Sowing results 7 out of 7
Hackathon an der HAW Landshut
13 Oct - 12:00 PM
Landshut, Germany
Von 13. bis 14.Oktober forschen studentische Teams 24 Stunden lang an der Mobilität von morgen. Die DRÄXLMAIER Group, LINK das Landshuter Gründerzentrum und die Hochschule Landshut laden Studenten zum Smart-Mobility-Hackathon ein. Ein Hackathon ist eine besondere Wettbewerbsart, in der studentische Teams kreativ innovative Lösungen entwickeln. Studenten aller Fachrichtungen sind dazu aufgerufen, in interdisziplinären Teams kreative Ideen, Anwendungen und Prototypen zu entwickeln. Der Kreativität sind dabei keine Grenzen gesetzt. Die DRÄXLMAIER Group, LINK das Landshuter Gründerzentrum und die Hochschule Landshut unterstützen die Teilnehmer mit neuester Hardware, Software und Datenquellen. Bei technischen Fragen helfen die Experten der DRÄXLMAIER Group. Die besten Ideen werden mit Auszeichnungen und attraktiven Preisen prämiert, darunter ein Hoverboard und der smarte Lautsprecher Amazon Echo. Studenten aller Fachrichtungen können sich ab sofort hier kostenlos anmelden - einzeln oder als Team. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt. Wir helfen bei der Teamzusammenstellung an Anfang des Events. Für Essen, Trinken, Schlafgelegenheit und Preise wie ein Hoverboard sorgen wir. Für Spaß und Ideen sorgt Ihr.
    TECHFEST Munich 2017
    09 Sep - 10:30 AM
    Garching bei München, Germany
    Don't know TECHFEST Munich yet? Then it's about time to experience the vibe at our hack-festival!TECHFEST MUNICH is a unique hard- and software hackathon and for the first time we want to give visitors insights into this  event. You have the oppertunity get in touch with our participants an to learn more about the latest trends in our digital world. On Saturday 09th of September , you have the chance to get an exclusive behind the scenes look with an all-access-area pass. Experience visionary talks, connect with innovative startups and see our tech-talents at work.On Sunday, 10th of September present our participants their incredible results at the final Techslam. Enjoy afterwards our Foodtruck Festival (food & drinks provided) and get in touch with the participants, our partners and the TECHFEST Crew.Because TECHFEST MUNICH is more than a hackathon!Visit for more information.We are really looking forward to meet you at TECHFEST Munich 2017!
      intive Kupferwerk Hackathon
      19 May - 03:00 PM
      Regensburg, Germany
      We are inviting you to the very first intive Kupferwerk Hackathon in our premises in Regensburg. On 19th and 20th of May you can come up with project ideas and immediately turn them into reality. Our very own specialists will be there to advise and help you during the Hackathon. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to learn more about work & culture at our company and have exchange with interesting people while enjoying some drinks and barbecue. The submission is open till May 5th. FAQ What is a Hackathon? A hackathon is an event, where software developers, designers or QA tester talk about their ideas and try to turn them into reality during the time of 1-3 days. At the intive Kupferwerk Hackathon you have the possibility to get insights from our daily work with a short presentation of each department. Afterwards we will have a barbecue before you start hacking. How does the schedule for the event look like? We will start at 3:30 pm on Friday with some intros followed by the idea pitches, the team creation phase and a barbecue before we kick off with the development at 7 pm. The deadline for the presentation of your success will be 4 pm on Saturday followed by the award ceremony. The whole event will approximately end at 6 pm. What about hardware? We will have some test equipment for you here. If you would like to work with some special equipment, of course you can bring your own stuff. Do I have to be a specialist? No! We are trying to have a diverse group of participants at our hackathon. If you are a disciplined tester who finds all bugs – perfect! If you are high-flyer or beginner in development – sounds great! If you are string in presenting your results to clients – welcome J What about my team? We suggest to have a team of 2 to max 5 people. Starting with a pitch, you can either tell everybody about your thoughts and try to find a new team, or you can support another idea from other participants. How big are the teams? Maximum team size is 5 but of course you also can work in projects on smaller teams, there is no minimum size. What about Overnight stay? We will have 2 rooms available for you – but please bring your own sleeping bag and sleeping pad. What else is needed for the event? -        Laptop -        Electronic equipment, chargers -        Sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow -        10€ participating fee, 8€ early bird tickets until 24.04.2017 -        Student ID card or your identity card Where can I apply for this event? Here :) How much does is cost? We are asking for a symbolic fee of 10€ in order to provide a barbecue, breakfast, sweets and drinks for you. Early Bird tickets are available for 8€ until 24.04.2017.
        7HACK 2017
        13 May - 09:00 AM
        Unterföhring, Germany
        24 HOURS + CREATIVE OUT-OF-THE-BOX-THINKERS + INDUSTRY EXPERTS = FUN, NETWORKING & GREAT PROTOTYPES   THE EXPERIENCE Following our vision and strengthening our leading position in the market requires disruptive innovation and talented employees that don‘t hesitate to try new things. With the 7HACK 2017 it´s the second time we open our doors to internal and external developers, designers and creatives to team up for 24 hours to generate valuable outcomes.   THE CHALLENGE Hack yourselves into e-commerce - A hackathon which discovers new possibilities for the e-commerce ecosystem. The commerce business has change dramatically during the last 15 years – what will the future look like? Together with us and our API–Partners you will have the opportunity to make your disruptive ideas happen. Think together outside the box. Let’s redefine the word of e-commerce together! We are very much looking forward to meeting you at our campus in Unterfoehring!

          12 May - 04:00 PM
          Garching bei München, Germany
          HealthCare Futurists and UnternehmerTUM are organising an entrepreneur venue specially dedicated to the fields of Life Science, Medicine and Healthcare. - Hands on Health 2017 is a hackathon for everyone passionate about disrupting health care with progressive ideas, creative thinking and active doing. Why We believe that innovation is magic that happens when people with no blinders on and from different backgrounds meet in a stimulating environment to dedicate time to a specific field of interest. For us, this is health-care. This is why we are trying to create the perfect ecosystem where we think we will see innovation happen right in front of us. Our goal is to provide you with the best minds and tangible challenges to really make a difference in healthcare and patient care. Who is behind We are a small group of dedicated individuals who crave for excellence and innovation in healthcare, life sciences and medicine. We bring a considerable number of years in the industry and in patient care to the table. With this background, we have teamed up with partners from politics and industry to make our vision real: Patient empowerment and patient centricity. What is the goal of is a hackathon and a networking venue. Our goal is to bring bright minds and great ideas together in a stimulating environment. We want people to interact and interchange ideas, thoughts, and wishes and beliefs for this is the cradle to new entrepreneurial endeavours. We want you to interact with each other on eye level and we want the participants to be able to go out after this event and start founding their own company in health-care. Excecution Process  FAQs What should I bring to the event? Ideally, bring your laptop and charger. WIFI will be provided for free at the venue. You will also need your printed ticket or an ID-card to get in.Other than that you just need a fresh mind and the passion to get involved and do. Where can I contact the organiser with any questions? You will find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on our website: For other questions, please contact us via Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Unfortunately. your ticket is not transferrable. Can I update my registration information? Yes, you may edit your registration information after purchasing the ticket. What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? By public transport: Take the underground line U6 direction Garching Forschungszentrum and alight there Please take the exit `Lichtenbergstraße` in the station After going straight 100 m you meet Lichtenbergstraße, where you have to turn left Walk down the street until you arrive at Lichtenberstraße 6, which is a black building to your right hand By car: Take the A9 Munich-Nuremberg Autobahn and exit at Garching Nord, direction “Forschungsinstitute” Turn left for Freising at the first traffic lights Turn right at the next traffic lights Turn left after 100m, behind the Entrepreneurship Center (black building), to the car park Please ring at the barrier
            MZ-Hackathon 2017: Mensch/Maschine
            23 Mar - 04:30 PM
            Regensburg, Germany
            Die Premiere im vergangenen Jahr war ein voller Erfolg. Rund 80 Konzeptleute, Designer und Entwickler arbeiteten im Mittelbayerischen Medienhaus an einem Dutzend digitaler Prototypen. Das machte Lust auf mehr. Der Mittelbayerische Verlag in Regensburg wird daher zusammen mit dem nma (next media accelerator) aus Hamburg auch heuer einen Hackathon veranstalten. Wieder sind es zweieinhalb Tage und zwei Nächte, in denen spontan gebildete Teams neue Konzepte entwickeln und gemeinsam umsetzen. Willkommen sind Menschen mit Ideen und Energie, mit Liebe zum Detail und mit Spaß am gemeinsamen Ringen um die besten Lösungen. Kreative Konzeptdenker, Visionäre, Entwickler, Leute mit Startup-Denke, Medienleute, digitale Bastler finden im modernen Verlagshaus der MZ die perfekte Umgebung für ihre Arbeit.   Wir haben den Hackathon 2017 unter die Headline Mensch/Maschine gestellt.Das lässt Raum für all die großen Trends wie Virtual und Augmented Reality oder Messenger/Bots, schließt aber nicht Lösungen aus für all die noch so kleinen Bedürfnisse, die der Mensch im Alltag oder seinem lokalen Umfeld gerne gelöst hätte.  Mitmachen können natürlich auch bereits bestehende Teams, jeder Teilnehmer muss aber einzeln angemeldet werden.  Wer für seine Idee noch Mitstreiter sucht, ist hier genau an der richtigen Stelle, kann sein StartUp im Zeitraffer-Modus auf die Strecke bringen. Wer das Ganze spannend findet, aber noch nie bei einer solchen Veranstaltung war, kann sich hier in die richtige Stimmung bringen: So war #MZHACK16 , sie haben gewonnen. Was gibt es zu gewinnen? Preisgeld in drei Kategorien: Best over all -> 2.000 €; Best Innovation -> 1.000 €; Best Pitch -> 500 € In diesem Jahr wird es zwei SpecialAwards geben. Gewinnen können hier Projekte, die sich mit Mittelbayerische Maps oder mit beschäftigen. Dotiert sind die Special Awards mit je 500 Euro.Die Sieger werden von einer Fachjury bestimmt. Außerdem wird es einen Sonderpreis des Media Lab Bayern geben (inklusive u.a. zwei Monaten Co-Working und Mentoring im Lab). Was ist mitzubringen? Ideen, Begeisterung, Skills (und eure für die Arbeit benötigten Devices)Wofür ist gesorgt? WLAN, Essen, Trinken, Beratung Warum lohnt es sich dabei zu sein? Außer der Chance, mit guten Leuten an noch besseren Produkten zu basteln, winkt eine Reihe von Preisen. Unbezahlbar sind natürlich Spaß und Erfahrung für alle Teilnehmer   Was kosten die Tickets? Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, die Zahl der Tickets ist allerdings begrenzt. Wer mitmachen will, bucht ein Ticket aus dem Bereich, der am besten zu seinen Fähigkeiten passt. Diese Kategorien gibt es: Entwicklung/Programmierung, Design/UX, Konzept/Inhalt   Wie sieht der Zeitplan aus? 23/03/17 16:30 → Doors Open 17:00-17:15 → Begrüßung Gastgeber, Intro by nma 17:15-18:15 → Ideen-Pitches (max. 1 Minute jeder) 18:15-19:15 → Teamfindung 19:15 - 19:30 → Kickoff, Talk: Customer Development Basics 19:30 → Pizza & Beer & START WORKING Open End Arbeitszeit   24/03/17 09:00 → Frühstück 9:30-13:00 → Hack (+Mentoren) 13:00-14:00 → Mittagessen 14:00-19:30→ Hack hack hack (+ Coffeepause) (+Mentoren) 19:30 → Abendessen, ggf. kurzer Talk Open End Arbeitszeit   25/03/17 09:00 → Frühstuck 09:30-13:00 → Hack + Mentoren 13:00-14:00 → Mittagessen, dabei Pitch Basics 14:00- 16:45 → Hacking + Präsentation Vorbereitung 17:00-18:00 → Finale Präsentationen (je 3min + 2min Q&A Jury) 18:00-18:30 Jury Beratung 18:30-19:00 PREISVERLEIHUNG! 19:00 → Fingerfood + Networking
              Future Mobility Days 2017
              10 Feb - 10:00 AM
              Nürnberg, Germany
              Programmers, coders, mobility nerds, digitization experts, designers, marketers! Are you fascinated by the application of digital technologies to the world of transportation? Have some innovative ideas that could revolutionalize commuting, or parking, or locating a gas or charging station? Come and participate in the Future Mobility Days hackathon for networked mobility. Network and collaborate with like-minded mobility freaks — who knows, you might come up with an idea that will change the world!