Showing results 21 to 30 out of 65
Smart City Challenge
20 Sep - 08:30 AM
Düsseldorf, Germany
Konferenz mit anschließendem Pen & Paper Hackathon zum Megathema Smart City.
Bei der Praxiskonferenz lernt ihr neueste Entwicklungen aus der Startup-Szene und technische Trends kennen und erlebt live, wie Smart City Innovationen kontrovers diskutiert werden.
Beim Pen & Paper Hackathon entwickeln Infrastruktur-Betreiber und Städte, Startups, Wissenschaftler sowie Zulieferunternehmen für die Smart City neue Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Geschäftsmodelle.
Entwickelt mit uns innovative Projekte für die vernetzte Stadt von morgen und startet neue Kooperationen!
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
RECHTEEINRÄUMUNG für Aufnahmen (Foto, Audio und Audiovisuell)
Ich bin einverstanden, dass ggf. von mir während der Veranstaltung Smart City Challenge Aufnahmen gemacht werden. Des Weiteren erteile ich mein Einverständnis zur umfassenden und unbeschränkten Nutzung in den Print-, AV- und Onlinemedien der Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland GmbH. Von den Datenschutzhinweisen habe ich Kenntnis genommen.
17 Sep - 05:00 PM
Köln, Germany
Media24All & HealthCare Futurists are organising an entrepreneur venue specially dedicated to the fields of Life Science, Medicine and Healthcare.
" - Because Life is a Startup" is a hackathon for everyone passionate about disrupting health care with progressive ideas, creative thinking and active doing.
We believe that innovation is magic that happens when people with no blinders on and from different backgrounds meet in a stimulating environment to dedicate time to a specific field of interest. For us, this is health-care. This is why we are trying to create the perfect ecosystem where we think we will see innovation happen right in front of us. Our goal is to provide you with the best minds and tangible challenges to really make a difference in healthcare and patient care.
Who is behind
We are a small group of dedicated individuals who crave for excellence and innovation in healthcare, life sciences and medicine. We bring a considerable number of years in the industry and in patient care to the table. With this background, we have teamed up with partners from politics and industry to make our vision real: Patient empowerment and patient centricity.
What is the goal of is a hackathon and a networking venue. Our goal is to bring bright minds and great ideas together in a stimulating environment. We want people to interact and interchange ideas, thoughts, and wishes and beliefs for this is the cradle to new entrepreneurial endeavours. We want you to interact with each other on eye level and we want the participants to be able to go out after this event and start founding their own company in health-care.
You will find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and a contact form on our website:
For other questions, please contact us via
14 Sep - 04:00 PM
Meerbusch, Germany
Developers, designers, gamers, physicians, therapists, psychologists, and educators in Germany! If you're passionate about using technology to bring progressive ideas to healthcare, then you're invited to participate in the St. Mauritius Therapy Clinic's Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation hackathon (VR4REHAB 2018). Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, you'll be challenged to conceive and design a prototype VR therapy that can improve the therapeutic success of children and young people with disabilities.
#dthack18: WiFi Trackathon by Deutsche Telekom
13 Sep - 09:00 AM
Bonn, Germany
We are looking for the best hackers, who are experienced with WiFi device Monitoring. The 24 hour hackathon starts September 13, 2018 in the DT HQ in Bonn, Germany.
More info:
05 Sep - 11:00 AM
Köln, Germany
Welcome to the 1st Growth Sprint .. ever .. at least here in Cologne.
The idea is simple:- WORK one day per month on your growth challenges- Have competent MENTORS around to help with problems- No distracting talks .. just sweet HUSTLEThe Plan:09:30 - 11:00 Startplatz Breakfast - Define your growth challenge (optional, but included in the price)11:00 - 18:00 Growth Hackathon - Short intro and then work, work, work18:00 - 19:00 Networking - Now you can start talking again19:00 - 21:00 Pirate Skills Meetup - Next Level Social Media AdsPrepare:- Define up to 3 GROWTH CHALLENGES you have right now- SEND them to or bring them to the event- Get RESOURCES from Ben to prepare for the challengesLocation:- STARTPLATZ Cologne- Im Mediapark 5, 50670 Cologne, Germany- 3rd Floor, Room Cologne + Bonn- Send an email to Send a message to you there,Ben
Open Dag Praktijkcentrum voor Precisielandbouw Reusel 5 SEPT
05 Sep - 09:00 AM
Reusel, Netherlands
Voor wie?
Toeleveranciers die kansen pakken of willen testen in de volle grond teelt.
Professionals in de teelt die zichzelf willen laten informeren over Precisielandbouw.
Agrofood Studenten die aan de slag willen met bodem en bodemleven, ketenoptimalisatie, Controlled Traffic Farming of zelf in de toekomst data gedreven willen gaan boeren.
HighTech Studenten die het lab uit willen en in het buitengebied met sensoren, software, drones en ‘schaapgrote’ robots willen experimenten.
