Sowing results 6 out of 6
Mobihack (must RSVP on Eventbrite)
  11 Dec - 12:00 PM
  Nijmegen, Netherlands
We need your help to solve one of the biggest problems of Heijendaal in Nijmegen: the traffic. Are you a designer, developer, creative thinker or do you have a superpower? And do you want to help make Heijendaal a better and smarter community by working on creative ideas with the potential to make a big splash? Then join us on December 11 and 12 for a 24 hour hackathon where we will provide all the data for you to come up with great ideas to help the problem of traffic in our city. No experience required, all ages are welcome. See the website for more information:
    University Tour WS 2015 - Uni Duisburg-Essen
      05 Dec - 10:00 AM
      Duisburg, Germany
    The Microsoft Student Partner Gaming Hackathon has taken place in several German universities to give students the opportunity to make their game ideas become reality. Throughout this weekend students will be making small games together with small teams which will then be published in order to get a chance to win amazing prices such as Raspberry Pi and Xbox One. All you need is a computer with Windows (min. 7), Visual Studio and an Azure account! You can create an Azure account here:
    Coding Challenge
      27 Nov - 01:00 PM
      Solingen, Germany
    Der Scala-Hackathon mit Lern- und Spaßfaktor Am Freitag, dem 27.11., veranstaltet die codecentric AG in ihrem Hauptsitz in Solingen eine Coding Challenge rund um die Programmiersprache Scala. Zielgruppe sind Universitätsabsolventen und Nachwuchsprogrammierer, die bereits über gute Scala-Grundlagen verfügen. Betreut werden die Teilnehmer von Heiko Seeberger, seines Zeichens zertifizierter Scala-Trainer und international anerkannter Experte der Programmiersprache für die Java Virtual Machine.  Ablauf Los geht es um 13 Uhr. Nach einer kurzen Begrüßung und Einführung stellt Heiko Seeberger den Teilnehmer eine Coding-Aufgabe, an der sie anschließend in kleinen Teams tüfteln dürfen. Nach der Präsentation der Ergebnisse laden die Veranstalter am Abend zu einem geselligen Beisammensein bei Pizza und Getränken ein. Wer möchte, kann den Abend dann gemeinsam mit einer „Movie Night“ ausklingen lassen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, eine Registrierung ist jedoch erforderlich. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 beschränkt. Jeder sollte ein eigenes Laptop mitbringen, auf dem die folgende Software bereits installiert ist: Java 8 sbt 0.13.9 IntelliJ IDEA 14.4 mit dem aktuellen Scala-Plugin
      #DATA Hackathon
        13 Nov - 03:00 PM
        Enschede, Netherlands
      Ga de uitdaging aan en verdien €1500,- in 24 uur! In groepen gaan jullie de uitdaging aan om in korte tijd een van de complexe problemen je eigen te maken en daarin op basis van data tot creatieve nieuwe oplossingen te komen. Challenges Vanuit de betrokken partijen zijn er een aantal uitdagingen gedefinieerd. Aan jou de keuze waaraan je wilt werken: - Slimmer onderhoud op de weg - Wegwijs in de zorg - Vormgeven aan persoonlijke overheid Voor wie? 40 creatieve en technische denkers What's in it for you? - Een unieke kans om baanbrekende diensten te ontwikkelen - Maak gebruik van échte datasets van grote organisaties uit Nederland - Maak op informele wijze kennis met de betrokken organisaties - Een leuke en leerzame ervaring in een multidisciplinair team - De hoofdprijs van €1500,- Voor meer informatie kijk op Wil je op de hoogte blijven van het laatste nieuws rondom de #DATA hackathon? Volg ons dan op Twitter of Facebook.
        AEC Hack - Let's build the future now!
          24 Oct - 09:00 AM
          Eindhoven, Netherlands
        For this hackathon we bring together the brightest minds in the built environment industry with hackers, coders, UI/UX-designers, robotica experts and more. In one weekend, we build new tools for the building industry, using open data and open standards. How do you evaluate building designs? Can we optimise the exchange of building information? Can a building talk to you, or adapt to your wishes and needs? Can a building be open source? Let’s combine digital Architecture, Construction and Engineering with Smart Cities, the Internet of Things, Robotics, Big Data and Augmented Reality to make dreams come true. Come hack with us and be part of the future! More info on
          LoraWAN IoT Technical Hack Meetup
            10 Oct - 01:00 PM
            Eindhoven, Netherlands
          LoraWAN IoT special Technical Hackathon meetup: 10 October 13.00 - 18.00 A number of people in Eindhoven are already getting ready to build a free and open city-wide sensor network using LoraWAN technology. This is intended to enable citizens to have their own sensors connected to an open network, and use data, information and apps via the network. We are collaborating with the Things Network community in Amsterdam to build upon shared technology. For the Eindhoven community network to become functional there is first a need for specialist and technical expertise: - The industrial grade "Kerlink IoT Gateways” have to be hacked to function as needed - Local nodes need to be developed - Sensors need to be developed (such as the Grove modular SODAQ Ngogo) - Applications need to be built on this platform - data management, API’s - etc A special IoT Hacking Meetup is being organised in the Van Abbehuis on October 10, from 13.00 till 18.00. This hacking meetup has limited spaces, requires technical skills, and is specifically aimed at getting the Eindhoven LoraWAN network up and running. Do you have the technical skills and are you interested in joining this initiative? As space is limited this is not an open meetup please mail to express your interest, or ask questions, give hints etc. and support the launch of the network. This special Technical Hackathon meetup will be part of a week long MAD IoT lab/expo in the Van Abbehuis from October 3 -11 (open 13.00-17.00). If all goes well on the technical side of things we then hope to show and kick-off the LoraWAN network during Dutch Design Week (17 - 25 October) as part of the MAD IoT exhibition in VDMA MATCH. With a new Eindhoven Internet of Things meetup to be planned during this week We hope you will join this new IOT adventure!