Showing results 31 to 36 out of 36
Vinci Energies' Challenge Human Beyond Digital Hack
06 Apr - 06:30 PM
Frankfurt, Germany
3000€ + incubation
Each challenge represents a real problematic for the company:
➤ Data science and machine learning
➤ Data transmission
➤ Behavior Detection
Four teams will compete to win 3000€ per challenge and a high-level incubation program to implement their solution within the Vinci Energies network!
Google Home Hackathon - a four hour venture
09 Mar - 02:00 PM
Köln, Germany
Invent. Develop. Win!
Google Home hackathon - a four hour venture
Was dich erwartet
Entwickle zusammen mit anderen kreativen Köpfen neue Möglichkeiten für Google Home. Setzt eure Idee als Prototyp innerhalb von vier Stunden um. Du kannst bei anderen mitmachen oder bringst deinen eigenen Entwurf mit und stellst ihn am Anfang des Hackathons vor.
Google Home Actions lassen sich mit in jeder (Backend-) Programmiersprache entwickeln. Wir beginnen den hackathon mit einer Einführung die euch in die Lage versetzen wird einen eigene Action zu entwickeln.Wir wissen dass jedes Projekt von interdisziplinären Teams profitiert! Natürlich sind auch Nicht- Entwickler eingeladen mit Ideen und Konzepten vorbeizukommen und Teil dieses Abenteuers zu werden!
Alles ist möglich
Erweitere deine bestehende App oder entwickle etwas vollkommen Neues. Verbinde Google Home beispielsweise mit einem Smart Home Device, deiner eigenen API, einer API unserer Event-Partner oder nutze offene Daten. ... Der Kreativät sind keine Grenzen gesetzt!
Dank unserer Sponsoren können wir genügend Testgeräte und andere Hardware zum „spielen“, zur Verfügung stellen.
Weitere Informationen
--- After the great Android Wear and Alexa hackathon expierence it's time to hack #googlehome ! What you can expect Invent and develop with other new ideas for Google Home. Implement your ideas as rapid prototyp within four hours. You can join other teams with great ideas as well as pitch your own ideas at the beginning of the hackathon. Google Home Actions can be developed with any (backend-) programming language. We will start the hackathon with an introduction which will enable you to develop your first skill. Also non developers are invited to pitch their Ideas and Concepts and get part of this venture. Everything is possible Adopt your existing app or create something new. For example, connect Google Home with a Smart Home device, your own existing API, an API from one of our event partner or you some open data. Be creative! With the pleasure of our sponsors we can provide enought test devices and other hardware to play. For more info:
Open Data Day 2018
03 Mar - 10:00 AM
Köln, Germany
Wir feiern mit der ganzen Welt !
Jährlich feiern wir den internationalen Tag der offenen Daten. Gruppen aus der ganzen Welt treffen sich und nutzen die offenen Daten ihrer Gemeinde, um deren Vorteile für sie aufzuzeigen und die Einführung von Gesetzen für offene Daten in Regierung, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft zu fördern.Alle Ausgänge können von jedem genutzt und wiederverwendet werden.
Sei dabei !
Im Herzen von Köln gestalten wir unseren Open Data Day als eine Kombination aus Hackathon, Barcamp und KidsHack. Anmelden kannst du dich hier
Wir wollen neben Open Data Enthusiasten die interessierte Zivilgesellschaft, Stadt und Verwaltung, Universitäten und die Kölner Wirtschaft ansprechen, um aufzuzeigen, welchen Mehrwert öffentliche Daten für eine Gemeinde oder ein Unternehmen bieten können.
Was erwartet dich ?
Vorträge rund um Open Data zu relevanten Themen des urbanen Kölns wie Mobilität und Luftqualität.Beispiele aus der Vergangenheit sind Sprachassistenten-Skills für die Standorte von Leihfahrrädern oder auch Stadtpläne zur Luftreinheit mit eigenen Messstationen wie und
We celebrate with the world !
Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world. Groups from around the world will create local events on the day where they will use open data in their communities. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society. All outputs are open for everyone to use and re-use.
Be part of it !
In addition to open-data enthusiasts, we want to address interested civil society, city and administration, universities and the Cologne economy, in order to show what added value public data can offer for a commuity or a company.
What you can expect ?
Lectures about open data on relevant topics of urban Cologne such as mobility and air quality. Examples from the past are language assistant skills for the locations of rental bicycles or city maps for air purity with own measuring stations like and
EmergencyEye® Hackathon am Ring
16 Feb - 05:00 PM
Nürburg, Germany
EmergencEye® Hackathon am Ring
An event that you should not miss, meeting more than 100 programmers, coders, designers and business experts to build software solutions around emergency case communication.
More than 300.000 People suffer from sudden cardiac arrest every year in central Europe alone.
Less than 10% of these people survive this life-threatening situation, resulting on more than 700 deaths every day and these numbers have not changed significantly for years.
In more than 60% of those cases smartphones and thus high-performance computers are used for the communication between Emergency control centers and bystanders.
While smartphones have been used as telephones only in the past, the Project aims to enable remote access to bystander held smartphones incl. leverage of smartphone based functionalities like Vitalsensoric features.
The EU-commissioned EIT Health Initiative is supporting the development of EmergencyEye®, a technology that will reliably guarantee remote access to smartphone-based information and functions in health crises and emergency situations. EmergencyEye® will enable people in health crises and emergency situations to share more comprehensive information including Geo-location and video live streams with professional service organizations and thereby receive timely and improved support and guidance.
The RAMSES (Remote Access to Medical Information on Smartphones during Emergencies and Health CriseS) consortium and various project partners commence the EmergencEye® Hackathon am Ring to create software solutions that have not been available before. Hackers, coders, designers and business people will join teams to innovate but also to discuss future commercialization opportunities and build business models.
More than 40 mentors, coaches and experts will support the teams during the entire Hackathon. Also Key notes and educational sessions (Design Thinking, Business Modeling, Presentation Training, IP and Trademark protection etc.) will complete the Hackathon program.
Agenda 16th February 2018:
until 4 pm Arrival
5pm Welcome by Corevas and the RAMSES consortium
5:30 pm Key note
6:30 pm Idea Pitches
7:30 pm Team selection
8:30 pm Teaming up
9:00 pm Collaboration and Hacking
11:00 pm start of the roof top party
Agenda 17th February 2018:
continuous Collaboration and Hacking
9:00 am Driving experience on Nürburgring
10:30 am Training (e.g. Design Thinking)
11:30 am Key Note
1:30 pm Training (e.g. Team Performance)
5:30 pm Training (e.g. IP and TM management)
continuous Collaboration and Hacking
Agenda 18th February 2018:
continuous Collaboration and Hacking
9:00 am Open Innovation (Teams share and collaborate)
10:00 am Training (e.g. Presentation Training)
12:00 am Key Note
4:00 pm Final Presentations
5:00 pm Close Out
Free shuttles will be provided from Bonn Main Train Station to Nürburgring on 16th Feb 1 to 3 pm and from Nürburgring to Bonn Main Train Station on 18th Feb 5 to 8 pm.
Travel to and from Bonn Main Train Station must be organized by attendees.
Free accomodation will be provided on site in form of camp sleep close to the pit lane (warm and safe)
Additionally, hotel beds at Hotel Linder can be booked at special rates (provided during ticketing).
Food and beverages:
Free for all (organized by the RAMSES team, incl. roof top party)
Costs for tickets:
Free of charge
Prices, 3 x 3000 €
Three prices will be available for pitches:
1. App-Award, 3000 €
Solutions will need to be presented as prototypes and use case presented life on the Nürburgring. The Jury rewards the best and advanced Application ready for a download and test with the App-Award.
2. Remote-Award, 3000 €
Solutions will need to be presented as prototypes and use case presented life on the Nürburgring. The Jury rewards the best and advanced Application ready for a download and test with the App-Award.
3. Vitalsensoric-Award, 3000 €
Solutions will need to be presented as prototypes and use case presented life on the Nürburgring. The Jury rewards the best solution that imbeds vital sensoric measures via remote access to smartphones with the Vitalsensoric-Award
EIT Health
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
KU Leuven
RWTH Aachen
Liki mobile solutions
BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH
Nürburgring 1927 GmbH & CO.KG
Is there a minimum Age?
Yes, minimum Age is 21 years.
Is there a maximum team size?
Yes, maximum team size will be 8.
What shall I bring into the event?
Computers, chargers, warm clothes, nothing illegal but good mood.
Who will own IP and new Business ideas?
Whatever generated will be owned by the teams who generated IP and ideas.
Where do I get additional information?
visit: hackathonamring , EmergencyEye or contact us per mail
Whatever you need to know, contact us per mail.
IoT Karnevalskostüm Makerthon
03 Feb - 10:00 AM
Köln, Germany
Darf’s dieses Jahr zu Karneval etwas digitaler sein? Fehlt dem neuen Kostüm noch das gewisse Etwas? Dann mach mit beim ersten IoT-Kostüm-Hackathon! Pimp’ dein Karnevalskostüm mit Calliope mini und weiteren elektronischen Mitteln, wie z.B. Lämpchen oder Sensoren, und sei der Hingucker auf allen Karnevals-Parties! Du musst weder Programmier- noch Nähkenntnisse mitbringen, wir stellen dir jecke Experten und Material zur Seite.
Der Calliope mini wurde für GrundschülerInnen entwickelt und bietet einen sehr niederschwelligen Zugang zur Programmierung. Jede/r kann damit innerhalb von 30 Minuten kleine Anwendungen programmieren, z.B. Lichter blinken lassen, Sound bei Annäherung abspielen oder ähnliches. Calliope lässt sich sehr leicht in ein Kostüm einnähen und durch leitendes Garn um spannende Features erweitern, z.B. Bewegungs-Sensoren oder berührungsempfindliche Flächen. So wäre ein Kostüm möglich, das bei Bewegung die Blinkfrequenz der Lämpchen ändert. Oder ein Schal, der bei Annäherung die Farbe des anderen annehmen kann. Oder ein Flirt-Sensor, der bei Berührung auswertet, ob ein Bützchen angesagt ist. Oder, oder, oder... :)
Ein paar leuchtende Beispiele findest du hier:
Leucht-Rock:ängiger Schmuck: mit EL-Wire:
Auch herkömmliche Röcke, Jacken, Hoodies und T-Shirts sind geeignet zum Aufpimpen - also lass der Kreativität freien Lauf und entwerfe dein besonderes Karnevalskostüm mit dem gewissen Etwas und Bling Bling!
Dank unserer Partner UBIRCH, Hack.Institute, VHS Köln ist hier alles inklusive: HelferInnen für Elektronik, Programmierung und Nähen, Dekomaterialien, Nähmaschinen, Garn und die Technik.
Also schnell anmelden! Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 Personen begrenzt!
12 Jan - 05:00 PM
Cologne, Germany
digitalhub cologne & HealthCare Futurists are organising an entrepreneur venue specially dedicated to the fields of Life Science, Medicine and Healthcare. - Bringing together what belongs together 2017 is a hackathon for everyone passionate about disrupting health care with progressive ideas, creative thinking and active doing.
We believe that innovation is magic that happens when people with no blinders on and from different backgrounds meet in a stimulating environment to dedicate time to a specific field of interest. For us, this is health-care. This is why we are trying to create the perfect ecosystem where we think we will see innovation happen right in front of us. Our goal is to provide you with the best minds and tangible challenges to really make a difference in healthcare and patient care.
Who is behind
We are a small group of dedicated individuals who crave for excellence and innovation in healthcare, life sciences and medicine. We bring a considerable number of years in the industry and in patient care to the table. With this background, we have teamed up with partners from politics and industry to make our vision real: Patient empowerment and patient centricity.
What is the goal of is a hackathon and a networking venue. Our goal is to bring bright minds and great ideas together in a stimulating environment. We want people to interact and interchange ideas, thoughts, and wishes and beliefs for this is the cradle to new entrepreneurial endeavours. We want you to interact with each other on eye level and we want the participants to be able to go out after this event and start founding their own company in health-care.
You will find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and a contact form on our website:
For other questions, please contact us via