Showing results 11 to 20 out of 34
R U Ready - Hackathon
23 Oct - 04:00 PM
München, Germany
Are you ready to HACK?
Developers, designers, media enthusiasts and hackathon junkies: We want you for our R U Ready Hackathon! Together with Germany’s top media companies we will offer exciting challenges aiming to disrupt the media industry. Join us for a 3-day hackathon at the R U Ready Summit @ Medientage Munich and build the future of media!
Why you should join:
Meet like-minded media innovators & win cool prices
Get a free conference pass for the first day of Medientage Munich
Get access to Germany’s top media companies
When & Where:October 23-25, 2019 @ Medientage München | ICM - Munich
LET'S GET PERSONAL (AND STAY RELIABLE)n-tv will launch an alternative startpage of their iOS app in three weeks. How could personalization or new features involving personalization be a part of this new experience without creating a news filter bubble? Our goal would be to increase the clicks, the loyalty, the retention period of our existing and new usersby N-TVSEEDING MACHINEBR24 produces digital content about a vast variety of topics and aims to reach as many people as possible, for example by seeding. We post our content in social groups centered around that certain topic. How might we automate the way we spread the word about our content on social platforms?by BR24DIGITAL MEDIA MAPHow can a digital map look like and work, which shows the Bavarian media industry’s diversity?by XPLR:MEDIA
POLITICS FORMAT FOR MILLENIALS How can an exciting digital policy format for millennials look like? by DIE ZEITRELEVANCE OF READER'S KNOWLEDGEHow can content automatically adapt to the reader's knowledge about a certain topic? What data does it need? How could that look like?by MEDIA LAB BAYERN
Schedule:(preliminary agenda)
Wednesday, October 23rd09.00 | Registration open & Opportunity to Join Medientage München Conference (Food included)18.00 | Welcome by Media Lab Bayern, Hackerstolz & Hacks Hackers18.15 | Challenge Presentation by Partners19.00 | Teambuilding24.00 | See you tomorrow
Thursday, October 24th08.30 | Breakfast09.30 | Welcome Back10.00 | Final Teambuilding10.15 | CODE!10.15 | Workshops according to Challenge12.15 | Working Lunch13.30 | CODE!18.00 | Recap Validation & Pitch-Input19.00 | Dinneropen End | CODE!
Friday, October 25th08.30 | Breakfast08.30 | CODE!12.00 | Hacking Deadline & Lunch12.00 | Pitch Preperation13.00 | Pitches on R U Ready Stage @ Medientage München15.15 | Award Ceremony on Main Stage @ Medientage München16.30 | Goodbye
More information:
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Localization Unconference in Germany 2019
17 Oct - 09:00 AM
München, Germany
After two fun events in Heidelberg and Berlin in 2016 and 2018, the Localization Unconference in Germany is returning to Munich this year.
Block your calendars for October 17 and 18, 2019, when localization enthusiasts will gather at the Google offices in Munich to discuss their topics with like-minded professionals. As in previous years, we’ll have a translatathon and hackathon (on day 1, Thursday) and the actual unconference (on day 2, Friday).
An unconference is a participant-driven meeting day. The agenda is set by the participants on the day itself. In essence, the unconference puts the focus on the informal coffee break conversations so often held at conventional conferences.
The Unconference and the translatathon and hackathon are free of charge. The event cost of €39.00 per person covers a joint dinner in a special Bavarian setting on Thursday evening for those interested. (Should you choose not to join us for dinner - which would be a real shame ;-) - we'll refund the charge at the conference.)
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the organization team at
Kind regardsThe Germany Localization Unconference 2019 Organization Team
Hackathon Smart City Freising 2019
20 Sep - 02:00 PM
Freising, Germany
---- Please scroll down for English version ----
Um was geht es?
Der SmartCity Freising Hackathon ist ein Event für kollaborative Software und Hardware-Entwicklung, bei dem jeder teilnehmen kann, der kreative Ideen und Leidenschaft für Technologie hat. Ziel ist es, innerhalb von 26 Stunden gemeinsam sinnvolle und innovative Produkte zu entwickeln. Austragungsort ist das FabLab Freising, ein Makerspace mit allem, was man zum Tüfteln braucht wie 3D-Drucker, Lasercutter und vielem mehr.
Dieses Jahr dreht sich dabei alles um das Thema Smart Mobility und die Frage, wie die Themen Mobilität und Fortbewegung auf eine saubere, sichere und effiziente Weise neu definiert werden können.
