARCHICAD, Revit, SketchUp, AutoCAD, IFC, and 3DStudio. At the end of the Hackathon, participants will receive accreditation to use BIMscript® & LENA.   "Future Features" Workshop:  On Day 2, among other activities, we will present our "Future Features" workshop to demonstrate and discuss our future innovations within BIMscript, called “smart connectors”. The workshop will include scripting capabilities for MEP connectors, laser positioning holes for stations, and relationships between objects and subcomponents.   Register - Duration - Costs 2 days including lunch 210.-* Euro per person  Participation is limited. If several employees of the same company wish to participate, each person must complete a separate entry.  To receive accreditation, all participants must attend and complete the Hackathon session and be prepared to present their work. Software /Hardware Requirements A laptop computer with Windows and Rhino 5 64-bit installed. *plus legal value added taxes. 
            7HACK 2017
            13 May - 09:00 AM
            Unterföhring, Germany
            24 HOURS + CREATIVE OUT-OF-THE-BOX-THINKERS + INDUSTRY EXPERTS = FUN, NETWORKING & GREAT PROTOTYPES   THE EXPERIENCE Following our vision and strengthening our leading position in the market requires disruptive innovation and talented employees that don‘t hesitate to try new things. With the 7HACK 2017 it´s the second time we open our doors to internal and external developers, designers and creatives to team up for 24 hours to generate valuable outcomes.   THE CHALLENGE Hack yourselves into e-commerce - A hackathon which discovers new possibilities for the e-commerce ecosystem. The commerce business has change dramatically during the last 15 years – what will the future look like? Together with us and our API–Partners you will have the opportunity to make your disruptive ideas happen. Think together outside the box. Let’s redefine the word of e-commerce together! We are very much looking forward to meeting you at our campus in Unterfoehring!
              12 May - 04:00 PM
              Garching bei München, Germany
              HealthCare Futurists and UnternehmerTUM are organising an entrepreneur venue specially dedicated to the fields of Life Science, Medicine and Healthcare. - Hands on Health 2017 is a hackathon for everyone passionate about disrupting health care with progressive ideas, creative thinking and active doing. Why We believe that innovation is magic that happens when people with no blinders on and from different backgrounds meet in a stimulating environment to dedicate time to a specific field of interest. For us, this is health-care. This is why we are trying to create the perfect ecosystem where we think we will see innovation happen right in front of us. Our goal is to provide you with the best minds and tangible challenges to really make a difference in healthcare and patient care. Who is behind We are a small group of dedicated individuals who crave for excellence and innovation in healthcare, life sciences and medicine. We bring a considerable number of years in the industry and in patient care to the table. With this background, we have teamed up with partners from politics and industry to make our vision real: Patient empowerment and patient centricity. What is the goal of is a hackathon and a networking venue. Our goal is to bring bright minds and great ideas together in a stimulating environment. We want people to interact and interchange ideas, thoughts, and wishes and beliefs for this is the cradle to new entrepreneurial endeavours. We want you to interact with each other on eye level and we want the participants to be able to go out after this event and start founding their own company in health-care. Excecution Process  FAQs What should I bring to the event? Ideally, bring your laptop and charger. WIFI will be provided for free at the venue. You will also need your printed ticket or an ID-card to get in.Other than that you just need a fresh mind and the passion to get involved and do. Where can I contact the organiser with any questions? You will find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on our website: For other questions, please contact us via Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Unfortunately. your ticket is not transferrable. Can I update my registration information? Yes, you may edit your registration information after purchasing the ticket. What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? By public transport: Take the underground line U6 direction Garching Forschungszentrum and alight there Please take the exit `Lichtenbergstraße` in the station After going straight 100 m you meet Lichtenbergstraße, where you have to turn left Walk down the street until you arrive at Lichtenberstraße 6, which is a black building to your right hand By car: Take the A9 Munich-Nuremberg Autobahn and exit at Garching Nord, direction “Forschungsinstitute” Turn left for Freising at the first traffic lights Turn right at the next traffic lights Turn left after 100m, behind the Entrepreneurship Center (black building), to the car park Please ring at the barrier
                Hack in den Mai
                28 Apr - 07:00 PM
                München, Germany
                What is this Hackathon about? "Discover everyday life with Data Science" - that's what this Hackathon is about. With the help of the expertise of our 4 mentors we want you to analyse and/or develop solutions based on 3 real-life data sets. We are excited for the insights you can come up with! 3 days of fun and challenges await you at "Hack in den Mai".  We are Celonis. One of the fastest growing tech companies in Europe. Some of the biggest companies in the world rely on our solutions to improve their business processes.  Of course we have exciting prizes for the winner team and food and drinks are on us! How many people will the hackathon have? We are planning with 20 attendees. How do I find a team? On the first evening, we will form teams, but you can also register as a team! Team Sizes? Teams should be 3 - 5 people. Overnight Stay? Sure! We will have sleeping rooms What should I bring to the event? Your computer (laptop or desktop), any electronics you want to use and chargers. If you are planning to stay overnight (and we hope you will !!!) bring your toiletries, a sleeping bag/blanket and a pillow.
                  ZEISS Hackathon Munich
                  28 Apr - 07:00 PM
                  Munich, Germany
                  Optics Go Digital Seize the opportunity to kick-start the field of optics in the digital world! At the end of April, nerds, geeks, hackers, script-kiddies and cyberpunks of all sorts will meet for the second ever ZEISS hackathon in Munich where they will receive the chance to unleash their creativity utilizing world class hardware from an optics industry giant to turn ideas into working solutions or products. If you are into gadgets and love code this is the event to be. Take your smarts and skills to the test and come up with something truly amazing within 24 hours. New ways of capturing high resolution photos, finding patterns in images, bridging worlds with immersive VR/AR applications or something completely off the map that no-one ever imagined. We won’t just give you exciting hardware to tinker with. ZEISS will make you feel right at home at its brand new Munich office. We’ll take excellent care of your nutritional needs. There’ll be a variety of drinks and foods and even you’re late night cravings will be covered. The top three teams will also receive exciting prizes for their efforts. Are you ready to step up to this challenge, then sign up now. For more information, visit: