Sowing results 5 out of 5
2. GastroHackathon
07 Nov - 09:00 AM
Salzburg, Austria
Food and tourism enthusiasts -- startups, students, innovators, entrepreneurs in and around Salzburg! Dishtracker GmbH invites you to take part in the 24-hour 2nd GastroHackathon. You'll be challenged to create an innovative rapid prototype solution to one of four real-life gastronomy-oriented problems posed by event partners in the hotel, restaurant, tourism, and food businesses. Come collaborate and compete for awesome prizes. Check out this tips page for advice on taking part in the GastroHackathon!
30 Jun - 10:30 AM
Linz, Austria
Techies in and around Linz, Austria! You're invited to participate in the Creative Hackathon. At this event which takes place over three days, you'll be challenged to get creative on an innovative solution to one fo three real-world industrial challenges. Work in one of Europe's most modern maker spaces and compete for recognition and prizes.
Women & Girls Hackathon 2020
25 Apr - 08:00 AM
Linz, Austria
Der Hackathon ist ein 1-tägiges Event. Ziel des Hackathons ist es nützliche, kreative oder unterhaltsame Prototypen & Projekte umzusetzen.
    ITC1-HACKATHON 2020 - 24h in die Tasten hauen und Ideen weiterentwickeln
    24 Apr - 01:00 PM
    Deggendorf, Germany
    Developers, business types, marketers, and techies -- students, founders and entrepreneurs -- in Bavaria and beyond! You're invited to participate in the ITC1-HACKATHON 2020, where you'll get to pound the keyboard and create ideas in a 24-hour sprint environment. If you have a product idea, then bring it -- if not, then come network and brainstorm at the event. Starting with a picth of each team's idea, the teams will have 24 hours to build and pitch a prototype in a series of iterative sprints.
    StartUP Factory Niederbayern
    19 Mar - 06:00 PM
    Deggendorf, Germany
    Das Gründerwochenende in Deggendorf