Showing results 11 to 20 out of 27
HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Stuttgart
03 Oct - 07:00 PM
Stuttgart, Germany
++ Apply now! ++
We invite YOU to the Business Meets Tech HackerGames! on 4th-6th October 2018. Take part at the hackathon and join IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference after your demo in front of top investors.
Your experience includes
Talks from founders like Scott Chacon (Github) or Adora Cheung (Y Combinator)
Amazing career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co
Opportunity to win prizes worth 5.000 Euro (in cash)
IdeaLab! Ticket incl. 3 days accommodation, food & drinks at boat party
24h of hard work, awesome people & lots of fun
Enjoy 24h of HackerGames! - powered by wibas etarate AND 48h of IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference at WHU on 4th-6th October 2018 in Vallendar near Cologne, Germany. Only a limited amount of tickets are available.
++ Apply now in under 3 minutes! ++
HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Mannheim
03 Oct - 07:00 PM
Mannheim, Germany
Cash prizes worth € 5.000
Student hackers in and around Mannheim! You're invited to apply to participate in HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! in Vallendar, Germany. You'll get to design and build an innovative mobility project and present your prototype to a panel of top investors at Europe’s premier student-led startup conference. Compete to win cash prizes worth € 5.000 and showcase your skills for career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co, and others.
HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Karlsruhe
03 Oct - 07:00 PM
Karlsruhe, Germany
++ Apply now! ++
We invite YOU to the Business Meets Tech HackerGames! on 4th-6th October 2018. Take part at the hackathon and join IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference after your demo in front of top investors.
Your experience includes
Talks from founders like Scott Chacon (Github) or Adora Cheung (Y Combinator)
Amazing career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co
Opportunity to win prizes worth 5.000 Euro (in cash)
IdeaLab! Ticket incl. 3 days accommodation, food & drinks at boat party
24h of hard work, awesome people & lots of fun
Enjoy 24h of HackerGames! - powered by wibas etarate AND 48h of IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference at WHU on 4th-6th October 2018 in Vallendar near Cologne, Germany. Only a limited amount of tickets are available.
++ Apply now in under 3 minutes! ++
Sensors and {Data} | Hackathon
20 Jul - 04:34 PM
Heidelberg, Germany
The Sensors & {data} | Hackathon 2018 will bring together coders, makers, scientists, designers and business people to explore latest developments in sensor systems, networks, big data, machine learning and smart contracts. More than sixty participants will work on ten real-world challenges to improve our everyday life.
The best three teams will be awarded with 1000 € each!!!
Sensors & {data} | Hackathon
20 Jul - 04:30 PM
Heidelberg, Germany
Sensors are becoming ubiquitous, measuring every aspect of today's life while generating enormous amounts of data. Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 are just two of the buzz phrases used to describe the next revolution of our data driven society and our digitized industry.
Join us from 20st - 22nd July 2018 and be part of of a vibrant Hackathon! We are looking forward to turn data into knowledge, buzz into reality, technological advances into economic and social wealth.
The Sensors & {data} | Hackathon 2018 will bring together coders, makers, scientists, designers and business people to explore latest developments in sensor systems, networks, big data, machine learning and smart contracts. More than sixty participants will work on ten real-world challenges to improve our everyday life.
Supported by 20 mentors and facilitated by the team which initiated Startup Weekend Rhein-Neckar and the {Life Science} meets IT | Hackathon.
For more information visit:
Découvrir le Hacking Silver Camp
10 Jul - 10:00 AM
Strasbourg, France
Du 14 au 15 mars 2019 aura lieu le premier Hacking Silver Camp à l'Hotel du Département ! Ce hackathon dédié au Silver développement a pour objectif de booster l'innovation entre acteurs impliqués auprès des personnes âgées sur le territoire.
Pour que cet évènement soit une réussite et fédére de nombreuses énergies, tout un calendrier de rencontres, d'ateliers, de conférences est prévu entre septembre et mars.
Si vous êtes curieux ? Si vous voulez être créatif dans vos pratiques ? Si vous voulez vivre une expérience incroyable (même si vous ne savez pas encore ce qu'est un hackathon...), cette réunion d'information est faite pour vous.
SV Insuration
23 Jun - 08:15 AM
Stuttgart, Germany
You and Your team develope a technical prototype concerning one of the following four topics: connected communities, service revolution, smart data and insurance or digital assistants.
3. Life Science meets IT | Hackathon
08 Jun - 05:00 PM
Mannheim, Germany
On 08th – 10th June 2018, CUBEX 41, Heidelberg Startup Partners e.V., and MAFINEX Gründerverbund Entrepreneur Rhein-Neckar e.V. will organize the third {Life Science} meets IT Hackathon. This unique event will bring together enthusiastic young professionals and students to develop innovative solutions for current and future healthcare challenges with the help of IT. Young entrepreneurs, engineers, IT specialists, designers and many more are invited to join this inspiring event.
Google I/O Extended Strasbourg
10 May - 02:19 AM
Strasbourg, France
L'objectif de ce hackathon est de développer de nouvelles idées pour Google Assistant : pourquoi le prochain service indispensable ne serait pas une de vos idées ? Par équipe, vous aurez 8 heures pour imaginer et éventuellement développer une application pour Google Assistant. Pas de panique : il n'est pas nécessaire de savoir coder pour participer, seul l'imagination sera votre limite !
20 Apr - 05:00 PM
Mannheim, Germany
Ziel des Hackathon ist es, in Gruppen von 2-5 Personen unterschiedliche Themen aus dem Bereich Big Data, Machine Learning und Bots zu bearbeiten. Es geht um die Analyse von Daten auf deren Grundlagen Prognosen für zukünftige Entwicklungen abgegeben werden sollen. Der Zugang zu den aktuellen Daten sowie Voraussagen soll durch Chatbots erfolgen. Dabei geht es sowohl um die Benachrichtigung über Ereignisse und Entwicklungen als auch direkte Abfrage von Daten durch natürliche Sprache.