Showing results 11 to 20 out of 37
IDV Hacktober 2018
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
München, Germany
Hast Du Lust, dich alleine oder im Team (max. 3) mit Deiner Idee einer Softwarelösung mit anderen zu messen?
Wenn ja, dann melde Dich gleich zum IDV Hacktober an!
Im Fokus steht vor allem der gemeinsame Spaß, die Kreativität und der Austausch von Ideen in Form von ersten Prototypen.
Natürlich kannst du auch attraktive Preise gewinnen!
CODE TWENTYFOUR - The Hackathon by ProsiebenSat.1
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Unterföhring, Germany
CODE TWENTYFOUR is the unique Hackathon from ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE. On October 20/21, 2018 we will open our doors for the third time to developers, designers, and creative entrepreneurs giving them a chance to team up and generate value outcomes over an intense 24 hours.
Smart Entertainment Everywhere
The Internet of Things has arrived! Let´s find new solutions to entertain people in a smart way they enjoy. Bring new entertainment experiences in our everyday life.
Together with our partners we will provide smart devices and access to a selection of APIs from ProSiebenSat.1 group. Use the provided hardware and software to create a cool Prototype within 24 hours!
CONNECT.CODE.CREATE - That´s what we stand for!
You are invited to be part of a creative and enthusiastic team of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs; to connect with new people from all over Germany and Europe; to meet our ProSiebenSat.1 mentors; and to get to know our jury, formed by ProSiebenSat.1 management and external experts.
You will be given access to a selection of APIs from the ProSiebenSat.1 group. In addition to that, every year special partners are invited who, in turn, provide access to their APIs as well as making their hardware available for you to work with. In the past we have welcomed Microsoft, Samsung, and Beaconinside, to just name a few.
In teams of between two and five people, you will have 24 hours to generate a running prototype using at least two of the APIs provided. In a three-minute pitch you are then given the chance to convince our jury and potentially win great prices.
Saturday, October 20th 2018
09:00 am Registration & Breakfast
10:00 am Welcome
12:00 pm 24h hack begins (Food & beverages will be provided)*
Sunday, October 21st 2018
12:00 pm hacking deadline
01:45 pm Pitch presentations
04:15 pm Award ceremony
04:30 pm Drinks & Departure
* Chill-out-areas will be provided. You can bring your sleeping bag and sleep at the venue.
#AUXHACK18 Hackathon Mensch+Maschine
18 Oct - 04:30 PM
Augsburg, Germany
Was steckt hinter dem #AUXHACK18?Es handelt sich um einen Hackathon zum Thema Mensch & Maschine. Du hast die Gelegenheit wertvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen, an Ideen zu arbeiten, knifflige Probleme zu lösen, etwas Neues zu lernen und dabei viel Spaß zu haben.
Wer kann mitmachen?Jeder ist willkommen! Der Event steht für die Arbeit im Team an einer Idee: Dabei kannst Du gemeinsam mit den anderen Teilnehmern entdecken, experimentieren und viel lernen. Ganz egal ob Du KonzepterIn, MarketerIn, EntwicklerIn, DesignerIn oder einfach nur ein interessierter und kreativer Geist bist.
Wie funktioniert das? Ganz einfach – Jeder Teilnehmer hat beim Kick-off am Donnerstagabend eine Minute Zeit, eine Idee dem Publikum vorzustellen. Danach bilden sich Teams, die gemeinsam 2,5 Tage an der Idee arbeiten. Parallel zur Arbeit an den Ideen gibt es Expertencoachings und Pitch Training.
Muss jeder Teilnehmer eine Idee haben? Nein. Jede Idee bereichert zwar den Event. Solltest Du keine haben, dann kannst Du Mitglied in einem anderen Team werden und an deren Idee arbeiten.
Was kostet die Teilnahme? Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Food & Drinks gibt es ausreichend und ist in der Teilnahme inbegriffen.
Was muss ich mitbringen? Ein Laptop (Ladekabel nicht vergessen!!!), im besten Fall eine Idee, gute Laune und Motivation. Wir kümmern uns um den Rest.
