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Registration for workshops PhD Development Conference 2017
  01 Jun - 01:00 PM
  Groningen, Netherlands
The registration for the workshops and the hackathon of the PhD Development Conference 2017 is open now!  To see the timetable and a broader description of the workshops and the hackathon please go to: Workshops Thank you for your registration! We kindly invite you to register for the workshop sessions. On June 1st we have two workshop sessions, you can either participate in one of the workshops or attend the parallel lectures. On June 2nd additional to the workshops and parallel lectures, we also offer the Healthy Ageing Hackathon. During this Hackathon you will get the opportunity to design Blue Zones in Groningen. The Hackathon is guided by professionals from the HANNN (Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands) and the Municipality of Groningen. To give you plenty of time to use your creativity to develop Blue Zones, the Hackathon starts in the first workshop session and will continue during the second session (both on June 2nd).   FitBit Challenge As a reward for your registration we give you the opportunity to win a FitBit. We still have tickets available for the conference and we therefore challenge you to convince as many colleagues to also sign up for the conference. Make sure your colleague mentions your name in the registration form and you will be in the running to win a FitBit! Whoever convinces most people, gets the newest Fitbit Alta HR! Additionally, your colleagues who registered thanks to you will also get a price.   Dinner registration  Some of you already registered for the conference dinner on Thursday June 1st, we're looking forward to a great dinner party! If you have not registered yet, but would like to join in please send an email to   Have a great day!   GSMS PhD Development Conference Committee 
    GSMS PhD Development Conference 2017
      01 Jun - 08:00 AM
      Groningen, Netherlands
    GSMS PhD Development Conference 2017  Dear GSMS students, We are pleased to announce that the Early Bird registration for our 3rd GSMS PhD Development Conference on 1 & 2 June has opened!!! Are you wondering how you can guarantee yourself a great future career? Knowing what the future brings is half a success! During our conference we will discuss the upcoming developments in the healthcare sector, including factors that can revolutionize healthcare as we know it. Ronald van den Hoff will take us to the Society 3.0 and Lucien Hordijk (de Correspondent) will give us insider information on the role of industry in healthcare. These inspiring keynote lectures are complemented by a wide variety of workshops; from “how to write an amazing paper” to “how to deal with stress”. Or maybe you have the greatest idea about how to create Blue Zones in Groningen? Show the invited companies what you’ve got during the Healthy Aging Hackathon on Friday June 2. There is also a possibility to meet with companies during our “Meet (Y)our future” lunch break on Friday. We have something for everyone! PhD students who actively participate in the conference will be rewarded with 1 ECTS. Be the first to register and benefit from a low registration fee, first choice of workshops and guarantee your seat at the conference dinner on Thursday evening at het Feithhuis. At this moment you can make an Early Bird registration for the conference and shortly you will be invited to sign up for the workshops.
      Hacking Health Groningen 2017
        19 May - 06:00 PM
        Groningen, Netherlands
      Health professionals, patients, developers, designers, entrepreneurs in and around Groningen! Are you motivated to change the world of health! Come participate in Hacking Health Groningen 2017. This hackathon is intended to help bring IT and healthcare professionals together to conceive & design an app, a device, or other solution for patient-centric care. Your #HackingHealthGroningen theme is "Healthy Aging"! How can your solution help people stay healthy, live as well as possible and get better when sick?
      Hackathon Innovate It
        19 May - 09:00 AM
        Surhuisterveen, Netherlands
      Innovate It is hèt evenement waarbij jij de kans krijgt om op een andere manier naar die problemen te kijken waar jij tegenaan loopt. Pitch jouw idee, stap uit je comfortzone en begin met innoveren, netwerken en om te gaan met schaarste. Ga aan de slag met Design Thinking: maak veschillende prototypes en toon keiharde test resultaten. Zo ontvang jij nieuwe materialen om steeds beter uitgewerkte prototypes te maken! Werk samen met marketingbureau Sterc, klanten van Sterc en studenten van CMD Leeuwarden om zo de beste oplossing te vinden voor één van de gepitchte ideeën. Tijdens dit evenement krijg jij de kans om te leren snel en efficiënt te werken en natuurljk veel te netwerken!   Pitch jouw beste idee & hack your way through time!
        Hackathon Smart City & Smart Industry
          08 Apr - 10:00 AM
          Emmen, Netherlands
        Smart City enthusiasts in the Netherlands! WhatTheHackathon invites you to sign up to participate in the Hackathon Smart City and Smart Industry. This event is about how people will live and work in the future. You'll have 30 hours to devise and prototype a smart solution for a city or a business.