Sowing results 6 out of 6
Hack the Camp
  02 Dec - 10:00 PM
  Athina, Greece
Programmers, designers, social entrepreneurs, humanitarian workers, educators, artists and other interested professionals! Are you interested in improving the living conditions for refugees and migrants in Greece? Sign up to participate in Hack the Camp! Selected participants will prototype their idea and develop it into a sustainable solution. Teams will present their projects to a judging panel of experts.
1st CAPSELLA Hackathon
  02 Dec - 01:30 PM
  Athina, Greece
The CAPSELLA Project organizes its first hackathon and calls for participation hackers, developers or startup companies, who are interested in solving technical challenges in the field of agro-biodiversity. The hackathon will be organized in two stages as follows: Stage 1: During the first stage, the challenges and problems that are being faced by local communities in the field of agro-biodiversity (e.g. members of agricultural associations and cooperatives, as well as smallholder farmers and other stakeholders involved in food production systems) from different European countries will be presented to hackers, developers and new startup companies, who will participate to the Athens Startup Safary  on 18th of November 2016. Stage 2: During the second stage, hackers, developers or startup companies, who will express interest, will be invited on 2nd of December 2016 to work on technical solutions towards addressing the challenges and problems preselected during the first stage. Are you interested in entrepreneurship but you can’t find an interesting idea? Declare your participation to the 1st stage of the CAPSELLA Hackathon on 2nd of December 2016 and come to solve real challenges and problems that are being faced by local communities in the field of agro-biodiversity FAQs Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? The hackathon is open to teams of two to five people including natural persons of at least 18 years of age and/or private law legal entities (associations, companies), represented by an individual delegated to participate in this hackathon What can/can't I bring to the event? Participants should possess the required equipment for their participation (i.e. laptops, chargers and electric plugs). There will not be equipment offered for the development of application during the hackathon. Internet will be offered for free at the hackathon venue
    Diplohack Athens: Opening Europe’s “black box”
      08 Apr - 03:00 PM
      Athina, Greece
    This is a hackathon organized by the Netherlands Embassy in Athens in collaboration with Impact Hub Athens aiming to generate new ideas regarding transparency in Europe. Researchers, diplomats, developers, journalists, social entrepreneurs, designers and active citizens are all invited. Come along to develop new business ideas, services and tools to the benefit of a more accessible and open European decision-making for all.
    Bits and Bots Hackathon
      11 Mar - 05:30 PM
      Athina, Greece
    The Athens Chatbot Hackathon is inviting all cities around the world to build applications utilizing chat, messaging, and other natural language interfaces such as voice to interact with people, brands, or services and bots in the conversational commerce space. You could use bots to integrate with other services, post comments remotely or control a smart home, create custom tools providing you with alerts, weather forecasts, translations, or other services upon request, build single- and multiplayer games, build social services, or anything else that is virtually anything else!
      22 Jan - 05:00 PM
      Athens , Greece
    A 3-day Hackathon on redefining the book 22-24 January 2016 #HackTheBook @stegi_occ  Onassis Cultural Centre within the Europeana Space Network, invites designers, artists, publishers, programmers, authors, poets, hackers and entrepreneurs to a marathon on creative programming, design and entrepreneurial innovation which will redefine the book. #HackTheBook_Challenges We redefine the book by focusing on four different parameters-challenges. Each team participating in Hackathon’s final stage is asked to address each and every one of these parameters: 1. #BookDesign What kind of an object is the book? How do the physical object and its digital extensions merge into a new hybrid? What sort of aesthetic experience do we want to invoke to the user/reader? How could we use smart materials in order to construct a hybrid phygital object? 2. #OpenHardware How can you address the object-environment interaction through your design? How can you use Arduino or RasberryPi to its full potential so as to make the book part of an interactive network of objects  that provide the user with a coherent operation experience? 3. #API How can you connect the object or the cluster of objects that you have created to open data and Europeana’s content? How can you implement the application programming interfaces (APIs) and the programming tools provided by Europeana?  4. #Entrepreneurship and #sustainability Which is the business model that best supports your prototype? How can you secure your prototype’s sustainability? Which is the social and financial value that could be derived from your prototype? How does your proposal contribute to the expansion of the commons (especially the digital commons)? #Who The process of redefining the book demands an interdisciplinary set of skills as well as the ability to be a team player. This is why we are asking those interested in participating to form teams with people from different backgrounds such as design, content curation, book art, creative programming and business modelling, so as to collaborate and come up with projects that transcend all known borders. #How_to_participate 1. To participate in the Hackathon you can register as an individual, create a team or join an existing team. You can register here and fill in information on your team, on the concept you wish to work on and your previous experience. Registration will be open until 16 December 2015, at 12:00. The selected teams will have a chance to participate in the HackersWorkshop, training day on 9 January 2016 in order to further elaborate their concepts. 2. Participants will have an extra 24 hours after completing the HackersWorkshop, in order to update their concepts and submit them at (until 11 January 2016, at 12:00). 3. The groups which will be finally selected will continue to the HackTheBook event (22, 23 and 24 January 2016) Participation is free of charge. For further enquiries you may contact us at #HackTheBook programme Friday 22 January 2016 18:00-21:00 Saturday 23 January 2016 10:00 Hacking | Coding | Designing Sunday 24 January 2016 10:00-18:00 Hacking | Coding | Designing continues   18:00-19:00 Final Pitches 20:00 Award Ceremony & HackTheBook party #Prize On the evening of Sunday 24 January at 18:00 all teams will present their proposals to the judges. Three teams will be awarded and a representative from each team that excelled will get a chance to travel to London for an intensive Business Model Workshop by the REMIX team of experts, a pioneering label on cultural entrepreneurship. The team with the strongest business plan will then proceed to an intensive three months incubation process by REMIX and Europeana Space Network, in order to capitalise its proposal. #Partners Εuropeana Space project, in collaboration with Goldsmiths College, University of London, Coventry University, Cavafy Archive,  Post Scriptum and the support of GFOSS (Greek Free / Open Source Software Society) For further enquiries you may contact us at #Europeana Space The aim of the Europeana Space project is to create new opportunities for employment and economic growth within the creative industries sector based on Europe’s rich digital cultural resources. It will provide an open environment for the development of applications and services based on digital cultural content. The use of this environment will be fostered by a vigorous, wide-ranging and sustainable programme of promotion, dissemination and replication of the Best Practices developed within the project. For more info:
      HackersWorkshop: Pre-hackathon event
        09 Jan - 10:00 AM
        Athens, Greece
      The Onassis Cultural Centre in collaboration with the Europeana Space Network, invites designers, artists, publishers, developers, and entrepreneurs to a marathon for redefining the book. The HackersWorkshop pre-event will introduce you to the concepts and ideas related to the challenges for HackTheBook. You will be able to get to meet the experts and the rest of the participants, pitch your ideas and do some networking.