Showing results 1 to 10 out of 17
Connect the #Pott
07 Dec - 09:00 AM
Essen, Germany
In this first edition and Christmas Edition of Connect the #Pott Hackathon you can be part of it - the teams from Hattingen, Dortmund and Essen are connected for 24 hours. Together with your team, you will develop new ideas, products and services to positively shape the future of work or the environment. Two challenges that affect and occupy almost everyone around the world, where you can make a difference. Use digital technologies, your knowledge of apps, blockchain or gamification creatively and innovatively and work with your team to develop the solution that adds value to our environment or our future way of working and convince the expert jury.
Connect the #Pott
07 Dec - 09:00 AM
Hattingen, Germany
In this first edition and Christmas Edition of Connect the #Pott Hackathon you can be part of it - the teams from Hattingen, Dortmund and Essen are connected for 24 hours. Together with your team, you will develop new ideas, products and services to positively shape the future of work or the environment. Two challenges that affect and occupy almost everyone around the world, where you can make a difference. Use digital technologies, your knowledge of apps, blockchain or gamification creatively and innovatively and work with your team to develop the solution that adds value to our environment or our future way of working and convince the expert jury.
Connect The #Pott
07 Dec - 08:00 AM
Dortmund, Germany
In this first edition and Christmas Edition of Connect the #Pott Hackathon you can be part of it - the teams from Hattingen, Dortmund and Essen are connected for 24 hours. Together with your team, you will develop new ideas, products and services to positively shape the future of work or the environment. Two challenges that affect and occupy almost everyone around the world, where you can make a difference. Use digital technologies, your knowledge of apps, blockchain or gamification creatively and innovatively and work with your team to develop the solution that adds value to our environment or our future way of working and convince the expert jury.
Dr. Oetker IT Hackathon 2019
08 Nov - 04:00 PM
Bielefeld, Germany
Arbeite ein Wochenende lang im Team und kreiere coole Anwendungen unter dem Motto "spielerisches Opinion-Mining" bei Dr. Oetker
Climathon Ruhr - Der Klimaschutz Hackathon
25 Oct - 12:00 PM
45127 Essen, Germany
Mach mit beim Climathon - Dem Klimaschutz Hackathon zum Thema Circular Economy!
Kultur-Hackathon "Coding da Vinci" Westfalen-Ruhrg
12 Oct - 10:00 AM
Dortmund, Germany
Coding da Vinci - Der Kultur-Hackathon kommt im Oktober 2019 nach Westfalen!
4OPMC Hackathon @ Unkongress
01 Oct - 09:00 AM
Essen, Germany
Entwirf eine Lösung zur Frage: „Wie gelangen anwendergesteuerte Informationen
über neue Innovationen zum Interessenten?“
4OPMC - Hackathon @ Unkongress
01 Oct - 12:00 AM
Essen, Germany
Nahezu jedes Unternehmen ist ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Innovationen und Lösungen, um zum Beispiel Prozesse weiter zu optimieren und effizienter zu gestalten. Input über solche Neuheiten geschahen oft über entsprechende Messen oder auch andere Wege. Heutzutage gehen diese Informationsquellen jedoch rasch verloren, viele Unternehmen leiden zunehmend unter Innovationsverlust.
27 Sep - 02:26 PM
Dortmund, Germany
From September 27th to 29th 2019, DO!Hack will be a guest at adesso in Dortmund. DO!Hack is a development competition for hardware and software projects, where participants have 24 hours to accompany a project from the initial idea to a finished prototype.
You are interested? Then apply at!
Hinterland Hack 2019
28 Jun - 04:30 PM
Bielefeld, Germany
The goal of the Hack is to solve the transformational challenges and create new solutions in a rapid prototyping format.
We are entering a new area of industry in which computers and automation will come together in an entirely new way, with robotics connected remotely to computer systems equipped with machine learning algorithms that can learn and control the robotics with very little input from human operators.