Welche Preise gibt es zu gewinnen? - Best Overall [3.000 Euro] - Most Innovative [1.500 Euro] Neben den klassischen Preisen gibt es viele Sonderpreise.
Wer sitzt in der Jury?Die Jury ist mit hochkarätigen Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Medien und Wissenschaft besetzt. Details folgen.
PROGRAMM Do., 18.10.18 16:30 → Doors Open 17:00-17:15 → Begrüßung durch Augsburger Allgemeine 17:15-18:15 → Ideen-Pitches (jeweils max. 1 Minute) 18:15-19:15 → Teamfindung 19:15 - 19:30 → Kickoff, Talk: Customer Development Basics 19:30 → Pizza & Beer & START WORKING Open End Arbeitszeit
Fr., 19.10.18 09:00 → Frühstück 9:30-13:30 → Hack (+ Mentoren) 13:30-14:30 → Mittagessen 14:30-19:30 → Hack hack hack (+ Kaffeepause) (+ Mentoren) 19:30 → Abendessen Open End Arbeitszeit
Sa., 20.10.18 09:00 → Frühstück 10:00-13:00 → Hack + Mentoren, Pitch Trainings 13:00-14:00 → Mittagessen 14:00-15:30 → Präsentation Vorbereitung 15:30-16:30 → Finale Präsentationen (je 3min + 2min Q&A Jury) 16:30-17:00 → Jury Beratung 17:00-17:30 → PREISVERLEIHUNG ……. Fingerfood + Networking
Hack & Jump München - 08. November 2018
08 Oct - 12:00 PM
Munich, Germany
At Hack&Jump Shuttle the companies apply directly to you! On the way in a Hack&Jump shuttle bus you will get to know well-known heads of the IT scene on a single day. You will gain insights into exciting topics. In addition, we will provide you with a variety of delicious snacks and a wide variety of drinks for free during your entire stay. Take the chance and be there, many vacancies are waiting for you with direct entry opportunity.
Magento Hackathon & Contribution Days Munich 2018
05 Oct - 10:00 AM
München, Germany
The Magento Hackathon & Contribution Days Munich will take place from 10/05/18 until 10/07/18 in Munich.
Food & Drinks?
Healthy food, drinks and snacks are included!
We´ll be participants of the world largest party - the Oktoberfest tasting the best beer in the world (also included!).
Code of conduct
We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free hackathon experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religionDon't be an asshole, no matter about what.We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form.
More information coming up soon..
Magento Hackathon & Contribution Days Munich 2018
05 Oct - 10:00 AM
München, Germany
A team of leading Magento core architects has started a new form of worldwide community involvement that will facilitate contributions. Meet Magento Association and its worldwide network of events is the first platform ever to provide Magento 2 developers with a new way to interact with the Magento development team.
HackerGames! - BusinessMeetsTech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Munich
03 Oct - 07:00 PM
München, Germany
++ Apply now! ++
We invite YOU to the Business Meets Tech HackerGames! on 4th-6th October 2018. Take part at the hackathon and join IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference after your demo in front of top investors.
Your experience includes
Talks from founders like Scott Chacon (Github) or Adora Cheung (Y Combinator)
Amazing career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co
Opportunity to win prizes worth 5.000 Euro (in cash)
IdeaLab! Ticket incl. 3 days accommodation, food & drinks at boat party
24h of hard work, awesome people & lots of fun
Enjoy 24h of HackerGames! - powered by wibas etarate AND 48h of IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference at WHU on 4th-6th October 2018 in Vallendar near Cologne, Germany. Only a limited amount of tickets are available.
++ Apply now in under 3 minutes! ++
Hackathon Smart City Freising
28 Sep - 02:00 PM
Freising, Germany
English version below...
Um was geht es?
Freising kann auf mehr als 1.300 Jahre Geschichte zurückblicken. Heute stellen Globalisierung, wirtschaftlicher und demographischer Wandel die Stadt allerdings vor zunehmende Herausforderungen.
