Showing results 81 to 90 out of 100
IAV Security Hackathon
25 May - 03:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Hackers in Germany -- students and professionals! If you're a smart programmer and would like to showcase your skills, IAV -- one of the world's leading engineering firms -- invites you to participate in the IAV Security Hackathon 2018. You'll be challenged to come up with innovative ways to address key security issues related to connectivity and data interfaces in the automotive sector. Come and collaborate and compete for a prize pool of over 2,500 EUR.
Humanoids Festival Hackathon
25 May - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Robotics student techies in Germany! Italy's Scuola di Robotica -- School of Robotics -- invites you to participate in the Humanoids Festival Hackathon. You'll participate a team of 3 to 10 members, representing your school. Your team will be challenged to program a humanoid robot, perform a given mission, and then pr4esent your project to a jury. Winning teams will be selected to go forward to participate in the First European Humanoids Festival in Italy later this year.
EIT Alumni Startup Days 2018 - Expanding the use-cases of Blockchain
05 May - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Welcome to the EIT Alumni Startup Days:Challenge Solving Edition The EIT Alumni Startup Days bring together graduates, researchers, developers, designers, young professionals, entrepreneurs, and start-up enthusiasts under one roof, in an intense 12 hour hackathon to solve challenges faced by major industries across Europe, and embark on new entrepreneurial adventures. This year our event will focus on solving a particular challenge in a one day hackathon. The event will take place in the beautiful EIT Climate-KIC Green Garage. The perfect place for innovation to flourish. The Challenge:This event will be held in partnership with the Energy Web Foundation. We will challenge participants to look into the use-cases of blockchain and how we can better utilise this technology in society and business. The challenge is as follows: HOW DO WE USE BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY TO DECENTRALISE AND DEMOCRATISE OUR INEFFICIENT SYSTEMS? Source: what are some of the most inefficient systems in your environment that you could improve using Blockchain technology? Identify: what are promising current examples of the use of Blockchain technology? Think: how can we address these inefficiencies? Strategize: What new business models could we unlock and develop?   The EIT Alumni Startup Days is a non-profit event, We are asking for a 20 euro down payment. This will be reimbursed in full following your participation.
    MUSICATHON - Let’s Rock IT Innovation - Universal Music's Hackathon
    26 Apr - 10:00 AM
    Berlin, Germany
    #MUSICATHON - Let’s Rock IT InnovationUniversal Music's Hackathon *** For English version, please see below. *** Willst Du neue digitale Wege finden und uns helfen die Musikindustrie technisch auf das 'Next Level' zu pushen? Wir suchen Dich! Du bist Entwickler(in), Marketingexperte(in), Designer(in) oder einfach ein kreativer Kopf? Gemeinsam mit Dir wollen wir innovative digitale Tools für Universal Music entwickeln und die bestehenden technischen Grenzen des Universal Universums überschreiten. Wie ist der generelle Ablauf? Bei dem zweitägigen Event werden wir von Donnerstagmorgen bis Freitagabend in kleinen Gruppen an neuen Tools, Modellen, Ideen und Lösungen für Probleme arbeiten, programmieren und diskutieren. Am Freitagabend präsentieren wir einander die Ergebnisse. Das Ziel des Musicathons ist es, innerhalb kurzer Zeit innovative Ideen zu entwickeln oder bereits vorhandene zu verfeinern und daraus Prototypen für digitale Produkte, Tools, Apps zu erstellen, welche die Musikbranche weiterbringen. Du hast bereits eine Idee? Prima! Dann lass uns alle daran teilhaben. Du hast zwar keine Idee aber bist voller Elan ein Team zu unterstützen? Auch prima! Wir freuen uns über Verstärkung. Wo und in welchem Zeitrahmen findet der Hackathon statt? Wann: 26.04.18 10:00 Uhr - 27.4.18 24:00 Uhr Wo: Stralauer Allee 12, 10245 Berlin Was erwartet mich? Zu Beginn des Hackathons werden alle Ideen präsentiert (max. 5 Min. pro Idee). Wenn Du keine eigene Idee mitbringst, kannst Du nach der Vorstellung der Ideen zu einem Team dazustoßen. Die Teams haben nun ca. 30 Stunden Zeit für die Umsetzung ihrer Idee und die Erstellung eines Prototyps. Aber keine Panik! Alles kann, nichts muss. Du kannst abends nach Hause gehen - oder aber Deinen Schlafsack auspacken. Am Ende des Musicathons werden die Ergebnisse präsentiert und von einer Jury bewertet. Nach der Preisverleihung für die innovativsten und am besten umgesetzten Ideen werden wir den Abend noch mit Musik ausklingen lassen. Tolle Ergebnisse - tolle Preise! Die drei besten Teams erhalten Preise: Gutschein im Wert von 2.000 € Gutschein im Wert von 1.000 € Gutschein