Showing results 1 to 10 out of 25
15. FinTech & InsurTech Meetup Cologne at IBM with Finanz.Guru and PBM AG
07 Dec - 07:00 PM
Cologne, Germany
Line up:
Doors open 6.30pm // start 7pm
1.) Retailbanking 2020 - A winner takes it all market? (Alex Michel - Dwins GmbH)
The speaker of our first talk has been member of our community for quite a while. They recently got funding by Deutsche Bank after winning their Hackathon for the App. We're happy to host them once again in our meetup. We’re excited which further steps they have taken.
2.) Personal Business Machine (Ingo Gregus - PBS AG)
Personal Business Machine is a Cologne based InsurTech which aims to personalize the digital customer dialogue. Their unique platform is linking machine learning modules, digital signature and online legitimation.
3.) Networking & (real) food.
Our friends from IBM Cologne will host this meetup!
Can't wait!
Mathias & Jan
P.S. you may also like us on FB, Twitter and check out our Meetup Group!
Graph Database Hackathon 2017
25 Nov - 12:00 PM
Eschborn, Germany
Graph Database Hackathon 2017Das ultimative Event für die Graph Database CommunityAlles was zählt, ist Deine Kreativität. Nimm an unserem Graph Database Hackathon in Eschborn teil und nutze die Chance Deine Ideen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen, einen Prototypen zu entwickeln und diesen im Anschluss vor unserer Jury zu pitchen.
Der Hackathon findet in unserem PRODYNA Office in Eschborn statt. Wir freuen uns Dich vom 25. bis 26. November bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.
Worum geht es?Hast Du Spaß am Coden und möchtest Dich mit der Graph Database Community vernetzen? Dann ist der Graph Database Hackathon genau das Richtige für Dich. Dieses Event bietet Dir die Möglichkeit Dein Wissen über Graphdatenbanken und Cloud Computing zu erweitern und Dich mit anderen aus der Szene auszutauschen. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Du ein Experte oder ein Anfänger bist. Auch Neulinge sind herzlich Willkommen. Experten begleiten Euch bei der Umsetzung Eurer Ideen und stehen Euch für Fragen zur Verfügung.
Das erwartet Dich:Code – Was gibt es schöneres als ein ganzes Wochenende mit hacken zu verbringen? Die Teams werden am ersten Tag bunt zusammengewürfelt. Es gibt keine Einschränkungen. Nutzt die gemeinsame Zeit, um eine Idee zu entwickeln und Euch auf technischer Ebene auszutauschen.
Work & learn – Workshops, Gespräche und Mentoren - unsere Experten stehen Euch Tag und Nacht zur Verfügung. Dabei können wir Euch eins garantieren: Ihr werdet Euren Wissenshorizont erweitern und als Graph Database Experte erfolgreich durchstarten!
Meet & greet – Fachsimpeln bei einem Kaffee oder ein lockerer Austausch mit einem kühlen Bier - Du wirst beim Graph Database Hackathon mit spannenden Leuten ins Gespräch kommen und dabei Spaß haben. Für Verpflegung wird natürlich für das gesamte Wochenende gesorgt!
Stay & sleep – Vergiss Deinen Schlafsack nicht, denn Du hast die Möglichkeit über Nacht in unserem PRODYNA Office zu bleiben. Du kannst natürlich auch auf Deinen Schlaf verzichten und mit Energy Drinks die Nacht zum Tag machen. Zum Hacken benötigst Du auf jeden Fall Deinen Laptop.
Dein Preis: 500 € – Die Teilnahme an unserer Graph Database Challenge lohnt sich. Bei uns hast Du nicht nur die Möglichkeit Dein Wissen zu erweitern und Dich auszutauschen, sondern das Gewinnerteam erwartet zusätzlich ein großartiger Preis in Höhe von 500 Euro. Überzeuge die Fachjury mit Deinem Know-how.
The P&G European IT Hackathon - Germany
24 Nov - 03:00 PM
Kronberg im Taunus, Germany
The Hackathon will take place in our R&D Makerspace right in the heart of the Braun and Oral-B German Innovation Center. Here we have available various capabilities like AWS Alexa, 3D CAD, additive manufacturing, electronics design & prototyping and IT infrastructure – the perfect environment for you to bring your ideas to life!
Procter & Gamble Hackathon
24 Nov - 03:00 PM
Kronberg, Germany
Our Smart Toothbrush: play with it and enhance it.
The hands-on event will take place in our R&D Makerspace right in the heart of the Braun and Oral-B German Innovation Center.
As a Hackathlete, your mission is to improve the daily life of our consumers – by playing and enhancing our smart products. We are offering you the possibility to work with hardware, electronics, software and mobile apps of selected P&G products.
Working in the blend of engineering, research & development and IT, we want you to develop your ideas further and to come up with new innovative uses, additional features such as voice control and interesting concepts. Moreover, there will be prizes for winning team: high-end consumer connected devices + 9 hrs of CAD additive manufacturing and a regional prize (to be announced the day of the event) and each participant will get a bag with P&G goods!
For more info visit:
*There is a selection process for this event. If selected, P&G will reimburse you for a part of your travel costs, presenting your valid travel tickets. More information to be sent out to selected participants.
Pentaho Community Meeting 2017
10 Nov - 06:00 PM
Mainz, Germany
Happy birthday! Pentaho Community Meeting PCM17 celebrates its 10th anniversary this November with a 3-days event full of workshops, presentations and networking. And it-novum has the honor to host the event together with Pentaho. PCM17 will take place in Mainz where everything started in 2008. Mainz is centrally located and just a 20 minutes train ride away from Frankfurt international airport.
Pentaho Community Meeting is an informal gathering for Pentaho users from around the world. We meet to discuss the latest and greatest in Pentaho products and exciting geek stuff (techie track) as well as best practices of Pentaho implementations and successful projects (business track).
PCM17 is open to everyone who does something with Pentaho (development, extensions, implementation) or plans to do data integration, analytics or big data with Pentaho. Several Pentaho folks – architects, designers, product managers – will share their latest developments with us.
The event is community-oriented and open-minded. There’s room for networking and exchanging ideas and experiences. Participants are free to break off into groups and work together.
Please note that all presentations will be in English.
Call for Papers
The agenda is meant as a presentation stage for all Pentaho users who want to share insights, learnings and findings of their Pentaho projects. To register your proposal for the agenda, please use the contact form to send a brief description including title and short abstract in English to Jens Bleuel (deadline September 30).Also see the FAQs “Can I present at the event?”
Agenda for Pentaho Community Meeting 2017 in Mainz
Please note that all presentations at the event will be in EnglishAgenda is subject to change, watch out for updates on Twitter
Friday, November 10 | Hackathon
06:00 PM – open endLocation address: Lomo, Ballplatz 2, 55116 MainzWe meet at Lomo to start the three-day PCM in a cozy wine cellar lounge with a Hackathon, networking and drinks. No problem if you arrive hungry – Lomo also serves dishes.
Saturday, November 11 | Conference Day
9:00 AM – 06:00 PMLocation address: Kupferbergterrasse, Kupferbergterrasse 17-19, 55116 MainzAfter the welcome speech by Stefan, Pedro and Jens, everybody splits up to join the business or the techie track.
09:00 AM - 09:30 AM: RegistrationReception with coffee & snacks09:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Welcome and opening (room A)Stefan Müller (it-novum), Pedro Alves and Jens Bleuel (Pentaho)
Technical Track10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Technical Track (room B)Pedro Alves | Senior Vice President Community at PentahoAll about Pentaho 8.010:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Jens Bleuel | Sr. Product Manager Data Integration at PentahoWhat’s new in PDI 8.0?11:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Matt Casters | Chief Architect, PDI Kettle Project Founder at PentahoWhat’s brewing in the Pentaho Labs?11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Dan Keeley | Open Source BI Consultant at Code BI LtdData Pipelines - Running PDI on AWS Lambda12:00 PM - 01:00 PM: Lunch break01:00 PM - 01:30 PM: Caio Moreno de Souza | Consultant at PentahoWorking with Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) and Pentaho01:30 PM - 02:00 PM: Technical presentation 202:00 PM - 02:30 PM: Technical presentation 302:30 PM - 03:00 PM: Technical presentation 403:00 PM - 03:30 PM: Coffee break03:30 PM - 04:00 PM: Technical presentation 504:00 PM - 04:30 PM: Technical presentation 604:30 PM - 05:00 PM: Technical presentation 705:00 PM - 05:30 PM: Technical presentation 8
Business Track10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Business Track with Use Cases (room C)Stefan Müller | Director BI & Big Data at it-novumHow to gain control over SAP data with Pentaho10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Use Case Presentation – 111:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Use Case Presentation – 211:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Pedro Alves | Senior Vice President Community at PentahoAll about Pentaho 8.012:00 PM - 01:00 PM: Lunch break01:00 PM - 01:30 PM: Jens Bleuel | Sr. Product Manager Data Integration at PentahoWhat’s new in PDI 8.0?01:30 PM - 02:00 PM: Use Case Presentation – 302:00 PM - 02:30 PM: Use Case Presentation – 402:30 PM - 03:00 PM: Matt Casters | Chief Architect, PDI Kettle Project Founder at PentahoWhat’s brewing in the Pentaho Labs?03:00 PM - 03:30 PM: Coffee break03:30 PM - 04:00 PM: Use Case Presentation 504:00 PM - 04:30 PM: Use Case Presentation 604:30 PM - 05:00 PM: Use Case Presentation 705:00 PM - 05:30 PM: Use Case Presentation 8
05:30 PM - 05:45 PM: Closing Note (room A)Stefan Müller (it-novum), Pedro Alves (Pentaho), Jens Bleuel (Pentaho)Everything you always wanted to know about the Pentaho community…07:00 PM - 09:00 PM: Dinner (room A)Buffet and drinks in the restaurant
Everyone who’s not tired after a full day of data injection is welcome to join us in a pub in Mainz (November 11 is carnival season start)!
Sunday, November 12 | Social Event
10:30 AM – 12:30 PMJump on a school bus to have a fun sightseeing tour across beautiful Mainz and Wiesbaden. Featuring: tour guide Jens Bleuel :)
How to get to Mainz
Arrival by plane: When you arrive at Frankfurt airport you can take a taxi for about 60-70 Euros to Mainz. Or you just take the local train (Regionalbahn) to Mainz Hauptbahnhof (main station). Train schedules are available at Deutsche Bahn.
Arrival by train: When arriving at Mainz main station (Hauptbahnhof) our venue and nearby hotels are a 10 minutes’ walk away. There are taxis available at the station if you don´t want to walk with your luggage.
Book your hotel stay
We have reserved a hotel contingent at Novotel Mainz, just 2 minutes by foot from our event location. Please book yourself in for 79€/night (single or double room) by sending an email to and mentioning the code word „it-novum GmbH". The contingent is available until October 13. If you wish you can add breakfast for 18€/day or have breakfast in one of the small bakeries or cafés in the city center (f.e. Café Extrablatt).Hotel address: Novotel Mainz, Augustusstrasse 6, 55131 Mainz
Here you can find the FAQs
Curious to see how it all started?
Have a look at some fun photos from the first PCM in 2008! And try to find out who from 2008 will again join in 2017 :)
About the organizers of this year’s Pentaho Community Meeting
About Pentaho
Pentaho is the leading open source platform for data integration, business analytics and visualizations for thousands of organizations worldwide. Pentaho offers analytics solutions up to 90% cheaper than traditional big data and business intelligence vendors.
Pentaho supports enterprises in making the right decisions on operational and strategic levels. As the only platform both for business intelligence and big data Pentaho offers a comprehensive solution for data integration, analytics, data mining, reporting and dashboards plus a mobile app.
With Pentaho you can easily extract, transform and visualize data from big data stores via one single platform. Pentaho processes data up to 15 times faster than comparable solutions. This helps to drastically reduce the time for creating, developing and providing big data analytics solutions.
Do-it-yourself Big Data Analytics for Business Analysts
Business analysts depend on their IT department for analyzing data. Pentaho’s „Streamlined Data Refinery“ architecture enables business users to do on-demand analyzes of big data. In Pentaho, they can mix big amounts of different data, blend it with other data sources and load it in Pentaho Analyzer. Analyzes are automatically generated and published in the user’s format of choice. Business analysts benefit from a wide range of reports, dashboards and visualizations for self-service analytics.
About it-novum
it-novum’s business intelligence and big data department is specialized on integrating and enhancing open source business solutions, f.e. for data integration and data warehousing, reporting and analytics. We are a full service provider including consulting, proof of concepts, workshops, implementation and support.
To deliver the best and most flexible solution to our customers we use Pentaho, the leading open source platform for data integration and business analytics. Pentaho offers solutions that are up to 90% cheaper than traditional big data and business intelligence vendors.
Campus Hackathon Darmstadt
27 Oct - 07:00 PM
Darmstadt, Germany
Young technical students, graduates, and professionals in and around Darmstadt! You're invited to sign up to participate in Campus Hackathon Darmstadt 2018. In this 24-hour event, you'll be challenged to design and code a prototype of a cool and innovative project. Collaborate and network with like-minded individuals and compete for recognition and prizes.