Gemeinsam mit dem Fablab, Mouser Electronics, der Stadt Freising, Elektronik Neo und Start-up Coach Christine Purnell können sich die Teilnehmer als Erfinder ausprobieren und gemeinsam eine umweltfreundliche Zukunft der Stadt Freising mitgestalten. Wie kann der Stadtverkehr auf E-Mobilität umgestellt werden? Wie können Ladestationen für E-Fahrzeuge effektiver genutzt und zugänglich gemacht werden? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten E-Bikes und E-Scooter? Eure Ideen sind gefragt!
Euer Projekt wird am Ende von einer Fachjury bewertet – die besten Ideen werden mit attraktiven Preisen wie Bausteinen, Projektunterstützung und Coaching-Paketen belohnt.
Warum solltest du dabei sein?
Gestalte das Freising von morgen mit!
Arbeite an deinem Projekt in einem inspirierenden Makerspace und lasse deiner Kreativität freien Lauf.
Erweitere dein kreatives Netzwerk, lerne technikbegeisterte Menschen kennen und gewinne durch die gemeinsame Arbeit neue Perspektiven für dein Projekt.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos – wir kümmern uns um alles, was du brauchst wie Hardware, Software und Beratung.
Außerdem warten kostenlose Verpflegung sowie eine großartige After-Hackathon Party auf dich!
Jeder Teilnehmer erhält ein kostenloses Jahres-Abo der Elektronik Neo
Wie kann man mitmachen?
Bitte registriere dein Team und eure Idee hier auf der Seite. Als Ticketart wählst du "Ticket(s) für Teams" und gebe für alle Teammitglieder Namen und Kontaktdaten ein. Die Teamgröße ist auf maximal 4 Teilnehmer beschränkt. Du kannst so auch mehrere Tickets auf einmal bestellen. Ohne Tickets kein Einlass, deshalb muss jedes Teammitglied registriert sein.
Kein Team oder Idee – aber Lust auf Tüfteln?
Kein Problem, wir stellen auch Teams zusammen und versorgen diese mit Projektideen. Als Ticketart wählst du "Ticket für Einzelteilnehmer".
Die Registrierung endet am 8. September 2019.
Freitag, 20. September 2019
14:00 - 15:00: Registrierung
15:00 - 16:00: Wilkommen
16:00 - 19:00: Hacking
19:00 - 20:00: Abendessen
20:00 - open end: Hacking
Samstag, 21. September 2019
8:30 - 9:30: Frühstück
9:30 - 12:30: Hacking
12:30 - 13:30: Mittagessen
13:30 - 14:00: Tips für die Projektpräsentation
14:00 - 17:00: Hacking
17:00 - 18:00: Vorbereitung der Projektpräsentation / Hacking
18 - 20:00: Präsentationen & Finale
ab 20:00: Abendessen und Afterparty
What is it?
The SmartCity Freising Hackathon is a collaborative software and hardware development event, where anybody with creative ideas and passion for technology is welcomed to participate. The aim is to jointly create useful and innovative products within the 26 hours the event lasts. It is taking place at FabLab Freising – a maker’s space where you can find 3D printers, laser cutters, and many other tools.
This year, the SmartCity Freising Hackathon is all about smart mobility and how to redefine infrastructure in a clean, safe and efficient way.
Together with Fablab, Mouser Electronics, the City of Freising, Elektronik Neo and start-up coach Christine Purnell, you will be able to try your hand as inventors and help shape the mobility of the future for the City of Freising. How can urban traffic be converted to e-mobility? How can charging stations for electric vehicles be used more effectively and made accessible? What possibilities do e-bikes and e-scooters offer? We are looking forward to your ideas!
Your project will be judged by a jury of experts – the best ideas will be rewarded with attractive prizes ranging from free components to project support and coaching.
Why should I join?
You can help to shape the future of Freising as a Smart City
You will be working in an inspiring environment where you can let your creativity and ideas flow freely.
Expand your network and get to know other technology enthusiasts. Working together will bring a new perspective to your project.
You can register for free and we take care of everything else you need, such as hardware, software or consulting.
Food and drinks are for free at all times
Great prizes waiting for the winners and a fun after party for all participants!
How can I participate?
Register your team and idea following the instructions on this site. Just choose the option “ticket(s) for Teams", and enter names and contact details of all team members – we accept groups up to 4 participants. You can also order several tickets at once. Without tickets no admission, therefore every team member must be registered.
What if I don’t have an idea or a team?
No problem! Just select the option "ticket for individual participants" while registering and we match you with other participants.
The deadline for registrations is September 8, 2019.
What can you expect?
Friday, September 20, 2019
14:00 - 15:00: Registration
15:00 - 16:00: Welcoming
16:00 - 19:00: Hacking
19:00 - 20:00: Dinner
20:00 - open end: Hacking
Saturday, September 21, 2019
8:30 - 9:30: Breakfast
9:30 - 12:30: Hacking
12:30 - 13:30: Lunch
13:30 - 14:00: Tips for project presentation
14:00 - 17:00: Hacking
17:00 - 18:00: Preparation project presentation / Hacking
18 - 20:00: Presentations & Final
From 20:00: Dinner and Afterparty
We are looking forward to seeing you there, sign up today!
