Showing results 11 to 20 out of 29
11 May - 11:00 AM
Karlsruhe, Germany
Welcome to Germany's biggest student-run hackathon! The Hacktival aims to bring hackers from all kinds of backgrounds and experience levels together to create something awesome in the span of two days. Participants get to hone their skills, make new friends and potentially win in one of the categories. We have a free main category where you can make whatever you want to win 3000€! Plus, you get to code at a pretty fancy venue - the Hacktival takes place in a big museum :)
4. Life Science meets IT | Hackathon
10 May - 05:00 PM
Mannheim, Germany
On 10th – 12th Mai 2019, STARTUP MANNHEIM, Heidelberg Startup Partners e.V., and MAFINEX Gründerverbund Entrepreneur Rhein-Neckar e.V. will organize the fourth {Life Science} meets IT Hackathon. This unique event will bring together enthusiastic young professionals and students to develop innovative solutions for current and future healthcare challenges with the help of IT. Young entrepreneurs, engineers, IT specialists, designers and many more are invited to join this inspiring event.
    Hack for Europe
    03 May - 11:00 AM
    Stuttgart, Germany
    During a two days game jam the participaiting teams aim to develop first game prototypes on the subject of Europe. The game ideas are to centre around diversity, democracy, and freedom. The prototypes developped will be played and presented on a large LED-screen on the Schlossplatz in the centre of Stuttgart city. The game jam is organised by the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) in cooperation with the Institut français Stuttgart and the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
    Fair Handeln Hackathon: Dein Social Hackathon für globale Herausforderungen
    26 Apr - 06:00 PM
    Stuttgart, Germany
    Für diesen Social Hackathon laden wir Coder*innen, Designer*innen, Social Entrepreneure und alle die Lust haben mit uns kreativ zu werden ein, um gemeinsam Ideen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft und ein gerechtes Miteinander zu entwickeln. Im Fokus stehen global verantwortungsvolles und nachhaltiges Handeln in Wirtschaft, Mode, Finanzwesen, Tourismus und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Non-german speaking guests are welcome, too! :)  Ein Wochenende lang wollen wir gemeinsam kreativ werden, Ideen austüfteln und hacken, was die Keyboards hergeben. In interdisziplinären Teams kannst du dich mit anderen Engagierten austauschen, neues ausprobieren und Lösungsansätze entwickeln, die unsere Welt ein bisschen besser machen. Für welches Problem müsste unbedingt eine neue Lösung gefunden werden? Welche Idee brennt dir schon lange unter den Fingernägeln? Beim Social Hackathon findest du Mitstreiter*innen und Inspiration aus der Community! Zusätzlichen Input liefern die Aussteller*innen der parallel stattfindenden Messen, die ihre Challenges rund ums Thema Nachhaltigkeit einreichen. Am Freitagabend treffen wir uns zum gemeinsamen Kick-off. Du kannst die anderen Teilnehmenden und Messeaussteller kennenlernen, die Challenges der Aussteller werden vorgestellt und Teams gebildet. Anschließend lassen wir den Abend gemütlich ausklingen. Am Samstag geht es an die Umsetzung! Wir sorgen für leckere, nachhaltige Verpflegung und ein buntes Rahmenprogramm für Kreativpausen. Möchtest du dein Herzensthema in einem Lightning Talk vorstellen oder einen Workshop anbieten? Auch dafür ist Platz. Am Sonntag werden die Projekte fertiggestellt und am Nachmittag dem Messepublikum vorgestellt. Wir freuen uns auf begeisterte Teilnehmende aus den verschiedensten Bereichen! Wann? Freitag, 26. April 2019, 18 Uhr bis Sonntag 28. April, 16 Uhr Wo? In Räumen der Messe Stuttgart, Details folgen nach der Anmeldung. Kosten? Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, Verpflegung inklusive. Da die Plätze begrenzt sind, bitten wir um eine verbindliche Anmeldung über Eventbrite. Solltet ihr doch keine Zeit haben, ist das nicht schlimm - aber bitte gebt uns Bescheid, damit wir euren Platz neu vergeben können :) Ablauf: Freitagabend: Kickoff und Kennenlernen, Vorstellung der Challenges und Teamfindung Samstag: Projektumsetzung, Rahmenprogramm: Lightning Talks, Workshops… lasst euch überraschen! Sonntag: Projektabschluss und Präsentation auf der Messe FAQ Was ist eigentlich ein (Social) Hackathon? Ein Hackathon ist eine Veranstaltung, bei der sich kreative Köpfe treffen, um sich in einem sehr kurzen Zeitraum intensiv mit einem Problem (den Challenges) zu beschäftigen, und im Team an einer Lösung zu arbeiten. Dabei darf gelacht und gesponnen werden - das Ziel ist es, neue Sachen zu lernen, auszuprobieren und Spaß zu haben! Bei den Challenges gilt: Think big, go crazy. An einem Wochenende werden wir nicht die Welt retten können - aber mit etwas Glück entstehen kreative und verrückte Ansätze, mit denen wir sie ein bisschen schöner, gerechter und nachhaltiger machen. Du bekommst die Möglichkeit, dich mit motivierten Expert*innen aus den unterschiedlichsten Fachrichtungen vernetzen und neues auszuprobieren zu können. Außerdem erwartet dich vermutlich wenig Schlaf, dafür viel Kaffee, Mate und wunderbare Begegnungen. Was gibt es für Challenges? Die Challenges werden, genau wie die Lösungen, von euch selbst erarbeitet. Den Input dafür liefern die Aussteller*innen der Fair Handeln und natürlich könnt ihr auch an eigenen Projekten arbeiten. Gute Inspiration liefern die 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen. Wenn du eine tolle Idee hast oder Unterstützer*innen für ein eigenes Herzensprojekt gewinnen willst, schreib uns gerne eine Mail an Dann können wir den Kickoff am Freitag besser planen und dich ggf. sogar schon mit Teilnehmenden mit ähnlichen Ideen vernetzen. Wenn dir am Freitag spontan noch ein Einfall kommt, ist dafür auch Platz. Kann ich vor Ort übernachten? Ja, wir stellen einen Nachtruhe Raum zur Verfügung. Hier könnt ihr natürlich auch mal ein Mittagsschläfchen machen. Bitte mitbringen: Eine Isomatte, Schlafsack und was du sonst noch brauchst, um dich wohlzufühlen. Was muss ich sonst noch mitbringen? Wir sorgen für die Verpflegung, bitte setz dich mit uns in Verbindung, wenn du Allergien oder Unverträglichkeiten hast. Außerdem brauchst du einen Laptop samt Ladekabel, und was du sonst noch zum Arbeiten brauchen könntest. Papier, Stifte, Flipcharts und Whiteboards sind vor Ort. Wenn du bei einem Yogaworkshop mitmachen willst, bring bitte eine Matte/Decke/großes Handtuch und bequeme Kleidung mit. Wir empfehlen außerdem: Kopfhörer und deine Lieblingsplaylist Dicke Socken oder Hausschuhe Lieblingssnacks Wenn du magst, gerne Projekte und Themen für einen Lightning Talk oder kurzen Workshop Wir arbeiten als Team schon länger an einem Thema, können wir uns zusammen anmelden? Ja, bitte vermerkt euren Teamnamen auf der Anmeldung (oder schickt uns nachträglich eine E-Mail an Wenn ihr noch nach weiteren Mitstreiter*innen sucht, könnt ihr eure Challenge am Freitagabend vor der Gruppe vorstellen. Bitte gebt uns kurz Bescheid, damit wir die Zeiten verteilen und euch weitere Infos zuschicken können. Ich kann nicht programmieren, darf ich auch kommen? Ja, wir freuen uns sehr über Designer*innen, Social Entrepreneure, Expert*innen aus allen Bereichen und andere Engagierte! Und nicht jede Lösung muss eine IT Lösung sein! Ein Projektplan oder unternehmerische Idee kann genauso das Ergebnis des Hackathon sein. Wenn du dir nicht sicher bist, ob der Hackathon für dich das richtige ist, schreib uns doch eine E-Mail an - wir vermuten, dass du, wenn du bis hierhin gelesen hast und Lust hast, dabei zu sein, eine große Bereicherung bist :) Ich weiß nicht ob ich zu jung/zu alt/zu unerfahren/zu… bin Wenn du noch nicht volljährig bist, schreib uns bitte eine Nachricht. Ansonsten - du bist herzlich willkommen! Die wichtigsten Teilnahmevoraussetzungen sind Motivation und Neugier, nicht wie alt du bist. Schreib uns gerne eine Nachricht an, wenn du dir unsicher bist oder Fragen hast und sprich uns an, wenn du dich beim Event unwohl fühlst! Uns ist es sehr wichtig, dass alle Teilnehmenden ein schönes und bereicherndes Wochenende mit uns verbringen. I don’t speak German Don’t worry! Most of the attendees will speak at least a little bit English (and a lot will do so fluently) and we can translate as well. Please give us a heads up at the event so we do not forget to make our announcements bilingual. Du benötige mehr Infos, eine Kinderbetreuung, Tipps zur Anreise oder hast sonstige Fragen? Wir freuen uns auf deine Nachricht an :) Wer organisiert das Ganze?Der Hackathon wird vom Social Impact Lab Stuttgart, der Stiftung für Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit und Ready to Code e.V. organisiert und von der Fair Handeln, der Messe Stuttgart, dem Staatsminsterium Baden-Württemberg und der bw-Stiftung unterstützt. Wir freuen uns über Women in Tech Africa und Human Connection als PartnerInnen! Organisation: PartnerInnen: UnterstützerInnen:
      23 Apr - 09:00 AM
      Mannheim, Germany
      Are you an imaginative programming genius, data expert or design guru and would like to develop your skills further using a real-life dataset? Then StoHack is the right playground for you! Immerse yourself in the universe of the leading mobile wallet, have serious fun building something awesome from your ideas and work together with extraordinary people. The hackathon is organized by Q-Summit and the Mannheim based StartUp Stocard and welcomes participants with all kinds of background. It will be kicked off on Tuesday morning, April 23, 2019. Together with your team, you will have 29 hours to come up with an idea based on Stocard’s dataset and bring it to life. The best teams will present their prototypes on the main stage in front of the entire Q-Summit to compete for the main price! Register now on , either as a single participant or as a group, to be part of this exciting Hackathon. Your participation comes along with a free ticket for the Q-Summit, Germany’s biggest student-organized StartUp Conference which takes place from April 24-26, 2019, at Mannheim University. All you need to bring is your laptop and motivation! Our experts in the areas of data, design, and development will coach your team and support you to turn your ideas into reality. We bring the data, you bring the ideas - let's build something awesome together!
      05 Apr - 04:00 PM
      Stuttgart, Germany
      You have the opportunity to use your impulses to contribute to the optimization of product and stock levels in the Lidl branches. You can work with live data from our data supplier Lidl. Whether you want to use IoT, Deep Learning, Dashboards or VR, the Digital Innovation Lab offers you a motivating environment that challenges digital and creative thinking - a real think tank. The Hackathon is especially intended for students, graduates or career starters who are enthusiastic about innovative technologies.
      Hacking Health Camp 2019
      22 Mar - 08:30 AM
      Strasbourg, France
      ENGLISH VERSION BELOW   Si vous ne pouvez pas utiliser Eventbrite ou avez une demande spécifique pour acheter vos billets : demande spécifique pour accéder à l'évènement   Formation professionnelle Hacking Health Camp est avant tout une formation qui peut être prise en charge par la formation professionnelle Télécharger la convention   Hacking Health Camp est un évènement international  qui vise à briser les barrières de l’innovation en santé. C'est un espace collaboratif entre professionnels de santé, designers, hackers, makers et entrepreneurs. Un évènement à destination de toutes les personnes intéressées par l’innovation en santé, inspirant professionnels de santé et professionnels du numérique sur leurs opportunités communes dans l’avenir de la santé.   LE PROGRAMME S’INSPIRER, APPRENDRE, PASSER À L’ACTION Vendredi 22 mars, 2019 de 8:30 à 18:00  - IRCAD / IHU ConférencesUne matinée inspirante de conférences visionnaires sur le futur de la santé par des personnalités internationalement reconnues. AteliersAteliers de design pour maitriser les outils pour bien démarrer son projetPitch clinic pour s'entrainer à présenter son projet en une minute et recruter la meilleure équipe voir le programme en détail sur Vendredi 22 mars 2019 à 18:00 au Dimanche 24 mars 18:00 - Faculté de médecine Hackathon  50h pour créer un prototype de solution à un problème de terrain, en équipe pluridisciplinaire.  Déposez votre projet et consultez les projets de l'édition précédente   In English If you can't use Eventbrite or if you have a specific request to buy your ticket Ask for specific registration Hacking Health Camp is an international event dedicated to breaking down the barriers for innovation in healthcare. We create a space for health professionals, designers, hackers, makers and entrepreneurs to collaborate. It’s an event for anyone interested in health innovation as it rallies health and tech professionals around their common interest, helping them discover amazing possibilities for tomorrow’s health. EVENT PROGRAM INSPIRE, LEARN, ACT Friday, March 22nd, 2019 8:30 – 18:00 : IRCAD Conferences A morning of inspiring and forward-thinking conferences on the future of health by a line up of internationally-recognized health mentors. AteliersDesign workshop to give you tools to well started your projectPitch clinic to help you be prepared for a 1' pitch and recruit the best team for your project 18:00, Friday 22nd  to  Sunday March24th , 2019 : Faculté de médecine Hackathon48h to prototype a solution on a real problem in multidisciplinary teamSubmit your project and look at the last edition's ones   FAQ Faut-il se munir d'une pièce d'identité ? Oui, merci de vous munir de votre pièce d'identité. Elle pourra vous être demandée à chaque entrée car les billets sont nominatifs.   Quelles sont les différentes options de transport/parking à l'arrivée sur le site et une fois l'événement terminé ? > Pour les conférences à l'IRCAD, vous pourrez stationner au parking de l'hôpital (payant, dans l'enceinte des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg) > Pour le hackathon à la faculté de médecine, vous pourrez stationner sur le parking du campus, par l'entrée située 4 rue Kirschleger (gratuit, dans la limite des places disponibles) Que puis-je apporter à l'événement ? Apportez votre bonne humeur et une grosse dose d'énergie, mais aussi votre ordinateur portable, votre écran, vos chargeurs, des multiprises, des feutres, des post-its, bref, tout ce qui vous aidera à bien travailler en mode innovation ! Dois-je apporter mon billet imprimé à l'événement ? Oui, vous éviterez ainsi la file d'attente à l'accueil :)  Est-ce un problème si le nom indiqué sur mon billet ou mon inscription ne correspond pas à celui du participant ? Oui, chaque billet est nominatif et doit correspondre au nom du participant (cf. notre demande de pièce d'identité)
      Hacking Health Camp 2019 : Atelier de préparation de projet #5
      07 Mar - 07:30 PM
      Strasbourg, France
      Vous avez un projet à proposer au hackathon Hacking Health Camp ?  Vous souhaitez proposer vos compétences à un projet et faire partie d'une équipe ?Rencontrons-nous et ensemble, approfondissons les idées ! RDV à l'atelier de préparation de projet  Le concept L'équipe d'experts en innovation vous aidera à peaufiner votre projet avec les autres participants, en utilisant la méthode du Design-thinking. Venez challenger votre idée en équipe !Par exemple : le projet répond-il à la problématique de la façon la plus pertinente ? Existe-t-il une technologie plus adaptée pour y répondre? Comment tenir compte des différents acteurs concernés ?Qui participe ?L'atelier est destiné tant aux porteurs de projet qu'à ceux qui envisagent de rejoindre une équipe (développeurs, designers, professionnels de santé, patients, ingénieurs, entrepreneurs,...) Le tableau des défis Tous les projets du hackathon apparaîtront sur le tableau des défis.Pensez à y inscrire votre défi, vous pourrez le modifier à tout moment. Les participants peuvent le consulter pour découvrir les idées et échanger avec le porteur.  Plus d'infos sur Hacking Health Camp : Innovons ensemble en santé numérique ! Hacking Health Camp est un programme de 3 jours dédiés à l'innovation collaborative en santé, pour faire émerger les solutions de demain : Conférences inspirantes sur le futur de la santé Formations Hackathon : Professionnels de santé, patients, designers et experts en nouvelles technologies travaillent non-stop en équipe pour prototyper des solutions innovantes au service de la santé, à partir de défis exprimés sous forme de problématique à résoudre . Depuis la 1ère édition en 2014, 125 prototypes fonctionnels y ont vu le jour ! Cette année, Hacking Health Camp aura lieu du 22 au 24 Mars 2019, à Strasbourg (Ircad et Faculté de Médecine) L'évènement est organisé par Hacking Health et Health Factory
        Develop a Successful Connected Car Tech Entrepreneur Startup Business Today! Stuttgart - Automotive - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
        27 Feb - 01:00 PM
        Stuttgart, Germany
        Learn to Develop a Successful Automotive Tech Startup Company Today! Always wanted to start an Tech Startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own Connected Car Tech Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own Connected Car Tech Startup into the market. Accomplish 10X Performance Results compared to other Startups Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a college education Our Tech Startup Program contains jam-packed with practical market & industry insights Our team has done the market/industry research so you won't need to, Save 10X of Your Time Learn to Develop a Six-Figure Tech Startup from Scratch Discover the Potential with Emerging Technologies Get a foot into a Billion Dollar Industry Full Tech Startup Mentorship Tech Entrepreneurship Certification/Diploma Go From Beginner To Advanced Entrepreneur in No Time Step by Step Instructions Complete Tech Startup Business Setup: From Zero To Hero In No Time No Previous programming or tech background needed except an open mindset Generate sales in a B2B environment Get a holistic overview of different tech startup processes Discover new strategies and perspectives on developing your startup Increase Your Creativity & Innovation IQ During this Automotive Tech Startup workshop we will cover: Session 1: Automotive Basics During this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.  Automotive Hardware Automotive Software Automotive Platforms Automotive Projects Automotive Systems Automotive Blueprint Automotive Tools Automotive Resources Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startup Smart Automotive IoT Vehicle VR Driving Remote Vehicle Diagnostics Vehicle Ad System Vehicle Notification System Vehicle Alert System Augmented Repair System Parking App System Vehicle Analytics System Smart Traffic System Connected Car Monitoring Remote Device Repair Vehicle Cyber Security Recognition Systems Road Assistance Emergency Assistance Connected Car   Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends. R&D/Research R&D Tools Startup Tools Market Research Surveys Consumer Analytics Market Analytics Industry Analytics Trends Researching   Session 4: Creativity During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process. Creativity Tools Creativity Techniques Creativity Strategy Mind mapping Brainstorming Meditation Idea Exploring Idea Blender Key-Point System Problem Solving Strategy Incubation Creative intelligence Outside the Box Thinking Lateral Thinking Productivity Tools Mind Relaxation Meditation Higher Consciousnesses Inspiration Tools Idea Storage   Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market. Capital/Funding Capital/Funding Tools Capital/Funding Strategy Venture Capitalists Angel Investors Seed Funding Incubators Accelerator Programs Co-Founder Capitalization Table Crowdfunding Business Trade Fairs   Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology. Clients Client Acquisition Strategy Client Acquisition Process PR Strategies Social Media Marketing Competitive Analysis E-Mail Marketing Newsletters Analytics SEO Digital Marketing Ad Systems Competitor Research Sale System Sale Strategy Growth Hacking Sales Funnel Email Hunting   Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow. Business Automation Business Process Business Strategy Business Model Business Management ERP CRM Human Resources (HR) Recruitment Intranet Collaboration Project Management Document Management Customer Support Business Automation Tools   Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation Legal Contracts Business Model Corporate Structure Payment Platforms Payment Gateway Invoicing System Credit Cards/Payments Pricing Strategies Accounting Subscriptions Office Space Virtual Address Virtual Phone Virtual Office Remote Office Virtual Assistant Virtual Receptionist Virtual Support Outsourcing Product Demo Product Launch   Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup Session 10: Startup Hardware & PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup Session 11 : Startup Tech OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT and Tech Ops process of your tech startup Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore the startup management process of your tech startup Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore emerging and disruptive technologies. Session 15: Startup ScienceDuring this session we will explore the science of startup success Session 16: Startup VocabularyDuring this session we will explore, startup, metrics, saas definitions Session 17: Startup InnovationDuring this session we will explore how to innovate new projects and products Session 18: Startup Analytics During this session we will explore the analytical process of your startup Session 19: Startup SaaSDuring this session we will explore the Subscription/Membership business model Session 20: Startup HRDuring this session we will explore how to build a team, recruit employees etc Session 21: Startup OpsDuring this session we will explore startup scalibility and startup operations Session 22: Product ManagementDuring this session we will explore MVP, QA, Product design etc Session 23: Customer ExperienceDuring this session we will explore UX/UI and the customer experience process Sessions 24: Startup StrategyDuring this session we will explore how you can implement smart strategies to your tech startup Session 25: Startup WebDuring this session we will teach you how to develop a startup website Session 26: Startup TroubleshootingDuring this session we will we will teach you how to handle risks, failure, crisis etc Session 27: Startup LifestyleDuring this session we will we explore concepts like Digital Nomad, Serial Entrepreneurship etc Session 28: Startup Eco-systemDuring this session we will we explore startup trends and demographical changes Sessions 29-42:Emerging Markets, Emerging Demographics, Emerging Economies, Emerging Technologies,Emerging Politics/Societies, Emerging Sustainability, Emerging Infrastructure,Emerging Cultures, Emerging Sciences, Emerging Innovations, Emerging Conflicts,Emerging Space, Emerging Realities, Market/Industry Forecasting Report,Tech/Market Trends Analysis, SaaS Training, Handson Training and much more For more detailed information go to our website [This is an Online Web Workshop] Workshop Curriculum Premium Edition: Session 1-1420+ Hours of Tech Startup Content3 Months Subscription/Membership3 Months On-Demand Streaming Web Access24/7 Support Gold Edition: Session 1-1420+ Hours of Tech Startup Content12 Months Subscription/Membership12 Months On-Demand Streaming Web Access1 Gold Web Account24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus MaterialEntrepreneur Starter Kit (30.000+ Potential Customers/Clients Contact List PDF, 1000+ Tech/Startup Slack Communities List PDF, 1000+ Journalists/Tech Blogs Contact List PDF, 2000+ Venture Capital/Startup Funding List PDF, 1700+ Startup Accelerators List PDF, 1100+ PR List) Platina Edition:Session 1-2850+ Hours of Tech Startup Content12 Months Subscription/Membership12 Months On-Demand Streaming Web Access1 Platina Web Account24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus Material+ Entrepreneur Starter Kit (see Gold Edition for explanation) VIP EditionSession 1-42100+ Hours of Tech Startup Content2 Years On-Demand Streaming Web Access24 Months Subscription/Membership1 VIP Web Account24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus MaterialHands-on tech trainingSaaS training500$ Gift Card+ Entrepreneur Starter Kit (see Gold Edition for explanation) Testimonials: "Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M. "Not able to tell you how HAPPY I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T. "Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping FUTURE tomorrow" - Cohen. A "I am completely blown away by the QUALITY and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven  D. "Your company is TRULY upstanding and UNIQUE. I have gotten at least 50 times the VALUE from your Workshops." - Xinye T. "I have FUNDED my Startup with Series A for the first time and its all THANKS to Atechup workshops" - F. Martinez "Atechup workshops truly had a POWERFUL impact on my personal life and business life" - M. Johanes It always was a DREAM of mine to BUILD my own business and Im so happy I made that deciscion to ATTEND Atechup workshops, it has been worth every penny. Thanks Atechup - Jessica B. For more detailed information go to our website [This is an Online Web Workshop] [Atechup Terms & Conditions Apply]
          Develop a Successful Connected Car Tech Entrepreneur Startup Business Today! Stuttgart - Automotive - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
          20 Feb - 01:00 PM
          Stuttgart, Germany
          Learn to Develop a Successful Automotive Tech Startup Company Today! Always wanted to start an Tech Startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own Connected Car Tech Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own Connected Car Tech Startup into the market. Accomplish 10X Performance Results compared to other Startups Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a college education Our Tech Startup Program contains jam-packed with practical market & industry insights Our team has done the market/industry research so you won't need to, Save 10X of Your Time Learn to Develop a Six-Figure Tech Startup from Scratch Discover the Potential with Emerging Technologies Get a foot into a Billion Dollar Industry Full Tech Startup Mentorship Tech Entrepreneurship Certification/Diploma Go From Beginner To Advanced Entrepreneur in No Time Step by Step Instructions Complete Tech Startup Business Setup: From Zero To Hero In No Time No Previous programming or tech background needed except an open mindset Generate sales in a B2B environment Get a holistic overview of different tech startup processes Discover new strategies and perspectives on developing your startup Increase Your Creativity & Innovation IQ During this Automotive Tech Startup workshop we will cover: Session 1: Automotive Basics During this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.  Automotive Hardware Automotive Software Automotive Platforms Automotive Projects Automotive Systems Automotive Blueprint Automotive Tools Automotive Resources Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startup Smart Automotive IoT Vehicle VR Driving Remote Vehicle Diagnostics Vehicle Ad System Vehicle Notification System Vehicle Alert System Augmented Repair System Parking App System Vehicle Analytics System Smart Traffic System Connected Car Monitoring Remote Device Repair Vehicle Cyber Security Recognition Systems Road Assistance Emergency Assistance Connected Car   Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends. R&D/Research R&D Tools Startup Tools Market Research Surveys Consumer Analytics Market Analytics Industry Analytics Trends Researching   Session 4: Creativity During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process. Creativity Tools Creativity Techniques Creativity Strategy Mind mapping Brainstorming Meditation Idea Exploring Idea Blender Key-Point System Problem Solving Strategy Incubation Creative intelligence Outside the Box Thinking Lateral Thinking Productivity Tools Mind Relaxation Meditation Higher Consciousnesses Inspiration Tools Idea Storage   Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market. Capital/Funding Capital/Funding Tools Capital/Funding Strategy Venture Capitalists Angel Investors Seed Funding Incubators Accelerator Programs Co-Founder Capitalization Table Crowdfunding Business Trade Fairs   Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology. Clients Client Acquisition Strategy Client Acquisition Process PR Strategies Social Media Marketing Competitive Analysis E-Mail Marketing Newsletters Analytics SEO Digital Marketing Ad Systems Competitor Research Sale System Sale Strategy Growth Hacking Sales Funnel Email Hunting   Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow. Business Automation Business Process Business Strategy Business Model Business Management ERP CRM Human Resources (HR) Recruitment Intranet Collaboration Project Management Document Management Customer Support Business Automation Tools   Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation Legal Contracts Business Model Corporate Structure Payment Platforms Payment Gateway Invoicing System Credit Cards/Payments Pricing Strategies Accounting Subscriptions Office Space Virtual Address Virtual Phone Virtual Office Remote Office Virtual Assistant Virtual Receptionist Virtual Support Outsourcing Product Demo Product Launch   Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup Session 10: Startup Hardware & PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup Session 11 : Startup Tech OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT and Tech Ops process of your tech startup Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore the startup management process of your tech startup Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore emerging and disruptive technologies. Session 15: Startup ScienceDuring this session we will explore the science of startup success Session 16: Startup VocabularyDuring this session we will explore, startup, metrics, saas definitions Session 17: Startup InnovationDuring this session we will explore how to innovate new projects and products Session 18: Startup Analytics During this session we will explore the analytical process of your startup Session 19: Startup SaaSDuring this session we will explore the Subscription/Membership business model Session 20: Startup HRDuring this session we will explore how to build a team, recruit employees etc Session 21: Startup OpsDuring this session we will explore startup scalibility and startup operations Session 22: Product ManagementDuring this session we will explore MVP, QA, Product design etc Session 23: Customer ExperienceDuring this session we will explore UX/UI and the customer experience process Sessions 24: Startup StrategyDuring this session we will explore how you can implement smart strategies to your tech startup Session 25: Startup WebDuring this session we will teach you how to develop a startup website Session 26: Startup TroubleshootingDuring this session we will we will teach you how to handle risks, failure, crisis etc Session 27: Startup LifestyleDuring this session we will we explore concepts like Digital Nomad, Serial Entrepreneurship etc Session 28: Startup Eco-systemDuring this session we will we explore startup trends and demographical changes Sessions 29-42:Emerging Markets, Emerging Demographics, Emerging Economies, Emerging Technologies,Emerging Politics/Societies, Emerging Sustainability, Emerging Infrastructure,Emerging Cultures, Emerging Sciences, Emerging Innovations, Emerging Conflicts,Emerging Space, Emerging Realities, Market/Industry Forecasting Report,Tech/Market Trends Analysis, SaaS Training, Handson Training and much more For more detailed information go to our website [This is an Online Web Workshop] Workshop Curriculum Premium Edition: Session 1-1420+ Hours of Tech Startup Content3 Months Subscription/Membership3 Months On-Demand Streaming Web Access24/7 Support Gold Edition: Session 1-1420+ Hours of Tech Startup Content12 Months Subscription/Membership12 Months On-Demand Streaming Web Access1 Gold Web Account24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus MaterialEntrepreneur Starter Kit (30.000+ Potential Customers/Clients Contact List PDF, 1000+ Tech/Startup Slack Communities List PDF, 1000+ Journalists/Tech Blogs Contact List PDF, 2000+ Venture Capital/Startup Funding List PDF, 1700+ Startup Accelerators List PDF, 1100+ PR List) Platina Edition:Session 1-2850+ Hours of Tech Startup Content12 Months Subscription/Membership12 Months On-Demand Streaming Web Access1 Platina Web Account24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus Material+ Entrepreneur Starter Kit (see Gold Edition for explanation) VIP EditionSession 1-42100+ Hours of Tech Startup Content2 Years On-Demand Streaming Web Access24 Months Subscription/Membership1 VIP Web Account24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus MaterialHands-on tech trainingSaaS training500$ Gift Card+ Entrepreneur Starter Kit (see Gold Edition for explanation) Testimonials: "Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M. "Not able to tell you how HAPPY I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T. "Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping FUTURE tomorrow" - Cohen. A "I am completely blown away by the QUALITY and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven  D. "Your company is TRULY upstanding and UNIQUE. I have gotten at least 50 times the VALUE from your Workshops." - Xinye T. "I have FUNDED my Startup with Series A for the first time and its all THANKS to Atechup workshops" - F. Martinez "Atechup workshops truly had a POWERFUL impact on my personal life and business life" - M. Johanes It always was a DREAM of mine to BUILD my own business and Im so happy I made that deciscion to ATTEND Atechup workshops, it has been worth every penny. Thanks Atechup - Jessica B. For more detailed information go to our website [This is an Online Web Workshop] [Atechup Terms & Conditions Apply]