Showing results 1 to 10 out of 33
Connect the #Pott
07 Dec - 09:00 AM
Hattingen, Germany
In this first edition and Christmas Edition of Connect the #Pott Hackathon you can be part of it - the teams from Hattingen, Dortmund and Essen are connected for 24 hours. Together with your team, you will develop new ideas, products and services to positively shape the future of work or the environment. Two challenges that affect and occupy almost everyone around the world, where you can make a difference. Use digital technologies, your knowledge of apps, blockchain or gamification creatively and innovatively and work with your team to develop the solution that adds value to our environment or our future way of working and convince the expert jury.
Connect the #Pott
07 Dec - 09:00 AM
Essen, Germany
In this first edition and Christmas Edition of Connect the #Pott Hackathon you can be part of it - the teams from Hattingen, Dortmund and Essen are connected for 24 hours. Together with your team, you will develop new ideas, products and services to positively shape the future of work or the environment. Two challenges that affect and occupy almost everyone around the world, where you can make a difference. Use digital technologies, your knowledge of apps, blockchain or gamification creatively and innovatively and work with your team to develop the solution that adds value to our environment or our future way of working and convince the expert jury.
Connect The #Pott
07 Dec - 08:00 AM
Dortmund, Germany
In this first edition and Christmas Edition of Connect the #Pott Hackathon you can be part of it - the teams from Hattingen, Dortmund and Essen are connected for 24 hours. Together with your team, you will develop new ideas, products and services to positively shape the future of work or the environment. Two challenges that affect and occupy almost everyone around the world, where you can make a difference. Use digital technologies, your knowledge of apps, blockchain or gamification creatively and innovatively and work with your team to develop the solution that adds value to our environment or our future way of working and convince the expert jury.
Data Science Learnathon, Düsseldorf
04 Dec - 06:00 PM
, Germany
Together with our trusted partner, CGI, we will be in Düsseldorf on December 4 hosting a data science learnathon. What is a learnathon? It's between a hackathon and a workshop. It's like a workshop because we'll learn more about the data science cycle - data access, data blending, data preparation, model training, optimization, testing, and deployment. It's like a hackathon because we'll work in groups to hack a workflow-based solution to guided exercises. The tool of choice for this learnathon is KNIME Analytics Platform. KNIME Analytics Platform is an open, open-source, GUI driven, data analytics platform, that covers all your data needs from data import to final deployment. Being open, KNIME Analytics Platform offers a vast integration and IDE environment for R, Python, SQL, and Spark. After an initial introduction to the tool and to the data science cycle, we will split in groups. Each group will focus on one of three aspects of the data science cycle: Group 1. Working on the raw data. Data access and data preparation. Group 2. Machine Learning. Which model shall I use? Which parameters? Group 3. I have a great model. Now what? The model deployment phase. We will provide a few datasets, jump-start workflows and final solutions for the proposed tasks, and of course data science experts. Please bring your own laptop with KNIME Analytics Platform pre-installed. To install KNIME Analytics Platform, follow the instructions provided in these YouTube videos: Windows Mac Linux If you would like to get familiar with KNIME Analytics Platform, you can explore the content of our E-learning course. Please also download the workshop material (jump-start workflows and instructions) from here. We will import this material during the learnathon. Agenda 18:00 - Reception 18:15 - Welcome 18:30 - Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform 18:50 - The Data Science Cycle: From Raw Data to Deployment 19:10 - Let's Work and Learn! 21:15 - Networking
    CGI Meetup #4 - Data Science Learnathon: From Raw Data to Deployment
    04 Dec - 06:00 PM
    Düsseldorf, Germany
    Together with KNIME we will be hosting a data science learnathon.
      Kreathon 2019 – Solve the Problem
      15 Nov - 02:00 PM
      Krefeld, Germany
      Die Stadtwerke Krefeld AG und die Hochschule Niederrhein laden euch Computer-Freaks, Webdesigner, Programmierer & Co. wieder nach Krefeld ein. Zusammen mit dem diesjähirgen Kooperationspartner Canon haben wir 6 Challenges für euch gesammelt. Neben einem Preisgeld von insgesamt 6.000 Euro warten 24 Stunden Spaß, Teamwork und Kreativität auf euch. Außerdem dürft ihr euch wieder auf feinstes Catering und ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm freuen. Unsere Challenge-Paten und Professoren der Hochschule stehen die gesamte Zeit mit Rat, Tat und Infos zur Seite. Übrigens besteht in unserem Maker-Space vor Ort die Möglichkeit Platinen herzustellen, zu bestücken, zu verdrahten und zu löten. Zur Verfügung stehen die Mini-Computer Arduino und Raspberry Pi mit passendem Sensorik-Auswahlkoffer. Auch 3D-Drucker sind benutzbar (Format *.stl). Die Teilnahme ist für jeden möglich, egal ob Schülerinnen und Schüler, Studentinnen und Studenten, Mitarbeitende von Unternehmen und auch Privatpersonen und Interessierte jeden Alters, die Ihre Kreativität einbringen wollen. Teilnehmende unter 18 benötigen die Erlaubnis eines Erziehungsberechtigten. Worauf wartet ihr? Jetzt schon einmal auf unserer Webseite für die Anmeldung vorregistrieren!
      Kreathon – Der Hackathon in Krefeld
      15 Nov - 02:00 PM
      Krefeld, Germany
      6 spannende Challenges aus den Bereichen Ver- und Entsorgung, Mobilität und Digitalisierung . Und 24 Stunden Zeit.
        Dr. Oetker IT Hackathon 2019
        08 Nov - 04:00 PM
        Bielefeld, Germany
        Arbeite ein Wochenende lang im Team und kreiere coole Anwendungen unter dem Motto "spielerisches Opinion-Mining" bei Dr. Oetker
          Climathon Ruhr - Der Klimaschutz Hackathon
          25 Oct - 12:00 PM
          45127 Essen, Germany
          Mach mit beim Climathon - Dem Klimaschutz Hackathon zum Thema Circular Economy!
            Kultur-Hackathon "Coding da Vinci" Westfalen-Ruhrg
            12 Oct - 10:00 AM
            Dortmund, Germany
            Coding da Vinci - Der Kultur-Hackathon kommt im Oktober 2019 nach Westfalen!