Showing results 1 to 10 out of 35
E-Mobility Hackathon München
07 Dec - 08:30 AM
München, Germany
Der 1. Münchner E-Mobility Hackathon richtet sich an Studenten und Young Professionals aus allen Bereichen. Egal ob du Hacker, Hustler oder Designer bist: Gestalte die elektrische Mobilität der Zukunft, arbeite an eigenen Ideen oder an den Problemstellungen unserer Hackathon-Partner. Man kann alleine teilnehmen oder gleich als Team.Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Für das leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt. Wann: Samstag, 07.12.2019 ab 08.30h Wo: E-Mobility Hub, Landsberger Str. 318a, 80687 München (Office von ChargeX, Emmi & Nextmove)
Media Lab Startup-Xmas Party
06 Dec - 06:30 PM
München, Germany
Wir laden wir euch zur Media Lab Startup Xmas Party ein! Es gibt Punsch, Plätzchen, Santa Vibes und vieles mehr. Wir freuen uns auf euch!
    Coding the New
    05 Dec - 09:00 AM
    Karlsfeld, Germany
    The MAN Hackathon 2019 is a three-day event that aims to innovate the transportation ecosystem, hosted by MAN Truck & Bus SEin Munich. Everybody is invited to join our Hackathon. So, whether you are a developer, a designer, a product manager or just interested in what is happening at the Hackathon, assemble your team and apply. At the Hackathon, we want to have fun and tackle challenging problems in interdisciplinary teams supported by domain experts from the transportation industry. Our partners Microsoft, Accenture, futurice and Zentrum für Digitalisierung Bayern will support the teams at the hackathon with experienced coaches and mentors.
    Insurtech Europe - Christmas Hackathon
    04 Dec - 09:30 AM
    München, Germany
    More details coming soon.
      hackaTUM 2019
      22 Nov - 03:00 PM
      Garching bei München, Germany
      The official hackathon of the Technical University of Munich will take place from 22nd until 24th of November. Face challenges provided by renowned international tech companies, meet new and like-minded people, and win great prizes!
      HACKADON - Make your city smarter with sensors and lorawan
      22 Nov - 11:00 AM
      Ingolstadt, Germany
      What is the goal ofHACKADON? Our hackathon this year aims to develop services for making your city even smarter with sensors andLoRaWAN. This is your chance. Exhibit your talent for pioneering innovation at the cutting edge. Develop smart services in the public or private sector, where sensors and the Internet of Things helps to make things better and smarter. From smart farming to industry 4.0, mobility or anywhere else – there is always something new to discover.
      Hack the Fair HACKATHON @ productronica
      12 Nov - 03:00 PM
      München, Germany
      IoT, Cloud, E-Cars - not possible without electronics. Disrupt it and be part of our Hackathon @ productronica
        Accelerating Talents - productronica from 12. - 15.11.2019
        12 Nov - 09:00 AM
        München, Germany
        Accelerating Talents: Career Opportunities for Students, Graduates & Young Professionals
          Accelerating Talents - productronica vom 12. - 15.11.2019
          12 Nov - 09:00 AM
          München, Germany
          Accelerating Talents: Karrierechancen für Studenten, Absolventen & Young Professionals
            Oerlikon Digital Hub Hackathon
            08 Nov - 05:00 PM
            Munich, Germany
            Make the processes in industry more sustainable and safe – reduce material waste and energy consumption. Meet our domain experts and gather deep insights into processes in additive manufacturing, manmade fibers and surface coating. Employ leading edge technology such as Computer Vision, IoT and Data Science to solve real world problems in industrial production environment. Demonstrate your ideas and build innovative digital and physical prototypes. Join for free and win prizes with a total value of 10.000 Euro. Innovators, Makers, Designers and Creators that are skilled in Tech like Data Science, IoT Architecture, UX/UI Design, Software Development, Electrical-, Mechanical- and Process Engineering: Join our Hackathon for free and bring motivation! Have fun on industrial prototyping.