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Barcamp Dortmund Plus OpenTechSchool & Data Mining Hackathon
  19 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Dortmund, Germany
Interested in artificial intelligence to capture and process real-time data? Come and participate in the Data Mining Hackathon that will be held in conjunction with the Barcamp Dortmund. Collaborate with like-minded hackers! Use the Machine Learning API to build an app that has the intelligence to collect and process user data and make predictions about user behaviour. Answers to commonly-asked hackathon questions can be found on the tips page!
Open Data Day 2016 @ Zühlke Hannover
  05 Mar - 09:00 AM
  Hannover, Germany
Zühlke Hannover will host and sponsor a Hackathon for the 2016 open data day. Hacking, making, analyzing, writing and all other forms of open DataWork!
Web + IoT Hackathon
  15 Jan - 05:00 PM
  Paderborn, Germany
The Microsoft Student Partners in Paderborn want to start the new year with a new Hackathon. This time, everything revolves around Internet of Things and cloud. The challenges include creating apps on the Raspberry Pi, creating a REST API with ASP.NET 5 and Entity Framework for database access, Website Development with SignalR for real-time communication between the Web browser and API, and Hosting in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure. Come, learn, create and meet fellow peers!