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4th Bluegrowth Competition / DEMO DAY
  04 Dec - 05:30 PM
  Piraeus, Greece
We would like to welcome you to 4th Bluegrowth Competition! Throughout the years, the organization has evolved and matured further, with an even greater group of participants, both in quantitative and qualitative terms and by providing more visibility and interaction between the candidates and their advisors, you. This year’s proposals are numerous and distinguish themselves for their completeness and quality, revealing their future potential. Due to the general expansion of the BlueGrowth initiative, participants on the Demo Day include the winners of the 1st Chios BlueGrowth competition, the winners of the 2nd Patras BlueGrowth competition and all the participants of the 1st Piraeus Maritime Hackathon. You are all welcomed to attend and vote for the best maritime entrepreneurs!
      14 Oct - 12:00 AM
      Lykovrysi, Greece
    StCatsHacks is the first inter-school hackathon held in Athens, Greece. High-school and university students interested in STEM will convene at St. Catherine’s British School for a two-day overnight programming competition. In teams of 4, with access to APIs and the guidance of dedicated mentors, students are called to create innovative computer programs which will be evaluated on their functionality and applicability in the real world. Examples of the application of such programs include aiding the refugee community, automating logistical processes in schools, but any idea of your own could be apt. Food will be available to all participants and winners will be receiving great prizes. We look forward to seeing you all on October 14th. Official website: Facebook page: Our Sponsors: Cisco, Intrasoft, Lays & Major League Hacking
      TADHack Athens 2017
        30 Sep - 10:30 AM
        Athens, Greece
      For the 4th year running, TADHack Global 2017 will be the largest telecom focused hackathon in the world. Last year we had 3000 registrations resulting in 208 impressive hacks being created around the world, with over $75k won in cash. Whether you’re a hacker, hustler or hipster (developer, business-type or designer); TADHack is for Everyone!. You’ll learn about adding programmable telecoms to your apps, services or business; be able to share your experiences with others; do some “coding”; and potentially create a winning hack that makes a difference in your community. Oh, and don’t forget about the awesome food and prizes.