Showing results 1 to 10 out of 20
The Big Date
  10 Dec - 09:30 AM
  Eindhoven, Netherlands
Professionals and students in open data, hacking, coding and design! Interested in how technology can help improve public health? GGD Hart van Brabant invites you to participate in The Big Date, and event where you'll collaborate to conceive and prototype a state-of-the-art public health application for tomorrow? Working with like-minded techies and health professionals, you'll be challenged to develop innovative ways to leverage open data and digital information to change the way the public lives, works and plays.
#hack4tk - der Hackathon bei thyssenkrupp
  05 Dec - 12:00 PM
  Essen, Germany
Developers and designers in and near Essen! Want to help ThyssenKrupp bring innovative, new ideas to their website and intranet? If you're over 18 years old and know Angular2, node.js, and Konami Code, then sign up and participate in # Hack4tk - The hHackathon at ThyssenKrupp. You'll collaborate in a team with like-minded individuals to create awesome new capabilities for ThyssenKrupp's digital state-of-the-art platform. After 24 hours, you'll present your working project to a judging panel of experts.
Donders Hackathon 2016
  26 Nov - 10:00 AM
  Nijmegen, Netherlands
Neuroscientists, education scientists, teachers, programmers, and designers! Are you interested in the educational potential of apps and games? Come and participate in the Donders Hackathon 2016. You'll collaborate with like-minded professionals to develop innovative software solutions for education based on fundamental neuroscience knowledge. Showcase your skills and understanding to build a state-of-art educational app or tool.
Barcamp Dortmund Plus OpenTechSchool & Data Mining Hackathon
  19 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Dortmund, Germany
Interested in artificial intelligence to capture and process real-time data? Come and participate in the Data Mining Hackathon that will be held in conjunction with the Barcamp Dortmund. Collaborate with like-minded hackers! Use the Machine Learning API to build an app that has the intelligence to collect and process user data and make predictions about user behaviour. Answers to commonly-asked hackathon questions can be found on the tips page!
Smart Urban Biking - Create the smartest concept about cycling in the city
  18 Nov - 04:00 PM
  Enschede, Netherlands
What is it: Creathon (a hackathon where not only software but also concepts, hardware or other products will be developed) Three days working on innovative ideas and solutions About cycle mobility in urban areas, in the broadest sense: from solutions based on data about bicycles untill solutions for cycle sheds, from smart bikes ’till smart traffic observance installations Based on existing (open) data, software and hardware Goal: Develop IT-driven products and/or services to improve liveability of our cities by leveraging Dutch cycling culture. Why should you join: Get ideas actual to live in prototypes and perhaps even a start-up Work together and exchange ideas with other participants Get coached by professionals The link with (open) data systems from partners (manufacturers, organisations and government) Completely arranged with overnight stay, eating and drinking, working together and relax together Professional jury, prize for the best team (500 euro) Challenge description Air polution, traffic congestion and obesity. Do you think they belong together?  …Yes, they all belong together and why? Because even more people live in urban areas where fresh air and space become rare and where people get less excited to move actively. Here are some facts: In Holland about 3,000 people die some weeks or months earlier because of air pollution according to RIVM. And in Europe about 95% of the citizens are exposed to too high values of polluted substances in the air. An average of 58% of the European population suffer with obesity (BMI >25) which will increase in 2030 up to 64%! In London, Cologne, Amsterdam and Brussels, drivers spend over 50 hours per year on the road to traffic congestion. This number is even higher in Utrecht, Manchester and Paris: 70 hours! It’s not only crowded in metropolitan areas, even the mid-sized cities recognize and feel the problems that are just described here above. We think that the Smart Urban Biking creathon can contribute to increase the liveablility from our cities and the side-towns. How? By using our cycle-culture smarter. It’s the most common form of transportation in The Netherlands. According to the Fietsersbond (cyclists’ union), 13.5 million Dutch citizens own at least one bicycle. They are used for 34% of all travel up to 7.5 kilometres. On average, a Dutch citizen makes 300 cycling trips each year, covering 878 kilometres. Can you improve our way of cycling even further, using creative (network) technology and open data? During the Creathon you could start by exploring the various ways we use our bicycle. How can you improve safety and comfort when cycling to work or school? Or add gaming elements to a cycling trip in order to improve the fitness of children or the elderly in a playful way? And how can you provide the semi-professional middle-aged bicycle racer with exactly the right information for an optimal long-distance training session? And don’t forget that the cargo bike is also an excellent and flexible conveyance to transport people and products from one place to another. You could also choose for a more technical approach. The thousands of bikes on the road, combined with the multitude of available sensor platforms, form one of the most detailed mobile sensor networks imaginable. In addition, cyclists and their (e-)bikes visit locations that are difficult to reach by car or drone. The resulting data-flows lead to all kinds of insights, which stimulate the development of surprising and innovative applications. The combination of data from cyclists, bicycles and sensors with open data sets, which are provided by the participating municipalities, enables the development of unexpected possibilities and applications. If you have a golden idea during this Creathon, you might solve a relevant problem in society and even launch a successful new start-up.
    Redesigning the Paid Experience - Hackathon mit Design-Thinking-Workshop
      18 Nov - 10:00 AM
      Düsseldorf, Germany
    Manager, marketers, engineers, developers, hobbyists, artists! Interested in the economics behind digital media? Come and participate in the Redesigning the Paid Experience hackathon. Bring your expertise, skills and meet other participants from various sectors and disciplines. Work with like-minded individuals on innovative ideas to create reader willingness to pay for the work of digital media journalists.
    The Ultimate RoboCode Tournament by METRO
      05 Nov - 09:30 AM
      Düsseldorf, Germany
    AI hackers! Are you competitive and do you like programming and artificial intelligence? Think you can build a winning, unbeatable robot? Then The Ultimate RoboCode Tournament is the event for you! Participate and demonstrate your creativity and technical expertise! You can work alone, but ideally, you will collaborate with one or more like-minded techie in teams of 2 to 3.
      31 Oct - 09:00 AM
      Köln, Germany
    A one-day event where participants conceptualize and create projects that have no value whatsoever.
    StartupCon 2016
      27 Oct - 09:00 AM
      Köln, Germany
    In a start-up frame of mind? Come to StartupCon 2016 in Cologne. Come and realize your goals! Hear any of 150 top speakers, talk with 250 investors, visit over 300 exhibitor booths and participate in a hackathon. Sign up today!
    HackathonCon 2016
      27 Oct - 09:00 AM
      Köln, Germany
    IT developers, graphic & web designers and software techies! Come and participate in HackathonCon 2016 and collaborate on a cross-functional team on a given topic. This event is held in association with ConversionCon and IndustryCon.