Audio Hack Days - 13.-15. September München
13 Sep - 04:30 PM
München, Germany
Das neue „Hören“ braucht neue Ideen. Bei den ersten Audio Hack Days basteln vom 13. bis 15. September 2019 in München kreative Köpfe an einer innovativen Audiowelt. Um die Fragestellungen und Probleme der Audiowelt lösen zu können, heißt es, gemeinsam anzupacken. Wenn Welten aufeinanderprallen, entsteht etwas Neues. Neu gedacht, innovativ umgesetzt. Das ist das Ziel der ersten Audio Hack Days.
Die Gewinner des Hacks bekommen die exklusive Möglichkeit, ihr Projekt am 23. Oktober 2019 im Konferenzprogramm der Medientage München vorzustellen. Eine Jury aus Expertinnen und Experten wählt das Gewinnerprojekt aus. Darunter sind unter anderem Corinna Theil (Bayern 3), Mirijam Trunk (Audio Alliance) und Matthias Pfaff (REGIOCAST). Als Mentoren unterstützen Michael Praetorius (Pitch und Präsentation) und Nikolaus von der Decken (Ideen finden, schärfen, überprüfen) die Teams.
MuniHac 2019
06 Sep - 09:00 AM
Unterföhring, Germany
MuniHac is a three day Haskell hackathon taking place in the beautiful city of Munich, organized and sponsored by TNG Technology Consulting GmbH and Well-Typed LLP. The Hackathon is intended to follow the tradition of other Haskell Hackathons such as the ZuriHac, HacBerlin, UHac and many others.
For further information please refer to
Important: If there are no tickets left, please sign-up for the waiting list (also here on Eventbrite).
06 Sep - 08:00 AM
Garching bei München, Germany
Calling all creators, makers, ideators, entrepreneurs, start-ups, hacker, coders and artists – let's start creating!
72 hours / 100 machines and gadgets / 1500 sqm makerspace
over 400 highly skilled participants /
tech demos / workshops for ideation and prototyping / hands-on support
world-leading technology partners / launchpad day / partner match making for successful projects
networking / afterparty / and much more_
free flixbus tickets within Europe
BE5 HackChallenge - Innovate the Built Environment!
01 Sep - 12:00 AM
Garching bei München, Germany
What is it?
A unique built environment innovation challenge, created by UnternehmerTUMs Be5,and Construction Industry Giants such as Max Bögl, Peri, Hilti, LaFargeHolcim, McKinsey & Partners and more. 4 Challenges to disrupt the Future of Buildings!
Why should you participate?
It’s free, you’ll get all you need to work in the Built Environment, potentially becoming an Entrepreneur… oh. And you can win a grant…
How does it work?
First, online ideation, build your team and get insights & feedback.
Then, be invited to UTUM for the HackDays, to pitch … and win!
You can only win here. Don’t wait, check out, and REGISTER today!
22 Jul - 02:30 PM
Unterschleißheim, Germany
The first Voith hackathon will be held in Munich on July 22 and 23, 2019. Participants will need to solve real, data-based challenges from Voith Turbo’s area of business with the aid of algorithms, wireframes, programs or business model ideas. The #turbohackathon gives you a unique opportunity to showcase your talent before the eyes of all the top Managers from a global Technology company. And the best problem solvers get a prize too, of course!
ER&D Hackathon
14 Jun - 05:00 PM
Munich, Germany
Do you have an idea that could engineer change for the next billion?
L&T Technology Services is on a mission to scale Industry 4.0 adoption and digital transformation across industries at the ER&D hackathon on June 14-15, 2019 in Munich. You will have 24 hours to collaborate with like-minded experts and LTTS stakeholders to develop solutions focusing on one of three key areas: Smart Mobility, Smart Healthcare, and Smart Factories.
Who can join?
If you’re a developer, designer, engineer, business expert, industry expert, or consider yourself a valuable asset to any hackathon team, don’t miss this huge opportunity to engineer the change you want to see (don't worry - you don't have to come with a pre-formed team, we'll help you find one on site!).
The challenge(s)?
When you arrive at the ER&D Hackathon, you will have the choice of taking on just one of four challenges. We are looking for innovative ideas; something completely different from what’s currently out there—a real game-changer!
What’s in it for you?
Besides an incredible experience, the winning team will take home a prize pool worth 10,000€!
Let others know you're on board by joining the Facebook event and spread the word using the official hashtags #ERDhack #ForTheNextBillion