Texas Instruments will gemeinsam mit dem Fablab, VIMpay, Mouser Electronics und der Stadt Freising Impulse geben, wie intelligente Technologie Freising noch lebenswerter machen kann. Sensoren können beispielsweise die Luftqualität oder den Verkehrsfluss messen, intelligente Netzwerke den städtischen Betrieb effizienter machen und Parkplätze digital ausgewiesen und abgerechnet werden.
Ihr könnt das Freising von morgen mitgestalten. Beim Smart City Hackathon am 28. und 29. September setzt ihr im Team Eure Vision einer Smart City Freising um und präsentiert Euer Projekt vor einer Fachjury. Auf die besten Teams warten attraktive Preise. Texas Instruments und das Fablab unterstützen die Projekte mit Hardware und Software.
Warum solltest du dabei sein?
Sei innovativ: Arbeite im Team an einem spannenden Projekt, das die Zukunft von Freising verändert.
Nutze deine Chance zum Netzwerken: Triff andere kreative Köpfe, mit denen du etwas Neues erschaffen und dein Netzwerk erweitern kannst.
Hab gemeinsam Spaß: Freu dich auf kostenlose Verpflegung, großartige Preise und unsere After-Hackathon-Party.
Hatten wir schon erwähnt, dass die Teilnahme kostenlos ist?
Wie kann man mitmachen?
Bitte registriere dich bis zum 15. August 2018 und gib deinen Teamnamen und deine Projektidee an. Die Teamgröße ist auf 2 – 4 Personen beschränkt. Als Ticketart wählst du "Ticket(s) für Teams". Du kannst so auch mehrere Tickets auf einmal bestellen. Ohne Tickets kein Einlass, deshalb muss jedes Teammitglied registriert sein.
Wenn du dich ohne Team oder Projektidee anmelden willst: kein Problem, wir stellen auch Teams zusammen und versorgen diese mit Projektideen. Als Ticketart wählst du "Ticket für Einzelteilnehmer".
Sollten sich mehr Teilnehmer anmelden als im Fablab Platz ist, werden wir die spannendsten Projekte auswählen und Euch Rückmeldung geben falls es nicht klappt.
Wie ist der Ablauf?
Freitag, 28. September 2018
14:00 – 15:00 Uhr: Anmeldung
15:00 – 16:00 Uhr: Begrüßung
16:00 – 19:00 Uhr: Hacking
19:00 – 20:00 Uhr: Abendessen
20:00 - open end: Hacking
Samstag, 29.September 2018
8:30 - 9:30 Uhr: Frühstück
9:30 - 12:30 Uhr: Hacking
12:30 - 13:30 Uhr: Mittagessen
13:30 – 14:00: Tipps für die Projektvorstellung
14:00 – 17:00 Uhr: Hacking
17:00 – 18:00 Uhr: Vorbereitung Projektvorstellung / Hacking
18 – 20:00 Uhr: Präsentationen & Finale
Ab 20:00 Uhr: Abendessen, im Anschluss Party
What is it about?
Freising can look back on more than 1,300 years of history. Due to globalization, the economy and demographic development, Freising is faced with a set of growing challenges. What can we do to keep Freising livable for a smarter future?Texas Instruments, Fablab, VIMpay, Mouser Electronics and the city of Freising want to inspire how intelligent technology can make Freising even more livable. Sensors can measure air quality or traffic flow, for example, intelligent networks make urban operations more efficient and parking spaces can be digitally displayed and billed.You can help shape the Freising of tomorrow. At the Smart City Hackathon on September 28 and 29, you and your team will implement your vision of a Smart City Freising and present your project to a panel of experts. Attractive prizes await the best teams. Texas Instruments and Fablab support the projects with hardware and software.
Why should you join?
Innovate: Work on an amazing project that will influence the future of Freising.
Connect: Meet other awesome innovators. You’ll have time to not only innovate but also network and have fun together.
Enjoy: Look forward to free food and drinks, fun swag, great prizes and an after party.
Did we mention participation is completely free?
How can you join?
Please register by August 15, 2018 and enter your team name and project idea. The team size is limited to 2 - 4 persons. As ticket type you choose "Ticket(s) for teams". You can also order several tickets for your team members at once. Without tickets no admission, therefore every team member must be registered.If you want to register without a team or project idea: no problem, we also put teams together and provide them with project ideas. As ticket type you choose "Ticket for individual participants".If there are more participants than there is space in the Fablab, we will select the most exciting projects and give you feedback if you are in.