im Wert von 500 € Die Gutscheine können in folgenden Shops eingelöst werden: Gravis, Cyberport, Saturn/MediaMarkt, Teufel, Amazon. Wie soll ich mich vorbereiten? Wenn Du Ideengeber bist, bereite eine kurze Präsentation (max. 5 Min.) für den Beginn des Musicathons vor. Wer darf teilnehmen? Alle mit IT Background: Developer, Architects, Data Scientists, Data Engineers etc. Kreative Köpfe ohne IT Background: IdeengeberInnen, ModeratorInnen, DesignerInnen, Design Thinkers, Innovation Hackers etc. Was soll ich mitbringen? Bring Your Own Device: Laptop und alle anderen Geräte, wie zum Beispiel das Ladekabel, die Du zum Hacken brauchst. Es wird eine feste Anzahl an Bildschirmen geben. Für Steckdosen und Verlängerungskabel etc. ist gesorgt. Schlafsack und Isomatte, falls Du vor Ort übernachten möchtest. Es gibt Duschen. Wie melde ich mich an? First come first served! Die Anzahl der Plätze ist limitiert. Die Anmeldung per Eventbrite reicht nicht. Schicke uns Deine Anmeldung und ein paar Infos zu Deinen Skills und Ideen an Du erhältst spätestens 7 Tage vor dem Event eine Benachrichtigung per Email mit der Info, ob es geklappt hat oder nicht. Alle weiteren Infos folgen dann. Fragen? Noch Fragen? Interesse? Schreibt einfach an Wir freuen uns auf Dich!  Dein Musicathon-Team von Universal Music *** English version *** #MUSICATHON - Let’s Rock IT InnovationUniversal Music's Hackathon Do you want to discover new digital solution to help push the music industry to the next level? We want you! You are a developer, marketing expert, designer or simply a creative mind? Let's develop new innovative digital tools for Universal Music by crossing technical limits of the Universal universe together!  What's the agenda? We will hack, in small groups, from Thursday morning to Friday evening. Meaning, during this 2-day event we will work on problems, program solutions and models, brainstorm and discuss ideas. On Friday evening we will present our results. The Musicathon's goal is to design innovative ideas or to improve well-tried ones and to make new prototypes for digital products, tools and apps within a short period of time that can accelerate the music business. You already have an idea? Great! Then let's share ideas and knowledge. You don't have an idea but you are full of energy and motivation to support one of the teams? Also great! We are excited about any kind of support. Where and when does the hackaton take place? When: 26.04.18 10:00 CEST - 27.4.18 24:00 CEST Where: Stralauer Allee 12, 10245 Berlin What do I have to expect? All ideas will be presented (max. 5 min. per idea) at the beginning of the hackaton. If you don't have a particular idea, you can join a team after the presentation. From that point on the teams have 30 hours for realizing their idea and developing a prototype. Don't panic.You are a free hacker. You can go home at night time - or unpack your sleeping bag.  At the end of the Musicathon all results will be presented and rated by a jury. After an award ceremony for the most innovative and best executed ideas we will smoothly end the night with some tunes.  Great Results - Great Awards! The best three teams receive prizes:  Voucher for 2.000 € Voucher for 1.000 € Voucher for  500 € The vouchers can be redeemed at: Gravis, Cyberport, Saturn/MediaMarkt, Teufel, Amazon. How can I prepare myself? If you are providing an idea, please prepare a short presentation (max. 5 min.) for the kickoff of the Musicathon. Who can participate? Everybody with IT background: Developers, Architects, Data Scientists, Data Engineers etc. Creative minds without IT Background: People full of ideas, designers, design thinkers, innovation hackers etc. What shall I bring? Bring Your Own Device: Notebook and other devices like chargers that you need for hacking. Sockets and extensions cables are taken care off. We will also provide several computer screens. Sleeping bags and sleeping pad if you want to stay overnight. Showers are available.  OMG! I want to participate! How do I sign up? First come first served! The number of participants is limited. Signing up for the Eventbrite event is not sufficient. Please send an email including some information about your skill set and possible ideas to You will receive a notification at least 7 days before the event via email informing you if you are signed up or not. Detailed information will then follow. Questions? Open questions? Interested? Simply contact us: We are looking forward to seeing you! Your Musicathon-Team at Universal Music
      Localization Unconference Germany 2018
      26 Apr - 09:00 AM
      Berlin, Germany
      Are you involved with the internationalization or localization of software or web sites? If so, you should sign up to attend Localization Unconference Germany 2018. You'll get to exchange experiences and view in discussions with your peers. Following the Unconference, you'll be able to participate in a hackathon and a translatathon.
