Showing results 11 to 18 out of 18
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar
16 Jun - 01:00 PM
München, Germany
Entrepreneurship for Beginners - Startup | Entrepreneur Hackathon Webinar | Startup Event | Startup Conference | Startup Pitch | Startups
    Campus Hackathon München 2020
    17 Apr - 07:00 PM
    München, Germany
    Beim Campus Hackathon hast Du 24 Stunden Zeit um eine Idee unter Zeitdruck in Code umzusetzen. Unterstützung bei der Ideenfindung und der Umsetzung erhältst Du von erfahrenen Mentoren unserer Partnerunternehmen. Ein Team besteht idealerweise aus Konzeptern, Programmierern und Webdesignern. Du kannst Dich als Team oder vor Ort mit anderen zusammentun.
      Develop a Successful Healthcare Tech Startup Business Today!
      14 Apr - 01:00 PM
      München, Germany
      Develop a Successful Healthcare Tech Startup Business Today! Medical - Digital Health -Hackathon - Virtual - Webinar
        Develop a Successful Healthcare Tech Startup Business Today!
        14 Apr - 01:00 PM
        München, Germany
        Develop a Successful Healthcare Tech Startup Business Today! Medical - Digital Health -Hackathon - Virtual - Webinar
          EESTech Challenge Munich Local Round
          03 Apr - 11:00 AM
          München, Germany
          The EESTech Challenge is about Creating opportunities where students gain knowledge in the field of EECS and develop a professional network. You can apply for the hackathon here: To discover more about the EC visit: @ECMunich on Facebook and follow @eestech_challenge_munich on Instagram
          Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
          24 Mar - 01:00 PM
          München, Germany
          Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
            Machine Learning meets Modelling and Simulation Methods
            16 Mar - 01:00 PM
            Garching bei München, Germany
            Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence with High Performance Data Analytics aspects. Seminars and Hackathon.
              Roboholics Hackathon #1
              25 Jan - 04:30 PM
              München, Germany
              The Munich Roboholics e.V. 1st Kick Off Hackathon