OP 5 SEPTEMBER 2018 komt 10 jaar volle grond ervaring samen, heten we nieuwe (mogelijke) spelers welkom en wordt de verbouwing van de ontvangst, demo en trainingsruimte feestelijk geopend.
Locatie: Postelsedijk 15 Reusel
De open dag bestaat uit de volgende programma onderdelen:
PRESENTATIESDiverse presentaties waaronder een toekomstvisie op het Praktijkcentrum voor Precisielandbouw door Jacob van den Borne.
RONDGANGVerschillende onderdelen m.b.t. duurzaamheid zijn op het bedrijfsterrein te bezoeken.
DEMONSTRATIESIn het veld worden diverse technologische hoogstandjes gedemonstreerd aan het publiek.
TECHNOLOGIE HALDe loodsen worden omgetoverd tot een ware technologiehal waar technologiebedrijven die iets aan te bieden hebben op het gebied van precisielandbouw een gratis stand krijgen en de mogelijkheid hebben om hun innovatie te demonstreren.
WORKSHOPS VOOR INNOVATIEGROEPEN PVPLDit is een programma onderdeel voor de deelnemers van de innovatiegroepen van de Proeftuin voor Precisie Landbouw.
- PVPL ZWG4 t/m ZWG7 9.30-10.00 uur
- PVPL ZWS1 t/m ZWS3 10.30-11.00 uur
- PVPL NLIMB, DLIMB, OB9 en OB10 13.00-13.30 uur
- PVPL BMKW1, BMKW2, Fruit1 en EXC8 13.30-14.00 uur
Voor deelname: Meld je even aan bij
De afgelopen 5 jaar is er veel geëxperimenteerd in o.a. hackathons met bestaande software, open source mogelijkheden, sensoren en hardware. Waar liggen de grassroots kansen in Open Teelten?
Aanmelden bij voorkeur voor 25 augustus a.s.
Om zicht te krijgen hoeveel bezoekers we kunnen verwachten, stuur een mail naar of zet direct in je agenda met een ical event via deze Eventbrite Link (tickets hoeven niet geprint te worden)
Proeftuin voor Precisielandbouw
De proeftuin bestaat uit twee fysieke locaties in Colijnsplaat en Reusel. Het is een samenwerkingsverband tussen ZLTO, Van den Borne, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Proefboerderij Rusthoeve en Delphy. WUR en HAS Hogeschool. Centraal staan de innovatiegroepen met akkerbouwers, boom- en fruitkwekers, vollegrondsgroenten telers en overige open teelten.
Interesse om deel te nemen als technologiebedrijf aan de open dag met een gratis stand in de technologiehal en/of demonstratie in het veld…. Meld u aan vóór 1 augustus a.s. door een mail te sturen naar of
NI Hackathon Düsseldorf
04 Aug - 02:06 PM
Düsseldorf, Germany
Do Instagram posts show happy people and can there be such sensitive writing in a post that certain groups of people read it? What’s the mood on Twitter and other social networks? These are questions to answer during our hackathon!
Join us on August 4th and discover countless application possibilities that we are on the look-out for with the help of Natural Language, Content Processing, and your coding skills. There are no limits set to your creativity.
Next Level Social Media Ads | MEETUP | by PIRATE SKILLS
01 Aug - 07:00 PM
Köln, Germany
Join us for the meetup to learn what’s possible with social Ads these days. We’ll show you where to learn the basic but focus this time on what comes beyond.
- Advanced Targeting Option- Ad sequences - New formats- Tools for creative ads
The social channels we’ll talk about are:
- Facebook - Instagram- Youtube
P.S.: We are planning the 1st Growth Sprint .. ever .. at least here in Cologne. The idea is simple:- WORK one day per month on your growth challenges- Have competent MENTORS around to help with problems- No distracting talks .. just sweet HUSTLE
Find out more here:
See you there.
DO!Hack 2018
20 Jul - 06:00 PM
Dortmund, Germany
DO!Hack is an interdisciplinary hackathon. We not only focus on developers but on designers and electro-technicians, as well. By doing so we hope to get not only the ideas and viewpoints of developers.
Of course you don't have to be a designer, developer or electro-technician to be able to apply to DO!Hack. We are open for anyone, who want to participate on exciting event in the very heart of Dortmund.
12 Jul - 09:00 AM
Hey fellow hackers,
We are delighted to host our first exciting hackathon in Düsseldorf. The event is hosted by Digital Career Institute. Outsiders are most welcome! Join us for a day full of interesting teamwork, building your own projects and coding! Even if you are not experienced with programming, still join – there will be something to do for everyone, from beginner to expert!
Hackathon Program:
09:00 – 10:00 Introduction to the format, pitches and team formation
10:00 – 18:00 Designing, coding and building the projects
18:30 – 19:00 Hackathon presentations and award ceremony
19:00 – 20.00 Food and afterparty
If you still have questions please get back to: Sergio Cardeal at