      Humanitarian Hackathon
      20 Apr - 06:00 PM
      Berlin, Germany
      Background ReDI is a non-profit refugee tech school aimed at accelerating refugee integration into the job market by teaching market relevant IT skills. We use tech to connect human potential and opportunity with dignity & humility.More than 400 refugees and asylum seekers have already participated in at least one 3-month course at ReDI. More than 200 volunteers from the IT- and startup sector have supported our students to improve their IT-skills and find a job in Germany. We would like to bring together the ReDI community with our external partners and shareholders to build solutions that will improve the lives of refugees and internationally displaced people. Challenges The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) will provide a number of real-life challenges that they are working on. We will face the challenge of our Design Thinking Workshop again on how to connect refugees with companies Participants can also bring their own ideas to work on (please send a short description to Manuel ( until Wednesday, April 18, 19:00)   Schedule Friday, 18:00 - 23:00 Registration Icebreaker Challenge presentations Dinner at 20:00 Form teams (2 to 5 people) Saturday, 9:00 - 0:00 9:00 - 12:30 - Design thinking on your solution (Breakfast provided from 9:00) 12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch 13:30 - 14:30 - Submit your project to Devpost (general description) 14:30 - 23:30 - Hack your prototype (Dinner provided at 19:00) 23:30 - 23:55 - Upload your prototype 23:55 deadline for uploading prototypes Cleaning... Sunday, 9:00 - 17:00 9:00 - 10:00 - Common breakfast 10:00 - 10:30 - Pitch training 10:30 - 12:30 - Pitch preparation 12:30 - 13:00 - Snacks & break 13:00 - 15:00 - Pitch presentations 15:00 - 15:30 - Consultation of jury 15:30 - 16:00 - Jury announces winners 16:00 - Celebration Clean-up  - Drinks and meals are sponsored by NRC - FAQs What kind of Challenges are we going to work on? The challenges are related to real-life issues that refugees and migrants are facing in the German and European societies and in selected regions and countries like the Gaza Strip, Colombia, and Myanmar.   Can I bring my own challenge? Yes, you can. If you would like to bring it, please send Manuel an e-mail with a short description until Wednesday, April 18, 19:00. You would also need to present it to the participants on Friday evening.    What kind of prizes are there? The best solutions will receive mentoring through Techfugees Berlin. HERE Technologies is going to sponsor the best solution using a HERE API. More prizes will be announced at the Hackathon.   I cannot attend the whole event, can I still attend only one or two days? Please consider that we are looking especially for participants who can attend the whole event (from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon) because we want to combine the synergies of all participants and make the most out of it. In our view, alternating participants would make things more difficult in terms of coordination and group-related work.  Can I attend if I am not a ReDI Student or Alumni or if I don't have experience in one of the listed professions? We want to make sure we have a good mix of students, mentors, and professionals. If you have mixed professional experience, just select the role which is closest to you. If you have doubts whether you should attend and in which role please contact Manuel (    Who else will be there? We are currently planning with participants coming from multiple sectors and organizations. About 50 percent of the participants are going to be ReDI Students or Alumni. The other 50 percent are volunteers, teachers or mentors who help the group building the first prototype of their solution.   Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? You should be at least 16 years old.   Can I stay overnight with my team if we want to keep on working on the solution? We want every team to be ready and focussed for the presentation on Sunday. Therefore, the deadline for uploading the prototypes is Saturday, 23:55. Remember: The presentation is one the most important parts of the Hackathon as you have the chance to present what you actually have done to the jury.   What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event? If you come via public transport, S-Bahn Station Nordbahnhof (2 stations away from Friedrichstrasse) or U-Bahn Station Naturkundemuseum (U6) are the closest. The tram (M8, M10) are also passing Nordbahnhof.   What can I bring to the event? Please bring your laptop including charger and lots of energy!   Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You don't have to, we can check your name on the list.   Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends? In order to identify you, it would be the easiest if the name matches the person.We also want to make sure we have a good mix of students, mentors, and professionals. So please contact us if you cannot attend but have received a ticket.   How can I contact the organizer with any questions? If you have questions about anything relating the Hackathon, please contact Manuel ( from ReDI School. Code of Conduct ReDI School commits to provide an environment where the rights, safety, dignity and worth of every individual are respected. Please respect that! The ReDI community is made up of students and volunteers united by their participation in, and commitment to, respectful intellectual exchange. Intellectual exchange also implies acting responsibly in a community setting, with respect for the rights of other students and volunteers, as well as for the property, common resources and laws associated with that community. Prohibited drug use, which includes: sale or possession of a Drug, including but not limited to marijuana or narcotics, during a ReDI School sponsored activity. We would also like to point out that we do not wish consumption of alcohol during the event. Afterward, you can, of course, go for a drink if you like to.
        Texx Factor Female Hackathon
        11 Apr - 09:30 AM
        Berlin, Germany
        Texx Factor wants to engage the participants to create tech solutions for women – made by women – to close the gender gap on various levels. Whether you enjoy coding together in a team and would like to get advice from our coaches or you are already a tech guru and would like to work on this very special solution during the hackathon, you can get creative and enjoy this special atmosphere at our female hackathon. We have a dedicated jury of financial leaders and great opportunities for networking at our award ceremony dinner. Our Call: Create a technical solution that motivates women to deal with their financial situation during their individual phases of life (school, university, career start, kids, marriage, family, parental leave, retirement) and help shape it. Tickets:  Single Ticket for Hackathon 11th & 12th April: You are a female, developer or designer and enjoy developing innovative solutions to real business problems on real systems/interfaces, then register below and help us on our challenge. Please note: If you are participating in the event, you do not need an extra ticket for the pitch session/networking. Team Ticket for Hackathon 11th & 12th April: You are female or male, you already have a team of designers, idea owners and/or developers and you have made it to your mission to develop innovative solutions to real business problems on real systems/interfaces, then register below and help us on our challenge. We also welcome mixed male/female teams. Please note: If you are participating in the event, you do not need an extra ticket for the pitch session/networking. Pitch & Networking Ticket - 12th April: During this official event in the afternoon of the 12th of April the hackathon teams will pitch their ideas in front of the jury and the audience followed by the award ceremony for the best 3 ideas. We will finish the event with a networking dinner buffet where our guests have more time to network and gain more insights into the new business ideas for "women & finance" developed during the hackathon.  15:30 - 16:00 Registration 16:00 - 16:15 Welcome 16:15 - 16:45 Jury panel (details to follow)16:45 - 17:45 Pitches17:45 - 18:00 Jury - deliberation 18:00 - 18:15 Award Ceremony18:15 - 20:00 Dinner Buffet & Networking  If you have any questions regarding this event, please write an e-mail to:
          Do Hack Day with Zalando CSR & N3XTCODER
          05 Apr - 09:00 AM
          Berlin, Germany
          We are partnering with Zalando Corporate Social Responsibility Team for a Hackathon on the field of supply chain transparency and traceability. During the hackathon Zalando IT-specialists & N3XTCODER will support innovative organizations with their tech challenges. Designers & Developers, join us and help the next generation to create solutions for a sustainable planet! We imagine a world where consumers are empowered by technology and transparency to make purchasing decisions that are in line with their social and environmental values. We believe that, armed with this knowledge, consumers will reward the most responsible companies and thereby set new standards for what is acceptable with regard to working conditions and environmental footprint in manufacturing. We will give prominence to the issue of supply chain transparency by identifying and supporting the most promising companies, non-profits, and academics working in the field. Space is limited. Please register only if you can contribute with your skills to the teams. - UX/UI Design - Frontend/Backend Development - Blockchain Expertise Ventures you can contribute: During the hackathon Zalando IT-specialists will work one day intensively