Friday, September 28
2 p.m. – 3 p.m.: Arrival and registration
3 p.m. — 4 p.m.: Welcome & Introduction
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.: Hacking
7 p.m. - 8 p.m.: Dinner
8 p.m.- open end: Hacking
Saturday, September 29
8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.: Breakfast
9:30-12:30: Hacking
12:30-1:30: Lunch
1:30-2: How to pitch
2-5: Hacking
5-6: Pitch prep/hacking
6-8: Presentations & finale
8 onward: Dinner and after party
#hackoctoberfest Call4Code Submission Marathon (daylight hackathon)
27 Sep - 09:00 AM
München, Germany
Answer the Call for Code by developing solutions for disaster preparedness and relief.
(draft) Agenda
Thursday, 27th
9 AM Opening and welcome
9:15 AM Introduction to the Challenges
9:30 AM Team building
10 AM OMIT - The Open Mesh Infrastructure for Telemetry - Romeo Kienzler - IBM
4:30 PM Introduction to LoRaWan and The Things Network - Severin Schols, The Things Network Munich
6 PM Challenges in IT in the 3rd world - Dr. Ralf Rühl - Stiftung Menschen für Menschen Karlheinz Böhms Äthiopienhilfe
+ Getting hardware + Finding staff + Internet interruptions + Getting it done anyway
Friday, 28th
9 AM Opening and welcome
This is an on-site daylight hackathon and submission marathon for the IBM Call for Code in cooperation with The Linux Foundation, UN Human Rights, and American Red Cross.
Answer the Call for Code by developing solutions for disaster preparedness and relief.
The project with the greatest potential impact will be implemented with the help of IBM, The Linux Foundation, UN Human Rights, and American Red Cross.
OpenTech AI Summit Munich, Germany
26 Sep - 09:00 AM
München, Germany
This is the 3rd replication of the OpenTech AI Summit (we held those in Helsinki and Zurich with great success)
Please reserve the date, here is a draft agenda, confirmed talks will be added constantly, schedule will be published later in August.
Morning: Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Workshops
Afternoon: Talks, Panel Discussion and Lightning talks from IBM, TU Munich and more....
Evening: After-Event Meetup with Talks, Beer and Pizza
Confirmed Workshops:
- Introduction to Keras and TensorFlow - Romeo Kienzler - IBM
- Get your finders dirty on an IBM Power AI System with nVidia V10/NVLink (Titel subject to change) - Nils Gebhardt - IBM
- Introduction to IoT and Data Science - Hans Boef - IBM
Confirmed Talks:
- Parallelization stategies for massive neural network scaling - Romeo Kienzler - IBM
- aFlux, a JVM bashed mashup tool for Spark and Flink - Tanmaya Mahapatra - TU Munich
- AI in Indoor Navigation - Habil. Dr. Christian Prehofer - TU Munich
- Data-driven Optimization of Mobility Services - Dr. Christian Prehofer - TU Munich / FORTISS
- Cognitive Legal Decision Support System - Johannes Forster - IBM
- Introduction to Computer Vision using DeepLearning - Dr. Holger Hennig - IBM
- High-Quality Data for Machine Learning in Networked Systems - Prof. Dr. Georg Carle - TU Munich
- Quantum Computing for Machine Learning - Dr. David Mesterhazy - IBM
Not yet confirmed talsk/workshops/hackathon challenges
- Experience sharing from client projects from the IBM Watson IoT Industry Lab
- "Cognitive Cooking" using an Oven Appliance connected over an Edge IoT Gateway to the cloud
27.09.18 - 28.09.18 Hackathon / Eduthon hosted by IBM and TU Munich + Workshops
This is a classic Hackathon but in parallel for less experienced teams you can opt-in for mentorship. Mode details con be found on the link below
IMPORTANT: Please register for the hackathon separately since this ticket is only valid for the conference on 26th
We have 2 preparation meetups for the Hackathon in Berlin and Munich, see below: