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Karlsruher Nikolaus Hackathon 2016
  09 Dec - 05:00 PM
  Karlsruhe, Germany
Developers, coders, designers! Are you focused on Microsoft technologies? Yes? Then Microsoft Student Partner Tobias Oliver Khan invites you to sign up for the Karlsruher Nikolaus Hackathon 2016. Build whatever you want! The only requirement is that you should only use Microsoft technology — Windows, Windows Phone, Azure, etc. Come, collaborate and network with other Microsoft-oriented techies and showcase your skills to the best-of-the-best!
Meet Watson - the platform for cognitive business//IBM Hackathon Frankfurt
  25 Nov - 06:00 PM
  Frankfurt am Main, Germany
48 Stunden, um das Banking zu verändern. outthink banking - kognitive und barrierefreie Financial Services *****Searching for the english version - please see below***** Eure Herausforderung. Keine Branche erlebt solche Umwälzungen wie die Finanzbranche. Etablierte Banken stehen unter massivem Druck, während Start-ups mit neuen Modellen punkten. Und das ist erst der Anfang. Cognitive Computing bietet die Chance, ganze Prozesse und Algorithmen so zu definieren, dass sich unser täglicher Umgang mit Finanzdienstleistungen komplett verändert – für Kunden wie für Mitarbeiter.  => Sprach- und Gestensteuerung ersetzen das grafische Interface und eröffnen z. B. Blinden und Sehbehinderten einfache Zugänge zu ihren täglichen Bankgeschäften. => Barrierefreie Lösungen für Menschen mit Behinderung bilden den Startpunkt, für eine ganz neue Art des Banking, von der alle profitieren. Euer Ziel. Beim Hackathon in Frankfurt gilt es mit Hilfe von Watson – dem kognitiven System von IBM – Lösungen zu entwickeln, die Banking neu gestalten. Für Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung. Offener, einfacher, flexibler, mobiler, sicherer. Die Lösungen können aus allen Bereichen kommen – von Überweisung und Kontostandabfrage bis hin zu Anlageberatung. Die besten Lösungen werden von einer hochkarätig besetzten Jury prämiert. Links: Mehr über Watson:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lösungen mit Watson: Der IBM Hackathon in Frankfurt findet in Zusammenarbeit mit folgenden Partnern statt: E-Finance Lab, ETECTURE, FinTech Headquarter, House of Finance der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Ogilvy *****Ablauf des Hackathons***** FREITAG, 18. November 2016 (1 Woche vor Start) - 15:00-17:00Bluemix & Watson API Einführung (Webinar) FREITAG, 25. November 2016 18:00 – Begrüßung 19:00 - 21:30 - Themen- und Teamsuche SAMSTAG, 26. November 2016 09:00 – Frühstück 10:00 - Hacken, Hacken, Hacken 12:30 – Lunch 18:30 - Abendessen Es werden die ganze Nacht Getränke und Snacks für euch bereitstehen. SONNTAG, 27. November 2016 09:00 – Frühstück 10:30 - Abschluss – Hack 12:00 – Lunch 13:00 - Pitching der Ergebnisse mit Zutritt für die Öffentlichkeit – ladet eure Freunde & Bekannten ein! 15:00 - 16:00 – Siegerehrung *****Fakten und Regeln***** Wer kann mitmachen? Einzelpersonen, Teams sowie junge und kleine Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Software-Entwicklung/- Architektur, Finanz- und Technologieberatung und Konzeption. Was gibt es zu gewinnen? Auf die Sieger warten IBM Cloud Credits im Wert von bis zu $ 120.000 für Unternehmen in Gründung, Etecture StartUp-Support für HR/Marketing/Development o.ä. im Wert von bis zu € 5.000, Sachpreise im Wert von bis zu € 700, Mentorings, Stipendien, Präsentation der Lösung auf dem Stand von IBM auf der CeBIT 2017, Präsentation auf dem Startup & Innovation Day der HIGHEST Gründermesse u. v. m.*                             Die Teilnahme am IBM Hackathon in Frankfurt ist kostenlos. Für Essen und Getränke ist während der gesamten Zeit gesorgt. Auch nachts stehen Snacks und Getränke bereit. Bitte bringt euren Laptop mit und alles, was ihr sonst zum Hacken braucht. Außerdem: Schlafsack, Isomatte, Handtuch und was ihr an persönlichen Dingen sonst gerne dabeihättet. Sonntag ab 13:00 Uhr ist der Hackathon für Besucher und Presse geöffnet. Auch eure Freunde und Bekannten können dann kommen. Wir freuen uns auf euch!   * IBM übernimmt lt. §37B ESTG die Pauschalversteuerung für diese Zuwendung, falls Steuern dazu anfallen.      *****English version***** Participate at the IBM Hackathon in Frankfurt to meet new people, engage and make new project happen. With a focus on creativity and fun, our topic "Outthink Banking - cognitive and barrier-free financial services" should provide you the framework for coding your next big project. IBM Watson is a technology platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning to reveal insights from large amounts of unstructured data. For more information click here: Your Challenge: Outthink Banking - cognitive and barrier-free Financial ServicesCognitive Computing with voice and gesture control to simplify your daily financial business.Disruption is the new buzz word in business and especially the financial sector knows exactly what it means. Technological change and digital transformation have forced well established financial institutes to focus much more on the existing markets and changing client needs. Fintechs, the new start-ups in the financial services sector, realize this challange and aiming to use their chance. But changes are still in their early stages. Where are we going?Cognitive Computing offers the chance to define processes and algorithms in a way so that they can accompany users automatically, supportive and much safer in their daily financial business challanges. Improvements in processes are additionally supporting employees in the financial services sector. Another trend that we see is the declining importance of the graphical user interface (GUI) managing the man-machine-interaction and being replaced by gesture and voice control. Cognitive technologies support people with a physical handicap and provide the chance to create general accessibility for financial services.The goal of our hackathon is to develop banking solutions based on cognitive IBM Technology that better and easier access to mobile and general financial services. Our special focus covers people with handicap to empower them doing their financial services like transactions, ledger queries, investment consulting and stock-exchange overviews without any difficulty.Infos about this topic can be found here: *****Facts and rules***** Who can participate?  Single participants, Teams as well as StartUps and small companies with a focus on software engineering, finance and technology consultancy. What's in for you? There are waiting a lot of high value prizes for you like IBM Cloud Credits up to $ 120.000, an Etecture StartUp-Support Package for HR/Marketing/Development services valued up to € 5.000, material prizes up to € 700, mentoring, scholarships and the presentation of your solution at the IBM CeBIT 2017 booth, Presentation at the Startup & Innovation Day at the HIGHEST Startup Fair and much more*                              Participation is free! We offer drinks and beverages during the Event. At night you will have snacks and beverages as well. Please bring your Notebooks and all other stuff that you need to be successful at this Hackathon. As well as a bedroll, camping mat and towells. On Sunday at 12:30 pm our Hackathon also opens its doors for visitors and the press. Be there when the teams are pitching their results and the winners are chosen! Be part of it! * IBM takes over lump-sum taxation (§37B ESTG) for these donation in case of upcoming taxes. To get more information on the event execution visit:
    symbioticon - connecting ideas - first hackathon
      14 Nov - 02:00 PM
      Frankfurt, Germany
    The Savings Banks Finance Group of Germany calls you to join their symbioticon; a hackathon that will connect developers, start-ups, hackers and creative minds to create a new hybrid banking experience. Participants will closely collaborate with savings banks, fintechs and professional coaches in multi-skilled teams to combine the close personal experience of traditional banks with more tech, a clean and an easy to use user interface, to take banking to the next level.
    AngelHack Berlin 2016
      18 Jun - 09:00 AM
      Berlinallee, Germany
    AngelHack is coming to Sofia with yet another hackathon to prove that anyone can code! No matter what age, race, gender, experience level, you are or have, you are perfectly able to create game changing applications and technologies that have never been imagined before. Creativity and willpower is the only thing that differentiates you. Mind and skill are what conquer all! Your challenge is simple. Build a technology that will have a positive impact on the world, people, or environment.
    Inno{Hacks} - A Hackathon Powered By Hackerstolz
      10 Jun - 07:00 PM
      Karlsruhe, Germany
    Join Inno{Hacks}, a Hackathon organized by Hackerstolz e.V. in order to disrupt the tech industry with amazing innovative ideas and crazy.
      {Hack}ToTheRoots Mannheim 2016
        16 Apr - 09:00 AM
        Mannheim, Germany
      This is a hackathon to deal with exciting technology together with developers, designers and creative people to work on the ideas of tomorrow and create the first prototypes. Come along to learn from other participants, take part in inspiring challenges with open data and to make Mannheim better!
      Hackathon@HOLM 2016 "Gateway FRA"
        04 Mar - 06:00 PM
        Frankfurt am Main, Germany
      Join up to 100 developers at the House of Logistics and Mobility to create and improve the way people move through one of Europe’s largest traffic hubs. Hackathon@HOLM gives you the opportunity to work with APIs from some of the industry’s leading companies. Compete for up to 5,000€ in cash alongside other prizes!