on solving challenges of 7 ventures from Germany, USA, Netherlands and UK. Together we will help NPO’s to solve problems in areas of our core competence. Sources anonymous worker-reported data on factory conditions to identify fire hazards, child and forced labour, wage violations Customer base of 400 suppliers representing 40,000 workers Founder is an Ashoka Fellow and was  participant in Village Capital’s accelerator. Despite all the excitement about impact investing, investors still hesitate to act on a broader scale, and social entrepreneurs are constantly seeking for knowledge about how to access social finance. Therefore, new skills have to be put into practice and knowledge has to be accessible to as many actors as possible to bring the social finance market to bloom. The Social Finance Academy addresses this gap. A Transparent Company is working with blockchain technology to increase transparency in supply chains. Together with our tech partners Provenance we help fashion brands track & trace their great products and connect their stories with the end consumer, and beyond purchase. sustainbill is creating a cloud platform that provides ecological and social KPI’s in parallel with the financial data. This allows companies to make management decisions not only based on financial KPI’s  but also based on product-specific sustainability information covering the entire supply chain. has created a software that will will interconnect circular design, circular retail models and closed loop recycling technologies for transparency and flow of information between all actors involved. By taking into account the recyclers needs at the design stage, every garment can be manufactured to be either recyclable or biodegradable at end of life. Every point of the value chain is also provided with the necessary information for circularity through integrated circularfashion.ID codes that can be scanned from the label by customers and sorting companies. Remo is a startup that supplies information on the content and environmental savings of recycled textiles. Powered by intelligent supply chain technology it provides transparency and visibility to guarantee the recycled content in an end-product. They connect companies in every segment of the supply chain to trace post consumer textile. The consumer-facing Remo label displays the environmental benefits per product resulting from the use of recycled textiles. For each garment they can reliably quantify the reduction in water, electricity and carbon emissions gained from recycling. WikiRate has developed an open access research platform that allows anyone to gather and assess publicly available information on corporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in a structured manner. Ultimately making corporate sustainability data accessible, comparable and free for all.
            Closing Event and Prototype Presentation: Ethereum Camp
            29 Mar - 05:00 PM
            Berlin, Germany
            Are you interested in building solutions based on blockchain and Internet of Things technologies? You're invited to attend the closing event of the a 4-day Ethereum Camp hackathon.You will see 15 presentations to a panel of judges of IoT prototypes based on Ethereum and IOTA technologies.
            Ethereum Camp: Connect Blockchain to Real IoT Products
            26 Mar - 09:00 AM
            Berlin, Germany
            Last year in summer, we organized the first Ethereum Camp in Frankfurt/Main. 14 real prototypes developed over 5 days, 85 participants. See the video now (90s): Learn how to connect Ethereum to real IoT products! Participate in the second Ethereum Camp! See the trailer now (30s): Join our "Ethereum Camp" in March, 2018 in Berlin (Germany) focusing on connecting Ethereum to real IoT products. We provide Raspberry Pi and HiKey hardware sets, sensors, actors, physical products and teach you coding and how to program it — you develop Ethereum smart contracts, implement IOTA, connect real products and code a frontend. From a business model perspective, this can yield endless possibilities. Experts, lawyers and scholars   will hold sessions to touch various facets of the intersection of IoT and blockchain. The camp is supported by Next Big Thing, weeve, Blogfabrik, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, nexussquared, 21 Digital and more. OBJECTIVE We have experts showing you how to connect Ethereum and IOTA to IoT products and how to code with Raspberry Pis, HiKey, sensors and actors. Further, we organize multiple short lectures to inspire you, e.g. by lawyers, developers, industry experts. As an IT developer (60 pax), you develop a IoT/Ethereum/IOTA prototype connecting the Raspberry Pi and HiKey, accessing sensors and actors, including Ethereum smart codes and presenting frontend interfaces. As a business developer (20 pax), you think of a business model and a clear product or service; you develop marketing material and a first version of a website; you might also talk to potential customers to get their opinion. WHAT do we provide: • We provide hardware devices: Raspberry Pi and HiKey hardware sets, sensors and actors with multiple I/O channels. • You learn how to connect Ethereum and IOTA to the IoT hardware. • You learn how to program the Raspberry Pi and HiKey sets, the sensors and the actors. • We provide a set of real products to be connected, e.g. a truck, a RFID reader, a 220V plug, a charging station fore-cars, a solar panel, a smart meter. • You connect with others and for a team consisting of both IT developers and business people. • You think of a business model based on hardware, software and smart contracts. • Because it’s an educational event, you will get a certificate for this 4-day blockchain & IoT hackathon. You can use this for future applications. • Ideally at the end of the week, you have a working prototype, a website and a video to showcase your product. • You present your product and your business model at the end of the week to the blockchain community in Frankfurt which we will invite to listen to you. WHO will contribute: We have fascinating lecturers for this week! Experts, lawyers and scholars will give sessions to highlight different facets of development in the blockchain area: IOTA, Technische Universität München, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management etc. Disrupting Industries With Blockchain (Prof. Dr. Andranik Tumasjan, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz - Professor) Over-The-Air Update : The Crucial Component of IoT Products  (Aravinth Panchadcharam, NBT - Embedded System Engineer) Blockchain-based identity: the case of the City of Zug (David Perrenoud, ti&m - Software Engineer) Business Models for Decentralized IoT Blockchain Applications (Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center - Head) Could the digital transformation disrupt the German Pharmaceutical Industry in emerging markets? (Erick Ilarraza, - Chief Innovation Officer) An institutional VC’s view on Blockchain and Crypto & Q&A (Fabian Heilemann, Earlybird - Partner) Lean start-up, canvas, blue ocean, what to use when starting a business? (Daniel Grassinger, nexussquared - Co-Founder) Potential of Blockchain & IoT (Harald Zapp, weeve - CEO) Ethereum: collection of best practices (Immo Garlichs, TickETH - Software Engineer) How can I make use of blockchain based currencies for gaming? (Jörg Roskowetz, AMD - Director) Introduction to Self-sovereign Identity and the Jolocom approach (Kai Wagner, Jolocom - Business Development) Tokenomics and ICO (Dr. Oliver Krause, Advantum Partners and Untitled Inc. - Director) User-centered innovation and development (Sebastian Ortseifen, Eventures Corporate Innovation - Project Manager) Will energy consumption be the end of blockchain technology? (Simon Bartmann, BTC AG - Chair of the Board of Directors) How to build a public enterprise blockchain that can be put into any kind of IoT device (Simon Schwerin, XAIN AG - Director Business Development) Blockchain & IoT use cases in the energy industry (Tobias Federico, Energy Brainpool - Managing Director) Blockchain is dead - Long live DLT (Benjamin Bendig, Based Global - CTO) Smart contracts explained in detail (Laurence Kirk, XAIN AG - Blockchain Architect) About a new technology and how to use it: weeve (Sebastian Gajek, weeve - Chief Scientist) Distributed sky alliance (Gleb Dudka, Astratum - Blockchain Analyst) Token Regulation and its Impacts on ICOs (Axel von Goldbeck, DWF Germany - Lawyer and Partner) VC is dead - 5 things to know when pitching to blockchain investors (Miriam Neubauer, Catena Capital - Managing Director) Workshop / technology introduction “An introduction to the weeveOS alpha” (Sascha Thomsen, weeve - Secure Systems Engineer) Workshop / technology introduction “Trading data between IoT devices on the weeve Network” (Marvin Kruse, weeve - Blockchain Engineer) Workshop / technology introduction “FOAM” (Arthur Roing Baer, FOAM - Creative marketing director) innogy Innovation Hub: Lighthouse Machine Economy and the role of decentralized technology (Kerstin Eichmann, innogy - Head of Machine Economy Lighthouse) NEEDED requirements: • IT developers: fundamental knowledge of JavaScript, NodeJS, Ethereum Web3.js, passion for innovation, highly motivated; if possible, Raspberry Pi and C++ • Business developer: fascination for blockchain and IT, ideally entrepreneurship experience, passion for innovation, some marketing and design skills, highly motivated COSTS: The regular fee is EUR 1500, but we provide 20 stipends reducing the fee to EUR 500. Feel free to apply! With a successful application we send you a voucher code you can then use for your registration. Please note that we cannot provide accommodation; you have to organize this yourself.