Hackathon 2017
13 Oct - 04:00 PM
Köln, Germany
Digitalisierung, Erneuerbare Energien, Abwendung des Klimawandels, Elektromobilität, Atomausstieg, Sektorenkopplung, Speichertechnologien, … – der Energiemarkt steht vor großen Veränderungen. Für die Bewältigung der neuen Herausforderungen gibt es keine einfachen Lösungen: wir benötigen maßgeschneiderte, zukunftsweisende Ansätze, Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle für verschiedenste Branchen und Anwendungsbereiche. Dafür haben wir zusammen mit zahlreichen Partnern den Hackathon ins Leben gerufen. Sei dabei, wenn aus Herausforderungen Chancen werden!
Der Hackathon verbindet Menschen mit unterschiedlichsten Profilen und Kompetenzen. Eine Plattform zum Querdenken, Schnellschießen, einfach Ausprobieren. Am Wochenende vom 13. bis 15. Oktober 2017 erarbeiten unterschiedliche Teams innovative Konzepte für Produkte in der Energieversorgung. Werde Teil der Veranstaltung und bringe Deine Ideen und Deine Kreativität in die Beantwortung aktueller Fragestellungen ein. Du werden neue Geschäftsmodelle entwickeln, spannende Kontakte knüpfen und interessante Kooperationspartner finden. Darüber hinaus haben wir ein umfangreiches Rahmenprogramm mit Vorträgen, Coaching-Sessions und Experten-Betreuung für Dich vorbereitet. Und für Dein leibliches Wohl ist selbstverständlich das gesamte Wochenende lang gesorgt.
Interessiert? Dann melde Dich an zum Hackathon vom 13. bis 15. Oktober in den Räumen der Rheinenergie AG in Köln. Mehr Infos unter
MLOVE Salon – featured by me Convention
11 Oct - 07:00 PM
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Techies and auto enthusiasts who are passionate about mobility solutions! You're invited to attend the MLOVE Salon – featured by me Convention. In addition to enjoying a jam-packed agenda of thought leaders and technical experts, you will be able to participate in a hackathon where you'll be challenged to create an innovative new mobility solution.
Inside InsurHack® - Heimspiel im RheinEnergieSTADION
07 Oct - 12:00 PM
Köln, Germany
Du bist Student, Alumni oder absolvierst gerade eine Berufsausbildung? Zudem interessierst du dich für IT und hast am 07. Oktober 2017 noch nichts vor?
Wir bieten Dir im Rahmen unseres 2. InsurHacks® - dem Hackathon der Versicherungsbranche ( - ein ganz persönliches Heimspiel an:
inside Rhein-EnergieSTADION, einmal hinter die Kulissen der Heimarena des 1.FC Köln blicken.inside Talent, die eigenen Stärken kennenlernen - Karrierefaktor Persönlichkeit. inside Job, gefunden werden statt suchen müssen mit einem passenden XING-Profil.inside Zurich, erfahren wie IT eine Versicherung voranbringt und Zurich IT-Profis kennenlernen.inside Hackathon, spüren, wie sich ein Hackathon anfühlt.
Werde für 90 Minuten Teil des Teams und besuche uns beim inside InsurHack am 07.10.2017 im Rhein-EnergieSTADION.
Eurer Zurich Team
InsurHack® 2017 by Zurich
06 Oct - 01:00 PM
Köln, Germany
The InsurHack® by Zurich is a hackathon searching for new, disrupting ideas for the insurance industry. This autumn Zurich invites the hacker community to develop new software solutions and customer-oriented business ideas outside of the classic insurance business. From October 6th-8th Cologne's RheinEnergie STADION will host hackers and innovators from all over the world, ready to take on the 48 hour challenge. The three best ideas will be chosen by a jury of experts and get the chance to win prize money of 75,000€ in total. Participants are invited to sign up for this year’s InsurHack® 2017.
As an insurer in the digital age Zurich is first and foremost looking for new, creative and brilliant ideas breaking the boundaries of the traditional insurance mold. The InsurHack 2017 enables Zurich to connect with experts and innovative thinkers on the grounds of digitalization and drive the development of insurances towards new customer relationships or even further. With this approach Zurich renews its successful format, starts into another InsurHack with new challenges and shapes current digital conversations.
Get more information on the challenges, prizes and the event on