Showing results 61 to 70 out of 100
Collabothon 2018: Fusion of the industries
22 Aug - 06:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Coders, entrepreneurs, fintech experts, UX specialists, and data scientists! If you have disruptive ideas on how technology can bridge the boundaries between the financial sector and other industries, then come along to Collabothon 2018. At this cross-industry event, you'll get to work with technology and business specialists from major European banks to create innovative technology solutions. Come as a team, or join one at the event -- collaborate and compete for recognition, as well as great prizes.
BVG Urban Mobility Hackathon 2018
18 Aug - 09:59 PM
Berlin, Germany
Transportation hackers in Germany! Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) invites you to participate in the BVG HACKATHON - Urban Mobility. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative solution that will make Berlin even more mobile with new offers, improved services, and combined data sources. You can choose your project from one of the following challenge categories:
» Supply, Traffic & Simulations
» Access to Mobility
» Passenger Information & New Services
» Open Category
BVG HACKATHON - Urban Mobility
18 Aug - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Transportation hackers in Germany! Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) invites you to participate in the BVG HACKATHON - Urban Mobility. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative solution that will make Berlin even more mobile with new offers, improved services, and combined data sources. You can choose your project from one of the following challenge categories:
»Supply, Traffic & Simulations
»Access to Mobility
»Passenger Information & New Services
»Open Category
DutchChain & BigchainDB Berlin Meetup
15 Aug - 06:30 PM
Berlin, Germany
Blockchain techies and developers in Holland and Germany! You're invited to participate in the DutchChain & BigchainDB Berlin Meetup. You'll get to hear and learn from the winners of this year's Blockchaingers hackathon. You will also be challenged to participate in the development of Nature 2.0 challenges for next year's Blockchaingers 2019 hackathon.
VRBLN Focus: Hackathon#2
03 Aug - 07:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
VR enthusiasts and hackers in Germany! VRBLN invites you to participate in the VRBLN Focus: Hackathon#2. You'll be challenged to compete against like-minded enthusiasts to design and prototype a VR Social Collaboration solution. The winning team will receive an invitation for a free trip to Beijing, China to compete in the Global VR Hackathon with regional winners from all around the world.
#dbhackathon Community Summercamp 2018
27 Jul - 04:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Projekte zeigen, vernetzen, Austausch - hack&talk - das DB Hackathon Community Summercamp
für Updates: #dbhackathon
DB mindbox, im S-Bahnhof Jannowitzbrücke, Berlin
Freitag 27. Juli 2018, 16 Uhr bis Samstag 28. Juli 2018,19 Uhr
Fr: Anreise, 15 Uhr Checkin, 16 Uhr Beginn Summercamp, Inputs und Hackcamp-Sessions, 20 Uhr Start Hacknight
Sa: 8 Uhr Checkin & Frühstück - 9 Uhr Beginn - 14 Uhr Sessions zur Vorbereitung Ergebnisse und Next steps, 16 Uhr Präsentationen, 19 Uhr Ende
APPs und mobile Services für Reisende, u.a. Regional oder Wifi-bezogen
Bahnhof Digital
Open Source, Open Data und Datenschutzfreundliche Projekte
Hackcamp-Sessions Freitag 16 bis 20 Uhr:
Neben den vor Ort entstehenden Sessions werden Inputs von
BVG Hackathon,
VRR Open Data,
Mozilla Open Voice,
Women in Mobility
DB Barrierefrei
DB Digital Projekten
u.a. gegeben.
Wir nennen es Hackcamp. Eine Mischung aus Barcamp und Hackathon. Kombiniert mit Spreeterasse, Grill und DB Open Data.
Schwerpunkt ist das Vorstellen angefangener (oder nicht angefangener) Projekte, der Erfahrungsaustausch über Schwierigkeiten und Erfolge eigener Mobilitäts-Hack-Projekte und die Frage, wie wir mit den Erfahrungen aus den letzten Open-Data- und Hackathon-Jahren tolle Ideen noch schneller zum eigentlichen Nutzer bekommen - und wie DB und andere dabei helfen können. Und natürlich darf auch gehackt werden.
Das Summercamp ist eine Veranstaltung zum Austausch zwischen der DB Hackathon-Community, DB Fachbereichen und interessierten weiteren Verkehrsunternehmen/Mobility-Hacker*innen/Startups. Du musst noch nicht an einen DB Hackathon oder einem von DB Open Data unterstützen Hackathon teilgenommen haben, um Dich anzumelden.
Mehr Infos und vergünstigtes Eventanreiseticket: -
Powered by:
DB mindbox, DB Skydeck, DB Hackathon, DB Open Data, Women in Mobility
Vorschau Mobility-Hackathons:
BVG Hackathon 18./19.8.:
Innotrans Hackathon 18.-21.9.:
Hamburg ITS Hackathon 19./20.10.:
Stuttgart Hackathon 26.-28.10.:
Video- und Bildaufnahmen der Veranstaltung und deren Teilnehmer*innen können im Rahmen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der DB auf unserer Homepage und in sozialen Netzwerken veröffentlicht werden. Mit Ihrer Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung erklären Sie sich hiermit einverstanden.
By attending this event you acknowledge and agree that photos taken during this event might appear on DB homepage and social media accounts.
Architecture, Engineering and Construction Hackathon
20 Jul - 06:10 PM
Berlin, Germany
Architecture, engineering, and construction professionals in Germany! Come and participate in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Hackathon in Berlin. If you are involved in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction sector -- designing, building, and maintaining the built environment, this is your opportunity to collaborate with cutting-edge technologies and its developers and designers. The world faces fresh new problems that urgently need brilliant minds to solve them. Collaborate and be part of the community that is improving how the world is designed, built, and operated.
Blockchain4Good: Shaping Smart Sustainable Cities for the Future
20 Jul - 02:30 PM
Berlin, Deutschland, Germany
Blockchain enthusiasts in Germany! You're invited to participate in Blockchain4Good: Shaping Smart Sustainable Cities for the Future. During this two and a half day hack, you'll be challenged to create smart sustainable city solutions that can be turned into practical blockchain applications. Come network with leaders in blockchain and social innovation and collaborate and compete for the grand prize of 20,000 DCT and a free trip to Shanghai International Blockchain Week 2018.
Hackathon for Supply Chain Transparency with Zalando SE and Volkswagen Group
10 Jul - 09:30 AM
Berlin, Germany
Product managers, product owners, developers, marketing professionals, IX/UX designers, information architects in and around Berlin! If you're passionate about optimizing the manufacturing supply chain, then Zalando SE and Volkswagen Group invite you to participate in a Hackathon for Supply Chain Transparency. You'll get to be part of an interdisciplinary team and collaborate to create an innovative solution that helps create more sustainable patterns of consumption and production. Your team will compete for the opportunity to pres3nt your project at the 9th Global Social Business Summit in Wolfsburg.
06 Jul - 08:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Designers, coders, hackers in and around Berlin! If you'd like to opportunity to help brighten the lives of seriously ill children, then you're invited to participate in Design Swarms with Surya Vanka. This is a full-day workshop on the Design Swarms process, tools, techniques and framework. You'll be asked to collaborate to design an innovative, disruptive solution to a problem faced by children who are living with serious or life-limiting illnesses. Your solution will form the basis for an upcoming Hackathon that UK-based children’s charity Rays of Sunshine will run in cooperation with Deutsche Bank